***Official Political Discussion Thread***

How is Obama responsible for that?
What do you think, that a bunch of corpses got together and decided to vote for Obama?
There's a reason his name was on their ballots.

So u're tellin me that Obama personally voted for himself, submitted the ballots & lied to the American people by denying it? If I told u Romney was a racist b/c so many show up to his rallies would u agree? What others do for the candidates to get them elected whether DEM/REP don't reflect on the candidate
How is Obama responsible for that?

What do you think, that a bunch of corpses got together and decided to vote for Obama?

There's a reason his name was on their ballots.
Y'all kill me with this....like the GOP is the definitive moral compass of politics with things like voter suppression and intimidating minority voters at the polls foh with that
I don't think anyone is saying that... I think what they are saying is that Democrats are just as guilty, but get let off easy.
So u're tellin me that Obama personally voted for himself, submitted the ballots & lied to the American people by denying it? If I told u Romney was a racist b/c so many show up to his rallies would u agree? What others do for the candidates to get them elected whether DEM/REP don't reflect on the candidate

Somebody placed those votes for all the dead people. You know what, more dead people than ever will vote today.

Thumbs up guys
The only swing state Romney will win tonight is NC. Why do you think he's been in Pennsylvania? The thirst is real
How many states will Ron Paul win tonight champ??

All of your posts and I still have yet to see you post anything but trash talk.

Never once have I seen you mention an intelligent thought about the actual thread.

Oh well.
Trash talking??  I asked you a legitimate question and this your response??  I asked you that specific question because I know that YOU are an honest supporter of Ron Paul.  I've seen you posts pictures from his rallies and you have also posted various positions that Ron Paul has so when I ask you how many states do YOU think Ron Paul will win I"m asking with all sincerity.  Sure Ron Paul is not being talked about by the mass media but like you told us earlier this year that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a chance.
How is Obama responsible for that?

What do you think, that a bunch of corpses got together and decided to vote for Obama?

There's a reason his name was on their ballots.

Y'all kill me with this....like the GOP is the definitive moral compass of politics with things like voter suppression and intimidating minority voters at the polls foh with that

I don't think anyone is saying that... I think what they are saying is that Democrats are just as guilty, but get let off easy.

Y'all kill me with this....like the GOP is the definitive moral compass of politics with things like voter suppression and intimidating minority voters at the polls foh with that

Voter suppression, dead people voting for democrats and republicans, what exactly is wrong?

Oh yeah, the whole voting system is a sham. Bottom line, it is stolen every time.

Please let me know if I have misspoken in any way.

Oh they're both wrong, but don't act like accidental dead votes (of which there aren't that many) are ALL for President Obama, y'all need to look up the areas where Republican governors are trying to enforce voter suppression, as well as the areas targeted by Tea Party whackjobs to try and "intimidate minorities" at polling locations

You tell me which is worse, inadvertent miscalculations of voters who should be removed from registration, in a system of millions upon millions of votes there will be errors undoubtedly (but the margins are INSIGNIFICANT)? Or systematic and planned voter suppression and intimidation of voters in mostly minority areas as well as telling them incorrect polling locations and hours for voting, and refusing to extend polling hours for people when the machines are messed up?

All dead voters should be removed and ballots not counted, nobody disputes that. But trying to implement laws that disproportionally affect demos that will vote for the opponent is shady and dishonest, and lying about a nonexistent problem of voter fraud is disingenuous and flat out wrong as a motivating factor to get suppression laws passed....show me alll of the evidence of Democratic officials funding, producing and supplying these "deceased" voters, because there certainly is proof on the other side of Republicans paying people off to manipulate votes
This is it gentlemen, its been great debating the super-liberals in this thread and the super-conservatives (ninjahood). Been absent lately.

Voted Obama but this may be the last time I vote Democratic in the near future. Unless some super social conservative ruins it for fiscal conservatives like they usually do.

Wheres that website to predict and post the electoral map tho? Want to make the final prediction. I know you know Essential!
This is it gentlemen, its been great debating the super-liberals in this thread and the super-conservatives (ninjahood). Been absent lately.
Voted Obama but this may be the last time I vote Democratic in the near future. Unless some super social conservative ruins it for fiscal conservatives like they usually do.
Wheres that website to predict and post the electoral map tho? Want to make the final prediction. I know you know Essential!

LOL.. How do you know I know.


