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Oh boy.

Machine turns vote for Obama into one for Romney
Zachary Roth
12:52 pm on 11/06/2012

A man casts his ballot using an electronic voting machine November 6, 2012 at an elementary school in Bowling Green, Ohio. (Photo by J.D. Pooley/Getty Images)
A Pennsylvania electronic voting machine has been taken out of service after being captured on video changing a vote for President Obama into one for Mitt Romney, NBC News has confirmed. Republicans have also said machines have turned Romney votes into Obama ones.
The video was first posted on Youtube by user “centralpavoter.” It shows a voter’s finger repeatedly pressing the button for Obama, but a check mark coming up next to Romney’s name:

NBC News confirmed that the machine has been taken off line.
Underneath the video, the user gave an account of what happened:
My wife and I went to the voting booths this morning before work. There were 4 older ladies running the show and 3 voting booths that are similar to a science fair project in how they fold up. They had an oval VOTE logo on top center and a cartridge slot on the left that the volunteers used to start your ballot.
I initially selected Obama but Romney was highlighted. I assumed it was being picky so I deselected Romney and tried Obama again, this time more carefully, and still got Romney. Being a software developer, I immediately went into troubleshoot mode. I first thought the calibration was off and tried selecting Jill Stein to actually highlight Obama. Nope. Jill Stein was selected just fine. Next I deselected her and started at the top of Romney’s name and started tapping very closely together to find the ‘active areas’. From the top of Romney’s button down to the bottom of the black checkbox beside Obama’s name was all active for Romney. From the bottom of that same checkbox to the bottom of the Obama button (basically a small white sliver) is what let me choose Obama. Stein’s button was fine. All other buttons worked fine.
I asked the voters on either side of me if they had any problems and they reported they did not. I then called over a volunteer to have a look at it. She him hawed for a bit then calmly said “It’s nothing to worry about, everything will be OK.” and went back to what she was doing. I then recorded this video.
There is a lot of speculation that the footage is edited. I’m not a video guy, but if it’s possible to prove whether a video has been altered or not, I will GLADLY provide the raw footage to anyone who is willing to do so. The jumping frames are a result of the ****** camera app on my Android phone, nothing more.
Separately, the RNC last week sent a letter (pdf) to elections officials in six other states, including Ohio, Nevada, and Colorado, raising concerns that machines had wrongly counted votes for Romney as ones for Obama, and asking them to address the problem.
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This may be me being super dumb and not feeling like doing research.
But why can't we open polls for a week or two? Are they afraid of fraud? The fraudsters will have more time to fake votes? I just don't get why they can't have open voting for 5 days so people don't have to wait 3 hours to vote
yeah i know #firstworldproblems

and waiting for 3 hours to vote is a problem because what? voting has no resell value? please folks get your priorities in order.

AND before you go off, it's not an attack on you, i'm speaking to whoever reads this, you just happened to post it.

AND to address the original question...many polls are open earlier than Election Day. you can vote early at some polls or get an absentee ballot and mail it itn or drop off. however, many people choose to wait until it's actually Election Day, which is when all the voting shenanigans take place.

I hear you man but i was just wondering if there was a legit reason for why we don't have a week long open polling process nationwide.

I actually don't vote....so i am not waiting in any line today i was just wondering
When the Simpsons is good, it's really ******g good...

Homer votes for Barack Obama in 2008:

Homer votes for Mitt Romney in 2012:
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This may be me being super dumb and not feeling like doing research.
But why can't we open polls for a week or two? Are they afraid of fraud? The fraudsters will have more time to fake votes? I just don't get why they can't have open voting for 5 days so people don't have to wait 3 hours to vote
yeah i know #firstworldproblems
and waiting for 3 hours to vote is a problem because what? voting has no resell value? please folks get your priorities in order.

AND before you go off, it's not an attack on you, i'm speaking to whoever reads this, you just happened to post it.

AND to address the original question...many polls are open earlier than Election Day. you can vote early at some polls or get an absentee ballot and mail it itn or drop off. however, many people choose to wait until it's actually Election Day, which is when all the voting shenanigans take place.
I hear you man but i was just wondering if there was a legit reason for why we don't have a week long open polling process nationwide.

I actually don't vote....so i am not waiting in any line today i was just wondering
Reason being is most politicians still want voting regulations to be held at the state level and not make it a national regulation process.  The closest we got to having a national voting overhaul was in the year 2000 with everything that occurred in Florida after the elections, but as you can see it  never happened and materialized.  It would probably have to take something like that to occur again for folks get serious about it.
I had a couple of issues trying to vote but not in the presidential vote. With the Senate & rep vote, I selected the candidate of my choice & it selected someone else twice. I had to de-select twice before it let me pick the right one. I'm also sure I didn't fat-finger either. The summary at the end confirmed the selections I wanted to make were chosen...Weird...
Smh, I'm not even going to get into it with you.
My bad, I said polls, I was referring to electoral college projections, . Popular vote don't matter
And how about you chill the hell down. I didn't attack you, I just disagreed with you.

