***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I know that people are scared and panicking so my advice is just relax and breathe. We are in June and this will be a very close race dictated by GOTV efforts nothing more or less. The debate told us what many people have known for awhile and that is Joe is old and Trump is old and liar and fascist and a rapist and a felon and a racist and fat and stupid. The choice is very clear. The Court and their nonsensical rulings should be enough, Trump's plans for everyone should be enough, life from 2016 to 2020 should be enough. What is enough you might ask? Enough that I would vote for Joe Biden hooked up to a ventilator and nonresponive before I would ever consider Trump.

To all those people saying this candidate and that candidate would've been better than Joe I laugh because if not for him being old and White we would be in a Trump second term. Biden holds the coalition together better than anyone else. Let's say for argument he steps down for Newsome, Gretchen or someone else, what would happen to the coalition? This reeks of the mythical Bernie would've beat Trump or the Celtics would've beat LA of Perk were healthy type nonsense.
I think a lot of people were shocked at how Biden came out sounding and how he was maneuvering but once things got going Trump exposed himself as being the same idiot he has been and Biden cleaned up.
Not that I think it’s gonna happen or that it should happen in this election cycle, but I think people in this thread are over-estimating how much Pete Buttigieg’s homosexuality would be a detractor for potential voters in a presidential election.

I’m overestimating it for some idiot voters. We have many of them and this is something that would be an issue to some of those.
Yes and no. There are some legit swing voters who vote for dumb reasons and this is one of those reasons which flip things. Believe me I know a few personally IN NYC of all places. Idiots.

i feel like that's learned helplessness, if you're a good enough politician the identity stuff is not a big deal.

if Kamala, Whitmer can't overcome being women well then they aren't good enough politicians to be president anyways.

I think Newsome is a giant creep, and an upper class creep at that.
that worries me more than Kamala being woman or Pete being gay.
I’m overestimating it for some idiot voters. We have many of them and this is something that would be an issue to some of those.
I mean yeah sure, but the same could be said about a black
president too.

I’ve been on NT for almost 12 years now and an argument I’ve seen made over and over is that white America cares more about gay people than they do black people, which I tend to agree with from my own observations and life experiences. It’s just weird to see this argument made for years while a black man was elected president, but now in 2024 a gay president is somehow a bridge too far? Doesn’t make a lot of sense TO ME.
i feel like that's learned helplessness, if you're a good enough politician the identity stuff is not a big deal.

if Kamala, Whitmer can't overcome being women well then they aren't good enough politicians to be president anyways.

I think Newsome is a giant creep, and an upper class creep at that.
that worries me more than Kamala being woman or Pete being gay.

Unfortunately being a democrat from a big city is not going to help you. It’s like it I were to run for president (I can’t I wasn’t born in the US). My love for nyc and my NYC personality would come off snobby to many as it does to many of my coworkers but I honestly don’t care

Newsome has this issue. It’s easy to do what he has done with a majority in control of the state system. In a more divided government I think he’d struggle.
I mean yeah sure, but the same could be said about a black
president too.

I’ve been on NT for almost 12 years now and an argument I’ve seen made over and over is that white America cares more about gay people than they do black people, which I tend to agree with from my own observations and life experiences. It’s just weird to see this argument made for years while a black man was elected president, but now in 2024 a gay president is somehow a bridge too far? Doesn’t make a lot of sense TO ME.

Obama is a once in 50-60 years type candidate man and he came in the perfect time when **** was really bad. You can’t teach that charisma and public speaking. I can’t even explain the type of energy he gave me when I heard him speak. **** my parents who are Democratic in voting but have some at times uneducated racist views loved Obama.
Obama is a once in 50-60 years type candidate man and he came in the perfect time when **** was really bad. You can’t teach that charisma and public speaking. I can’t even explain the type of energy he gave me when I heard him speak. **** my parents who are Democratic in voting but have some at times uneducated racist views loved Obama.
Oh definitely, but at this point in time I struggle to think of someone that comes close in terms of messaging and public speaking skills. I’d say Pete is the closest we’re gonna get when it comes to someone with realistic aspirations to become president (for the time being, at least).


Where was this mother****er last night?

Maybe for both their sakes they might need to pre-record earlier. I'm half their age ready be done with everything by 6.
this is the only ruling i agree with the supreme court on this.

non enforcement of law is not a solution to homelessness, build more houses.
there is zero reason to have tent cities. it's a choice that cities have made.
This ruling is not gonna make cities magically turn YIMBY and build tons of affordable housing and shelters

It won't suddenly make the country somehow wake up to the serious issue of housing inflation

People that have been failed by cities, will mostly be continued to be failed by cities

But now they will get fined and jailed for it a lil bit more.
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My take on Pete running is that his orientation would not be a very big deal.

1.) If you're anti gay in 2024, you're an evangelical and you're not voting for a Democrat in any case.

2.) This is just me being an amateur sociologist and a chronically online one, but it seems like younger voters, who are neither hard left or hard right, aren't really concerned about being gay or straight, but they are obsessed with masculinity. Pete is way more masculine coded than Newsom. He speaks with bass in his voice. He loves data. If he ate some raw liver, he'd probably win over a few of the trad kids. If he said that his first act as president would be instructing the state department to refer to Istanbul as Constantinople, he's win all the trad kids. If he talks about how much he loves trains, he'd get every leftist under 30 on his side as well.

"vroom, vroom, more like choo choo"
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Not that I think it’s gonna happen or that it should happen in this election cycle, but I think people in this thread are over-estimating how much Pete Buttigieg’s homosexuality would be a detractor for potential voters in a presidential election.

I think you may underestimate how much fear towards gay people remains. I mean, Lawrence v Texas was only 20 years ago.

I don’t underestimate how strong “othering” is in this country. I saw firsthand my home state vote for Obama and then turn around and vote for Trump after years of fear mongering in coded racism towards Obama. There are many people who consider themselves “moderates” or “independents” who may hate Trump but fear the inclusion of people who aren’t like them (whether that’s color, gender, sexual orientation, etc).

When you’ve been artificially elevated your whole life, actual advances towards equality come to be seen as attacks on the privilege that many aren’t educated enough to acknowledge they possess.

We might all happily support Pete, but unfortunately there are plenty who would not because he is “other” in some way (and not even including how “other” he’d be painted as an elite given his incredible resume/education).
My take on Pete running is that his orientation would not be a very big deal.

1.) If you're anti gay in 2024

This is just me being an amateur sociologist and a chronically online one, but it seems like younger voters, who are neither hard left or hard right, aren't really concerned about being gay or straight, but they are obsessed with masculinity. Pete is way more masculine coded than Newsom. He speaks with bass in his voice. He loves data. If he ate some raw liver, he'd probably win over a few of the trad kids. If he said that his first act as president would be instructing the state department to refer to Istanbul as Constantinople, he's win all the trad kids. If he talks about how much he loves trains, he'd get every leftist under 30 on his side as well.

"vroom, vroom, more like choo choo"

Imagine the votes he’d get if he had a mullet, pit viper shades and a zyn in his jaw.
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