***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The other side doesnt want a two state solution either. How many centuries we gonna do this for :lol:

This is true and irrelevant because Israel has the power to establish and enforce a two-state solution. They just don't want to.

The sentence above is mostly used to justify the expansion of Israel into Palestinian lands via settlements that keep getting approved by the Bibi administration. The idea that you prevent terrorism by occupying your enemy's territory is nuts and unsustainable anyway, so let's not try to sell a multi-decade occupation for what it isn't (security operation).
What specific priorities do you want the next administration to focus on? What issues do you feel are most important for you or the country?
M4A, federal legalization and pardons for all low level marijuana crimes in every state, police reform (just had another white cop shoot a black mentally ill woman in the face in her home for saying she “rebuked him” while holding a pot of boiling water 10 ft away), improvements to public schools, a long term social security solution. And most certainly SCOTUS ethics reforms and stacking the court.

I want to see Dems play hardball if they have the numbers to do it.
That’s what people miss about the protests and how many Jewish people were part of them.

The circumstances of the 10/7 Hamas attack also make it look probable that he let the attack happen to create a war and stay in power rather than go down to corruption charges. That’s not appealing to most people regardless of their background.
They were protesting in the streets in Israel when he tried to replace the Supreme Court for trying to hold him accountable. His one thing was he said he would always protect Israel so they tolerated him but since he failed at that his time is short. In addition, the Dems aren’t stupid and know that Bobi is a shameless opportunistic like Trump and he wants to manipulate our leaders to give him a green light to prolong this war.
You're right they dont. Even Jews in Israel are split.

I can assure you that most care about Israel more than abortions, ARs, and illegals though.

Just have the damn meeting. Choosing a sorority over your strongest ally in the Middle East is disrespectful


Also, if you’re implying that Jewish vote is contingent on how the dems politic with bibi and israel, then i don’t want to see anyone complaining about folks being single-issue voters on any other topic.
This is true and irrelevant because Israel has the power to establish and enforce a two-state solution. They just don't want to.

The sentence above is mostly used to justify the expansion of Israel into Palestinian lands via settlements that keep getting approved by the Bibi administration. The idea that you prevent terrorism by occupying your enemy's territory is nuts and unsustainable anyway, so let's not try to sell a multi-decade occupation for what it isn't (security operation).

I really thought it could be possible before 10/7. Visited Israel a handful of times, outside of Gaza and the West Bank always thought it was possible based on my interactions, what I saw, and what people there said.

No two state solution is possible after October 7 though. Unless a third party governs, those days are over.

Also, if you’re implying that Jewish vote is contingent on how the dems politic with bibi/Israel, then i don’t want to see anyone complaining about folks being single-issue voters on any other topic.

Illegal immigration.

As far as the Jewish vote goes. Even the super orthodox know these abortion policies are ridiculous. The gun issue is common sense. Most Jews know Trump is a racist and that whole Nazi thing rubbed people the wrong way. Then you have his full support of Israel and achieving peace.

This is the most conflicted the Jewish vote has been in a long time. To many it may come down to a single issue vote.
TBF, I don't trust anyone that drinks Mountain Dew. Diet or regular.

I heard colored. Then the black guy on there caped for him and said "He said 'college'".

Went back and listened to that part only - "A _______ sorority" about 15 times. I think he said 'College".

I'm sure the guy is a ****face in 50 different ways, but it sounds to me like in this one clip, he says "College".

But still **** them, **** their whole network, and **** that black guy for being on that terrible network, even if he's correct this one time about what his ****** cohost said.
This Netanyahu guy speaks excellent English for a guy with such deep roots in the Middle East. He also understands American cultural nuance extremely well. It’s as if he went to high school in a major American city and was classmates with future Major League Baseball players.

Gotta give credit to such an avid lifelong learner.
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