***Official Political Discussion Thread***

America hates black women, definitely a little skeptical of the polls that favor her over Biden. Imagining the White women that didn't vote for Hilary, voting for Kamala takes my imagination for a spin. Wouldn't bet the fate of the country on it
You’re not wrong about this country hating Black women, but picking a random White man over the Black woman VP then sending him out to get Black support is an even worse strategy in my opinion.

Turning out your base > trying to appeal to “on the fence” racist voters.
Boy if evidence comes out he cut himself on the ear somehow.......
I wasnt taking that into consideration he would do that but there are weird circumstances......maybe, maybe not who knows
You’re not wrong about this country hating Black women, but picking a random White man over the Black woman VP then sending him out to get Black support is an even worse strategy in my opinion.

Turning out your base > trying to appeal to “on the fence” racist voters.

Dems really make things harder than it needs to be.. ‘04 I get, even thought the whole swift boat thing never made sense

But gore trying to distance himself from bill for whatever reason in ‘00 will never get.. and it took a hill of a lot for Hillary to barely lose in 2016

Trump needs 3rd party candidates to pull votes and for Dems to be a mess
As I think about I think Kamal Harris + Andy Baschear / Josh Harris

Might be the perfect combo to take on a Trump- Vance ticket.

Kamala is both a cop and a woman, perfect for a felon criminal president and an anti abortion zealot.

Kamala just needs to discover her smart on crime prosecutor bonifides
America hates black women, definitely a little skeptical of the polls that favor her over Biden. Imagining the White women that didn't vote for Hilary, voting for Kamala takes my imagination for a spin. Wouldn't bet the fate of the country on it

White women" are just not a strong identity group like that.

There was never going to be a situation where White women were going to vote for Hillary like black Americans voted for the first black president.

Plus it's not like she's a generic woman, she's literally public enemy number 1 for like 30 years in conservative media.

People know who Hilary is. Many people have no idea who Kamala is really she has lots of room to pursuade new voters to her side.

I don't think white women's lack of support for Hillary has any relevance to Kamala's odds at the top of the ticket.
Yeah, Hillary isn’t a basis for all female candidates.

Also, gotta emphasize, Hillary got more votes, just not in the right states. You shift a few of those votes to different states and you have a completely different narrative.

Her performance can’t be used as evidence no woman can win.
You’re not wrong about this country hating Black women, but picking a random White man over the Black woman VP then sending him out to get Black support is an even worse strategy in my opinion.

Turning out your base > trying to appeal to “on the fence” racist voters.

Should be that simple, but idk. Little confidence in the country as a whole
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