I had Obama 303- Romney 235..

Was considering giving Obama Florida, and I think that's the biggest toss up tonight, and after going back and forth.. I was pessimistic and gave it to Romney... But the Hispanic vote, makes me constantly rethink it..
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Obama - 303 (50.7%)
Romney- 235 (48.3%)

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Oh they're both wrong, but don't act like accidental dead votes (of which there aren't that many) are ALL for President Obama, y'all need to look up the areas where Republican governors are trying to enforce voter suppression, as well as the areas targeted by Tea Party whackjobs to try and "intimidate minorities" at polling locations
You tell me which is worse, inadvertent miscalculations of voters who should be removed from registration, in a system of millions upon millions of votes there will be errors undoubtedly (but the margins are INSIGNIFICANT)? Or systematic and planned voter suppression and intimidation of voters in mostly minority areas as well as telling them incorrect polling locations and hours for voting, and refusing to extend polling hours for people when the machines are messed up?
All dead voters should be removed and ballots not counted, nobody disputes that. But trying to implement laws that disproportionally affect demos that will vote for the opponent is shady and dishonest, and lying about a nonexistent problem of voter fraud is disingenuous and flat out wrong as a motivating factor to get suppression laws passed....show me alll of the evidence of Democratic officials funding, producing and supplying these "deceased" voters, because there certainly is proof on the other side of Republicans paying people off to manipulate votes

Yeah, I got carried away I don't know what I was thinking. Voter fraud, I mean sheesh ( Ohio, Florida ) Mitt Romney owns the voting machines in Ohio.

You do also realize that the votes are going to be counted in SPAIN by a company owned by George Soros right? Do you know who he is?

There's no conflict there or anything.
LOL.. How do you know I know.
I had Obama 303- Romney 235..
Was considering giving Obama Florida, and I think that's the biggest toss up tonight, and after going back and forth.. I was pessimistic and gave it to Romney... But the Hispanic vote, makes me constantly rethink it..

Biggest tossup to me is Virginia. You're not being pessimistic about Florida, you're being a realist. Obama isn't winning Florida. Trust me.

How do I show my map again? I made my predictions.
Biggest tossup to me is Virginia. You're not being pessimistic about Florida, you're being a realist. Obama isn't winning Florida. Trust me.
How do I show my map again? I made my predictions.

You can hit print screen... Then put it in word or powerpoint.. Save picture then post.
Oh they're both wrong, but don't act like accidental dead votes (of which there aren't that many) are ALL for President Obama, y'all need to look up the areas where Republican governors are trying to enforce voter suppression, as well as the areas targeted by Tea Party whackjobs to try and "intimidate minorities" at polling locations
You tell me which is worse, inadvertent miscalculations of voters who should be removed from registration, in a system of millions upon millions of votes there will be errors undoubtedly (but the margins are INSIGNIFICANT)? Or systematic and planned voter suppression and intimidation of voters in mostly minority areas as well as telling them incorrect polling locations and hours for voting, and refusing to extend polling hours for people when the machines are messed up?
All dead voters should be removed and ballots not counted, nobody disputes that. But trying to implement laws that disproportionally affect demos that will vote for the opponent is shady and dishonest, and lying about a nonexistent problem of voter fraud is disingenuous and flat out wrong as a motivating factor to get suppression laws passed....show me alll of the evidence of Democratic officials funding, producing and supplying these "deceased" voters, because there certainly is proof on the other side of Republicans paying people off to manipulate votes

Yeah, I got carried away I don't know what I was thinking. Voter fraud, I mean sheesh ( Ohio, Florida ) Mitt Romney owns the voting machines in Ohio.

You do also realize that the votes are going to be counted in SPAIN by a company owned by George Soros right? Do you know who he is?

There's no conflict there or anything.

