***Official Political Discussion Thread***

In 2007, Thomas said in an interview with C-Span that he and his wife were raising Martin, then 16, “as a son.” Martin would attend military prep school Randolph-Macon Academy and Hidden Lake Academy, a residential therapeutic treatment center plagued by allegations of abuse, thanks to Crow, a Randolph-Macon alumnus, paying the tuition at both schools. Thomas did not report these payments on his financial statements.
“I guess they looked into Randolph-Macon Academy because Harlan Crow actually graduated from there, so I guess that was behind their decision to send me there—and then apparently he helped finance the HLA trip, too,” Martin told Business Insider, saying that he didn’t know at the time that Crow paid for his education.
ProPublica reported last year that Thomas had enjoyed luxury vacations on Crow’s dime almost every year, and Thomas failed to report those trips until just last week. In addition, the publication reported on Crow funding the renovation of the home where Thomas’s mother still lives as well as Martin’s private school tuition, estimating that the school fees likely exceeded $150,000.

For somebody who wants to abolish all the benefits the US government allows minorities to have, on the basis that Black folks should be strong enough to not need any of that ****, he sure loves to be taken care of.

Aaron McGruder owes us another season of the Boondocks. There's just too much material out there going to waste.

Yet another reason to hate people like the Koch Brothers. All of their money and foundations bouy massive, public efforts to misinform the public about economics.

In many ways, these public opinion shaping campaigns have been successful. They have been very good at framing many of capital’s favored policies as common sense, axiomatic truths in the eyes of the majority and/or in the eyes of a majority of elites.

But in order to sell the average Joe on austerity and the dismantling of the regulatory state as well the social safety net, you have to do two things at once. You have elevate the most hard econ-right academics you can find, which is still a minority of economists. But you also have to paint the majority of economists who are more econ-left and even econ-center as soy, beta, ****ed, ivory tower elites who don’t appreciate hard boiled realities that come from inheriting and running dad’s chain of HVAC shops or car dealerships.

Consequently, epistemological nihilism sets in and our petty bourgeois, “basic economics” bro starts to think that they are the true experts on the economy. As a result, they become open to all sorts of economic quackery that they pick up at the gym or in locker rooms. So now they see a pre 1913 economy as the solution to current day issues and that means that they now love tariffs.

In a more functional system, the voting public would have fewer preconceived notions and as a general rule, they would trust experts when there is consensus. And in economics, one thing that economists from across the spectrum can agree upon is that specialization and trade makes societies better off.

In a better system, this would the end of a presidential campaign. It would be considered so unserious, by the voting public, that whoever proposed it would forever be known as the crazy tariffs guy. But then again, in a better system, Donald Trump’s presidential ambitiouns should have been snuffed out the moment he got off of his golden escalator nine years ago, which is to say hundreds of otherwise career killing moments ago.

Academics and tradespeople can make very good matches. Chiefly because, both rarely could function in a corporate job. As a result, we both, in whole or in part, eschew the suffocating culture of suburban, PMC/bourgeois norms.

Also, we both tend to drink, take drugs, and act impulsively, especially when not engaged in work.

Lastly, once you get high enough on the respective professional food chains, we both become artisans who are essentially self directed entrepreneurs and the external discipline is very loose (department chairs and home renovation clients can yell at us but tenure/sunk costs/local market dominance, makes both us pretty much impossible to fire). In Marxist terminology, that’s what one would call “mostly unalienated labor.”

And of course looking at it through an economic lens, there’s the fact that lifetime earnings follow very different patterns so there’s major economic complimentary there.

I hope those two become a couple. Perhaps they could become a throuple with a farmer in the mix, uniting, hammer, sickle, and paint brush, as per the North Korean communist flag.
I remember when Briahna Joke Grift hated being called "Candace Owens".

Look who's appearing on Candace's YouTube channel...


I expect her to be at the RNC next.
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For somebody who wants to abolish all the benefits the US government allows minorities to have, on the basis that Black folks should be strong enough to not need any of that ****, he sure loves to be taken care of.

Aaron McGruder owes us another season of the Boondocks. There's just too much material out there going to waste.
Clarence is a ***** we all know now

Conservatives will wax poetic about their desire to torture-murder child molesters but then they support systems that victimize children on an industrial scale.

Like 0.1% of the work of protecting child is keeping them safe from creepy dudes who hangout near schools. The rest of the work is building a better and less hierarchical society so that children are not rendered vulnerable and/or subject to institutional abuses in the first place.

Flint? The same Flint where they gave kids brain damage from poisoned water? Yeah, think their priorities are a little mixed up.
I get the intention of this graphic but if you don’t know the ideological context, this feels like it was made as a pretext for a 19th century Country Club to exclude the crass, flashy, new money railroad baron.


“Those of us who founded this country, shall never associate with the grand son of a Scotsman who arrived by steam boat”
Not sure why that belongs in politics, but funny how non-aggressive the language gets when it gets real :lol:. From "F U, FU!" to "Oh my God this guy just attacked, no one touched him" like we can't see him smack this guy's hat off.
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