Your argument isn't valid tho man, it's not reality, you're disagreeing on what basis? - Ignorence. It has to be.

Whether you meant polls or elecoral college it does matter. The polls in those swing states were leaning towards Obama. Florida and Virginia were all Obamas before the first debate. All the other swing states were heavily favoring Obama but now Ohio, Pennsyvania, Wisconsin, Colorado are all within 2-3 points.

I can understand if you disagree with an opinion or a political policy but homie, these are facts - I'm not fabricating anything, it's reality. That first debate mattered, it was a guaranteed Obama victory on Sept 30 by a significant margin. Please, please go look at all the polls from swing states, popular vote for the past 2 months. You'll see it, you can't afford not to. Do it for yourself.
Can anyone answer this for me? I've never gotten a great reason (aside from historical reasons) why. If we truly wanted everyone (aside from minorites :tongue: ) to vote, why wouldn't they hold the elections on Saturday? Wouldn't that make more sense?
I had a couple of issues trying to vote but not in the presidential vote. With the Senate & rep vote, I selected the candidate of my choice & it selected someone else twice. I had to de-select twice before it let me pick the right one. I'm also sure I didn't fat-finger either. The summary at the end confirmed the selections I wanted to make were chosen...Weird...

Where was your polling station?

You should report it to: 1-800-311-VOTE, 1-866-OURVOTE and/or 1-800-253-3931.
Can anyone answer this for me? I've never gotten a great reason (aside from historical reasons) why. If we truly wanted everyone (aside from minorites :tongue: ) to vote, why wouldn't they hold the elections on Saturday? Wouldn't that make more sense?

It should change. Not sure why it hasn't in modern times...Back when election day was established, it had to do with farming. Farmers needed at least a day to travel to vote & a day to travel back so voting on Saturday was out because they didn't want to interfere with church services on Sunday due to traveling...Not sure why it hasn't changed... Conspiracy theories are abound though...
I'm bought to head out to vote now........
I had a couple of issues trying to vote but not in the presidential vote. With the Senate & rep vote, I selected the candidate of my choice & it selected someone else twice. I had to de-select twice before it let me pick the right one. I'm also sure I didn't fat-finger either. The summary at the end confirmed the selections I wanted to make were chosen...Weird...

Definitely report it. IDK what state you're in but you should let your state attorney know.
Can anyone answer this for me? I've never gotten a great reason (aside from historical reasons) why. If we truly wanted everyone (aside from minorites :tongue: ) to vote, why wouldn't they hold the elections on Saturday? Wouldn't that make more sense?

Or better yet.....why isn't it just a national holiday?

Too much common sense I guess.
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My final EV prediction:

Romney 281 - Obama 257

(Though, PA could easily break R.)


Popular vote will be within a percentage point difference.
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Your argument isn't valid tho man, it's not reality, you're disagreeing on what basis? - Ignorence. It has to be.
Whether you meant polls or elecoral college it does matter. The polls in those swing states were leaning towards Obama. Florida and Virginia were all Obamas before the first debate. All the other swing states were heavily favoring Obama but now Ohio, Pennsyvania, Wisconsin, Colorado are all within 2-3 points.
I can understand if you disagree with an opinion or a political policy but homie, these are facts - I'm not fabricating anything, it's reality. That first debate mattered, it was a guaranteed Obama victory on Sept 30 by a significant margin. Please, please go look at all the polls from swing states, popular vote for the past 2 months. You'll see it, you can't afford not to. Do it for yourself.

How I about don't, you can go ahead I think I'm a blind ignorant idiot, and I go about my day not caring.

I made an error and said polls. I meant electoral college projection, if Obama was winning by a greater margin before first debate than he is now, doesn't make a difference to me. Winning by one vote and winning by tens of thousands still give you the same result

And I never said the first debate didn't matter. I know if Obama performed better in it this election would probably be a blow out. But in the grand scheme of things I still believe Obama will get the same number of electoral votes as if the election were held the day for the first debate.

And most importantly, Future main argument is that no one wins those debates. No that they don't make a difference

You are only reading what you want to see because it allows you to go off on a tangent about how dudes are blind

I don't see Romney winning VA, FL, and OH.

but who knows.

Florida is a virtual lock for Romney, IMO. Until recently, he's led in the polls, and in close elections, that's normally the first state to flip.

Virginia is much closer, but I put it in the Republican column based on past behavior (2008 was an outlier) and EV turnout numbers I've read.

Ohio, I admit, could go either way. That's anyone's guess.
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Fox & Friends?

Fox & Friends is awful. Regardless of your political leanings, those hosts are stammering idiots. Morning Joe isn't great, but my god is Fox & Friends awful!

Something about Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski annoys me though. They way she looks around creeps me out. She's almost robotic. Her posture changes and almost twitches. She's like a political Chris Webber.
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