***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That's not the flex he thinks it is. 😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Seriously though, out of EVERYONE who got their loans erased, there has to be some of them who is either Republican or voted for this douchebag. To tell them they will have their loans reinstalled (which is that even a thing?) is just nuts. Way to tell those who got help that now "vote for me, reinstate your debt". Incredible.
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That's not the flex he thinks it is. 😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Seriously though, out of EVERYONE who got their loans erased, there has to be some of them who is either Republican or voted for this douchebag. To tell them they will have their loans reinstalled (which is that even a thing?) is just nuts. Way to tell those who got help that now "vote for me, reinstate your debt". Incredible.

Trump is going for the non college educated voters.

May piss off Cuban exiles, but Chileans who lived under Pinochet will relate.

Trump is going for the non college educated voters.
He's also going for the college educated voter who:
- had their education paid for
- paid off their loans: some of these folks are very resentful about the fact that they didn't/couldn't get a break.
People need to go to prison for these things - there is a clear pattern of pressure from the top to cut corners and ignore safety issues. Same with all the banking nonsense that happened - no repercussions, those people got their millions and get away with it.

What's the point of regulation if it's not for things like this?

This situation with Boeing is a good bell weather for seeing just how powerful capital is relative to the state.

Obviously, Boeing’s profit maximizing strategy would be to cut corners, pass the savings onto share holders, and do PR damage/control when we return to a world where we have one or two fatal air disasters a year.

Until recently, the state said “no” to that. Now Boeing is simply ignoring the state and possibly is bold enough to kill whistleblowers.

I think Boeing also knows that if/when there’s a mass fatality diseases caused by a faulty Boeing product, they can count on at least a third of the electorate to blame “woke” and “DEI” for the accident.

The Nazis, at one point in their rule over Europe, decreed that Jewish people who were blind, could not use a cane or wear any markers on their clothes to indicated to nearby drivers that they were blind.

Israeli society has taught generations of Israeli Jews that either you’re under the jackboot or you’re putting your back boot on someone else’s neck and anyone who tell you to remove that boot wants you under the boot.
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