Not true, but let me leave this here: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/fac...n-overseas-company-that-will-count-u-s-votes/

The Snopes analysis goes on to cite an article from Discovery News which notes that even on the rare occasion when online voting was used, it failed to work in some cases and those systems will not be revisited in 2012. The analysis also adds:

(SOE software does have a more expansive roster of U.S. customers, but their products are aimed at providing ancillary services to local governments such as helping constituents communicate with government offices or displaying election results, not systems to record and tabulate votes.)
Malkin notes that, contrary to what the emails claim, Scytl’s acquisition of SOE software does not equal a vote-counting takeover:

While SOE boasts of a presence “with 900 jurisdictions as customers in 26 states,” there is no single contract that the federal government has entered into, or could, with Scytl to count the 2012 presidential election votes. Much of the work Scytl/SOE analysts do is number-crunching and graphics software work after local and state officials have done the vote-counting.
Scytl does have a contract with the feds to use its technology to help overseas and military voters participate in elections. In 2009, the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act mandated that U.S. jurisdictions allow uniformed and overseas citizens to receive and track their ballots electronically. Scytl’s online ballot program was used in 14 states during the 2010 midterms.
Okay, nothing there. What’s the next point? From Snopes:

The security and auditability of online voting systems remains a subject of debate, which, as noted above, makes it quite improbable there will be any statewide (much less nationwide) use of systems like Scytl’s in tabulating votes for the 2012 presidential election.
Snopes’ analysis goes on to highlight an article by Steve Wildstrom, writing in Tech.pinions, which clearly outlines the security difficulties in implementing these types of systems. And Wildstrom isn’t alone. A whole host of experts in electronic security industry agree that no type of system will be put in place in the U.S. any time soon.

But here’s where it get really good. Snopes takes a look at Scytl’s CEO Pere Vallés and his supposed connections to the Democrat Party:

Despite claims that Pere Vallés “donated heavily to the 2008 Obama campaign,” a search of all donors to the 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama does not turn up a contribution (of any size) from anyone with that name.
And, of course, there’s the fact that there’s “no evidence supporting the common rumor that financier George Soros holds an ownership stake in Scytl.”

Indeed, Scytl’s investors are Nauta Capital, Balderton Capital, and Spinnaker SCR.

“Soros doesn’t ‘own’ any of these international venture capital firms — and as far as my research shows, he has no involvement whatsoever with any of them,” Malkin writes.

“Moreover, Scytl’s board of directors doesn’t include anyone with Soros financial or management ties. Pressed for evidence, one Internet conspiracy nut cited an ‘invitation only event’ in Moldova that listed both the ‘Soros Foundation Moldova’ and Scytl as attendees,” she adds.

Okay, let’s recap: We’re supposed to believe that the election is being stolen by a Sores-connected company run by a shady Democrat CEO, right? Well, aside from the fact that the company has no ties to Soros and the CEO has no record of ever contributing money to President Obama (as the emails claim), why not?[

Bottom Line: The Soros-Obama vote-counting rumor is factually inaccurate on every count and there is literally (as Vice President Joe Biden would say) nothing to back up this claim.

We understand Soros’ influence with the Democrat Party runs extraordinarily deep. We get that. But before we start accusing people of rigging elections, we need to have at least a shred of evidence.

LOL.. How do you know I know.
I had Obama 303- Romney 235..
Was considering giving Obama Florida, and I think that's the biggest toss up tonight, and after going back and forth.. I was pessimistic and gave it to Romney... But the Hispanic vote, makes me constantly rethink it..

Biggest tossup to me is Virginia. You're not being pessimistic about Florida, you're being a realist. Obama isn't winning Florida. Trust me.

How do I show my map again? I made my predictions.

I really don't think its possible (at least it'll take a minor miracle) for Mitt to win without VA, if the President can take Virginia then I think its a wrap
I really don't think its possible (at least it'll take a minor miracle) for Mitt to win without VA, if the President can take Virginia then I think its a wrap

If Obama wins PA, MI, WI... He likely wins OH.

Nevada is Obama's.

And that puts him at 271.

Or he could lose OH. Pick up VA & NH to win... Or lose OH and VA and pick up CO, NH & IA to win.
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This is my Final Prediction. You can congratulate my brilliance later.

Obama 290 - Romney 248

Final prediction for the Popular vote. I'll say Obama 50.2% to Romney 48.6%

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This is my Final Prediction. You can congratulate my brilliance later.
Obama 290 - Romney 248
Final prediction for the Popular vote. I'll say Obama 50.2% to Romney 48.6%

Hmm not bad... I picked VA for Obama because momentum wildly swung for Obama there in past 2 weeks.. If the election was a week ago, Romney would have taken it.

But after all our arguing we agree on 49 of 50 :lol:
Voted with no problems...

Whats the deal with all these idiots taking pics of their ballots?

This generation is too wrapped up in showing people everything they do.
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