***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Wow Teflon Don hit with all 34 lol. Ironically, this probably hurts him less than the black name calling thing on apprentice that came out today
**** all y'all.

This is going to backfire so bad.

Trump now has ultimate street cred. He's coming out of his prison stint with a bunch of teardrop tattoos and a 6 pack.

Libs are done. The hip hop intellegensia has spoken.

Chess, not checkers.

I know it's satire, but we all know he ain't smart enough to play chess. 😂😂😂
The only good that has come of this is I think it’s shined a light on how fragile our election system is and how dangerous treating it casually can be. Trump presidency was the most dangerous of times but hopefully it strengthens our Republic and unifies people in the long run to want and demand better of the electorate. I really hope Biden absolutely smashes him this year in the running.
Have ya’ll ever took a step back and realized the worst thing to ever happen to Donald Trump was he won the presidency? That man spent decades as the OG Influencer Scammer and everything he learned to be successful there is why his presidency was the worst one in modern history which says a lot because two bushes, Reagan, and Nixon came before him. The man is a joke of historic proportions.

The presidency was his biggest scam

The worst thing that happened to trump is trump.. like most things if he knew when to stop while he was ahead and just milk a specific things or hell just think about hiring some legit people to run his stuff instead of eventually screwing over everyone who gets involved with him

Hell if he would have just properly invested the money he got from his ole man and avoid all of this, he would have been ahead

But trump cant help himself.. even his son in law was smart enough to milk it for what he could and get out
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