***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Anything to create or validate candidacy flaws that could be used against Kamala during these next few months.

No different than what he did with Biden when he eventually help dilute some of his policies and eventually hopped on board to celebrate the win in the end.

Let bro be an independent, retire and stay over that way.

Kamala already had legitimacy. You were already championing her to be here. Now she needs to go through some fake olympics against JOE MANCHIN off all ppl?

Naw I'm good.
Clown will become a coal Barron poisoning water in WV while he hires our friend Osh to muscle people concerned about drinking contaminated water. Video of them.

Cause that's the only way? If he can't win he can't be a pain in the *** for his own self serving ways?

We need to run a goofy *** dog and pony show? For what? Folks wanted Kamala. She's here.

We don't need another side show. Unite behind her and move on
This is the kind of mess I warned against.

Joe Manchin will give a lot of exiled Republicans/right-leaning independents reason to vote Democrat for the presidency. That doesn't mean that they won't split their ballots. However, it will definitely widen the rift between the centrist and leftist factions of the party, especially if Kamala "fails."

We don't need that right now. They wanted a young candidate, they have one. No need to inject reasons to divide the base with a Joe Manchin test.
I actually think Kamala being a black woman is a an advantage.

I think it will bait Trump to go too hard on the DEI stuff.

Online conservatives like that stuff, I think regular voters find it weird and creepy.
Whoever it is there should be an open process with challengers.

Kamala should wash them.

Challenge is good, iron sharpens iron.
I'm still against an open primary this late in the game

but I'll meet you in the middle. Just let it be anybody but Joey please

I love Mayor Pete.

1. I think I have two people from an unpopular administration is a risk.

2. I have this distinct feeling that it's possible I like him because I'm a college educated progressive.and he appeals directly to.me.

But swing voters will think he's a lame giant nerd.
This is the kind of mess I warned against.

Joe Manchin will give a lot of exiled Republicans/right-leaning independents reason to vote Democrat for the presidency. That doesn't mean that they won't split their ballots. However, it will definitely widen the rift between the centrist and leftist factions of the party, especially if Kamala "fails."

We don't need that right now. They wanted a young candidate, they have one. No need to inject reasons to divide the base with a Joe Manchin test.

I mean If it was up to you we'd still be going down with Biden.
Party leadership forced Biden out. Someone who left their party isn’t a threat here. The idea they’d let Manchin have any voice now is hilarious.
I actually think Kamala being a black woman is a an advantage.

I think it will bait Trump to go too hard on the DEI stuff.

Online conservatives like that stuff, I think regular voters find it weird and creepy.

I disagree.

DEI unfortunately resonates with average voters, particularly in many of the swing states.

Think about all of the people who vote against their own interests in favor of the billionaire class. Why? Because they think they have a real chance to be the next millionaire, etc and they want “freedom” to attempt such a feat. Statistically, most will (utterly) fail at making it “big” or becoming ultra wealthy. And failure is a difficult pill to swallow for any human - which is why everyone loves to point fingers, particularly at politicians, when their lives don’t pan out the way they envisioned as the American Dream.

For many voters, DEI is an easy bogeyman to project their own failures onto. Even many young white liberals hold these kinds of views. Go look at the college and graduate school admissions process and you’ll see many “liberals” who found affirmative action to be “unfair” or use AA policies as the excuse as to why they didn’t get admitted to some prestigious college.

Again, I think many still underrate how engrained racism and sexism is in America. The biggest reason we have a Trump is because a Black man was President. Trump may be a buffoon and have turned off many voters, but the DEI accusations at Kamala will sting a certain set of voters that may decide to sit out instead of voting for either.
props to the biden/harris ticket for saving this country in 2020. who knows how much worse covid-related deaths, inflation and unemployment would've been under another trump term. not to mention, he would've appointed stephen breyer's successor. that said, didn't biden say he was the transitional "bridge" president to the next generation of dem leaders? dems and the donors had 4 years to identify and position a new leader but waited for biden's cognitive decline to really show before pushing him out the paint.

dems saw biden sounding like funcle at a debate and decided it was enough

that said, whoever the dems nominate, i'm ridin with. if it's kamala, so be it. not a terribly large fan of hers, but can't wait to see her obliterate trump in a debate the way she and the fly did to pence back in 2020.
I love Mayor Pete.

1. I think I have two people from an unpopular administration is a risk.

2. I have this distinct feeling that it's possible I like him because I'm a college educated progressive.and he appeals directly to.me.

But swing voters will think he's a lame giant nerd.

I agree with you that I think Kamala + Pete is a tough ticket.

I also like Pete and think he’d be great at the top of the ticket, but that’s not going to happen. He’s not going to try and jump Kamala right now. Fwiw, I actually think many swing voters would get behind his service record and intelligence at a time when everyone feels exasperated as the supposed lack of quality and coherence of Biden/Trump.

I will be a bit curious to see if he does try to get the VP pick to try and get pole position for the next election(s).
I disagree.

DEI unfortunately resonates with average voters, particularly in many of the swing states.

Think about all of the people who vote against their own interests in favor of the billionaire class. Why? Because they think they have a real chance to be the next millionaire, etc and they want “freedom” to attempt such a feat. Statistically, most will (utterly) fail at making it “big” or becoming ultra wealthy. And failure is a difficult pill to swallow for any human - which is why everyone loves to point fingers, particularly at politicians, when their lives don’t pan out the way they envisioned as the American Dream.

For many voters, DEI is an easy bogeyman to project their own failures onto. Even many young white liberals hold these kinds of views. Go look at the college and graduate school admissions process and you’ll see many “liberals” who found affirmative action to be “unfair” or use AA policies as the excuse as to why they didn’t get admitted to some prestigious college.

Again, I think many still underrate how engrained racism and sexism is in America. The biggest reason we have a Trump is because a Black man was President. Trump may be a buffoon and have turned off many voters, but the DEI accusations at Kamala will sting a certain set of voters that may decide to sit out instead of voting for either.

I disagree. The DEI / affirmative action arguments stuff works when you can make legitimate arguments the person is unqualified.

No one other than the most online conservative weirdos sincerely thinks that Kamala Harris. Senator, former prosecutor, former ag of the largest state in the nation, and current vice president is unqualified.

If Kamala performers well at the debate, give good speeches. And GOP starts screeching about DEI. It's just going to sound overtly racist. And most Americans don't like overt racism.
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