***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I see Mendi Hasan and the usual trolls in here are low information enough to not know that Hillary Clinton does fundraising for Democrats, and she never stopped. Or simply don't care, because it gets in the way of a joke.

Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in 2020, and Hilary campaign for him. She does donor event all the time.

But people rather be goofy than informed
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I see Mendi Hasan and the usual trolls in here are low information enough to not know that Hillary Clinton does fundraising for Democrats, and she never stopped. Or simply don't care, because it gets in the way of a joke.

Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in 2020, and Hilary campaign for him. She does donor event all the time.

But people rather be goofy than informed
Nevermind that Hilldawg's been right about everything since 2015 too. Folks gotta get over themselves instead of continuing to cry about how they don't get everything they want 🙄
Not gonna be angry with third party voters if Trump wins, but will sympathize with how profoundly selfish or/and uninformed most of us are. Not a slight, just matter of fact of our reality. Felt that way the first time it happened, not sure I'd feel much different if it occurred again.

Most of my feelings would be directed to all the poor folks/immigrants/minorities that will have their lives negatively affected because of it
That "both sides are the same" **** really comes from a place of privilege. You don't really have to deal with the ramifications of making a bad decision.
I think it's problematic that some Democrats do exhibit an inability to empathize with the American Arab.

We're talking about entire families being wiped out and the US government looking very complicit right now. If these bombs were falling on places I have family in, you'd have a very hard time convincing me to support your candidacy, and it doesn't even look like the administration is making that effort. To make matters more difficult, they refuse to recognize the extremist bend the Israeli government has embraced and they're asking American Arabs to reason themselves into voting for the Democratic party.

Is it this difficult to understand that for the Arab American voter, Biden or Trump leading the country does mean much when it comes to the intrinsic value of their lives to the American government?
Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised by opposition politicians for reported comments in which Israel’s prime minister appeared to claim that the Oslo accords had claimed as many Israeli lives as the 7 October Hamas attack, but over a longer period of time. Opposition leader Yair Lapid said Netanyahu was conducting “a wicked political campaign during wartime”.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to affirm its support for a two-state solution.

Well before 10/7, the dominant narrative in Israel was that there’s no hope of a two-state solution, not any time soon, because there isn’t a partner for peace. I think there are ways in which that’s been true. I think there are times in which that has been true. And I think it’s also a bit of a dodge. It absolves Israel of responsibility for what it has done to make sure there’s not a partner for peace, and it has taken too much pressure off of Israeli policy towards Palestine in the present. It allowed a lot of people to become comfortable with a kind of stasis. And the ones who weren’t comfortable, the ones who still had the power and the energy to act, were settlers in the West Bank, was the radical right in Israel, who have done everything in their power explicitly — they have said this explicitly — to try to make any kind of two-state reality impossible. And so Israel has been moving towards what people call a “one-state reality.” Not the one state that the left sometimes imagines, where you have equal rights across all of Israel and Palestine, and it becomes one multiethnic nation, but the one-state reality of apartheid, the one-state reality in which Israel does have functional control over Gaza, over the West Bank, but the people in it do not have anything like real rights. I would say, and I think this is a very common view, that was a reality before 10/7. And in that reality, for years now, a group of hundreds of former senior defense and diplomatic officials in Israel have been saying this is a catastrophe — that it is a catastrophe for Israeli security, a catastrophe for Israeli democracy, a catastrophe for Israelis’ international standing, and a catastrophe for Israel’s soul. Their warnings seem quite prescient now.

Who are we trying to fool here?

Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to affirm its support for a two-state solution.

Who are we trying to fool here?
i dont know if either side wants a 2 state solution
i think personally it should be on the palestinians terms
I wish politicians didn't get paid or could not receive payments, nor trade stocks.
i think eliminating money would help with less corruption but man these politicians are so damn slimy it makes me sad
I see Mendi Hasan and the usual trolls in here are low information enough to not know that Hillary Clinton does fundraising for Democrats, and she never stopped. Or simply don't care, because it gets in the way of a joke.

Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in 2020, and Hilary campaign for him. She does donor event all the time.

But people rather be goofy than informed
One of the greatest fundraisers of all time.Low information clowns are same ones hoping Nancy P stops raising money. Part of the best part of Kev Mack leaving is Republicans lost one of their greatest fundraisers.
i dont know if either side wants a 2 state solution
Read/listen to the Ezra Klein interview. It seems that the popularity of the 2-state solution isn't exactly reflected in elections results, in Palestine and in Israel.
i think personally it should be on the palestinians terms

They don't have the ability to impose their terms militarily, so their only path towards long-term peace is diplomacy. Also, considering the 80 years of animus between the two people, we can't reasonably expect them to share a single territory.
They don't have the ability to impose their terms militarily, so their only path towards long-term peace is diplomacy. Also, considering the 80 years of animus between the two people, we can't reasonably expect them to share a single territory.

Its 100% possible. A couple million already live peacefully with each other. As peacefully as you can in that region as Israeli Arab citizens.

Ideally, Israel would have to grant Gazans Israeli citizenship with full rights under an Israeli government rule. I personally think if Gazans get full rights, similar to ones that live outside of Gaza/West Bank, and their funding doesnt go towards a military or a "resistance", things can change for the better.
Its 100% possible. A couple million already live peacefully with each other. As peacefully as you can in that region as Israeli Arab citizens.

Ideally, Israel would have to grant Gazans Israeli citizenship with full rights under an Israeli government rule. I personally think if Gazans get full rights, similar to ones that live outside of Gaza/West Bank, and their funding doesnt go towards a military or a "resistance", things can change for the better.
Agree with that part

there are many people who live there and oppose the government for what they are doing because it is disrupting their peace with their jewish/muslim neighbors

i think the israeli gov't along with netnyahu and his gang should be ousted and put in a new gov't not based on zionism, same with palestine they should have a new independent gov't too. fresh slate for everyone. but idk if thats possible
Its 100% possible. A couple million already live peacefully with each other. As peacefully as you can in that region as Israeli Arab citizens.

Ideally, Israel would have to grant Gazans Israeli citizenship with full rights under an Israeli government rule. I personally think if Gazans get full rights, similar to ones that live outside of Gaza/West Bank, and their funding doesnt go towards a military or a "resistance", things can change for the better.
Yeah I think it's impossible.

Most Israeli's want Israel to be a Jewish state, for it to be that they need to maintain Jewish demographic majority.

so there is always going to be a limit to how many Palestinians they will grant citizenship to.
so yah they can live in peace as long as they remain an ethnic minority.

So Imo it the only path to peace is a two/three state solution.

the fact that Arabs live there means nothing as far as evidence for a one state solution.

i think the israeli gov't along with netnyahu and his gang should be ousted and put in a new gov't not based on zionism,

What do you mean by "zionism"?
if by Zionism you mean, "there should be a Jewish majority homeland for the Jews"

IMO that will never happen.
All things considered I think a two state solution is a way better plan than a one state solution.

I don't think the presence of Israeli Arabs in Israel is strong evidence that a one state solution will work
from the quran - 62. Those who believe, and those who are Jew- ish, and the Christians, and the Sabeans—any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and act righteously—will have their reward with their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.

we are brothers and sisters but the politicians have muddied the minds of people, so it should work but most likely it wont cuz humans suck
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