***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Younger conservatives are so internet brain poisoned, that they are incapable of making political ads that don’t require large amounts of very specific prior knowledge of multiple conspiracy theories.

It’s so self contained that it’s incomprehensible to even most conservatives who aren’t extremely online.

She comes off as a crazy to person to the normies who decide most elections.

Is she calling Dog Food weak and gay? Is this a madlib of hate?
I seen that David Hilliard video yesterday and didn’t share it with anyone. Watching it felt gross, you could feel how off it was instantly. She damn near walking him to it and he has no clue. Who is she? What a pile of ****.
While the EO is less drastic than Trump's actions on the border, it still validates the conservative states' strategy of using migration from the southern border as a political weapon.

I don't really like how Democrats pull policies out of a GOP-made sandbox to placate Republicans because instead of reframing the debate on immigration around the actual pros and cons, such a move feeds into the optics of the "invading hordes of non-english speaking folks" that everybody indulges in (just heard a black woman blame low teacher salaries on immigration), and it will ultimately hurt the prospect of a reforming immigration policy in a way that benefits the most.

To be clear, I'm just speaking about my own experiences, I'm not looking to form a unified theory of political persuasion, I'm just speaking on my own experiences.

Before I was a leftist, I was rightist, before I was a rightist, I was a liberal. Why did I stop being a liberal? I was fresh out of high school and I was told that the responsible thing was to listen to all sides.

This was in the early 2000's and at the time, Clintonite triangulation was still the stock in trade of the Democratic Party. Triangulation has scored some electoral wins, no doubt. Over time though, there is a cost to triangulation. You are accepting your opponents' framing of an issue.

In the early 2000's, especially after 9/11, the Democrats, or at least the Democrats who appeared on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows, they agreed with how the GOP saw the World, which is to say that there were hordes of scary brown people (and maybe a few debased Slavs) who wanted to kill you and/or take everything that you have. Within that very mainstream, respectable, and bipartisan framing, it is only rational to go with the political party that will do everything it can to quell those fears and to address the threats you face on every front.

Again, that's just me and my poor mental health and tendency to catastrophize. But the point still stands, don't scare the hell out of people and then expect them to listen to reasoned, nuanced arguments.

And again, just my own experience, but seeing mainstream Liberals in politics and in media, back in the 2010's, start to articulate a different set of baseline assumptions about how the world works. A vision where the US military, corporations, cops, and even ordinary white folks with guns and chip on their shoulder, at far more dangerous and predatory than migrants, Muslims, or Black People, that played a role in my personal political realignment.

If Biden's EO on immigration helps to defeat Trump and that creates conditions for more comprehensive and humane immigration laws in a second Biden term, that would be great. Politics does have an intertemporal element that does have to be taken into account. But I have my doubts that that will occur. the politics of fear are a poisoned chalice and drinking from it, rarely turns out well. Moreover, the GOP's framing of how the world fundamentally works is far more fervid, paranoid, and genocidal than it was 20 years ago.

Triangulate with extreme caution, Democrats.
It's gotta be the accent, because nothing she said was actually out of the ordinary for them :lol:

The ESL filter definitely ups the crazy vibes. You're right that this is by no means unusual, but that's the point, she's like like Ron DeSantis but even more online and indecipherable.

Is she calling Dog Food weak and gay? Is this a madlib of hate?

The best explanation I can find is that she used to work for Purina and now she is distancing herself. https://meidasnews.com/news/gop-candidate-no-longer-working-for-nestlé-purina-after-burning-lgbtq-library-books

The article gives no details but I'm guessing that Purina or its parent Company, Nestle, has a scholarship for LGBTQ students or something like that and in her mind and in the minds of MAGA, LGBTQ = grooming.
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