***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It’s amazing the GOP is so out of touch they think implying Kamala slept her way to the top is a good strategy :lol:

Whole game plan was “Biden is old” now they’re grasping at straws.

They had a potentially winning message that would appeal to normal people.

Biden too old
Inflation bad

Kanal comes in and in less than a week it’s:

Cat Lady
She sucked off Willie Brown
She laughs too much
Step children don’t count

Real kitchen table issues that people with mortgages and kids in school really are thinking about and caring about.
police reform (just had another white cop shoot a black mentally ill woman in the face in her home for saying she “rebuked him” while holding a pot of boiling water 10 ft away),
I don't want this to be a point of emphasis. He murdered a woman, period. Her state of mind has no bearing in his actions or change the fact that he premeditated and carried out this MURDER.

Let's not forget that somehow this incident was labeled as "self-inflicted," implying suicide. It's baffling how this individual was able to hold six jobs in four years. Come on.
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I don't want this to be a point of emphasis. He murdered a woman, period. Her state of mind has no bearing in his actions or change the fact that he premeditated and carried out this MURDER.
No the mentally ill part is quite important because she called the police to her home and said ONE thing that anyone with the smallest amount of training on how to handle mental illness would not react to like that. Regardless of race police reform has to include not murdering mentally ill people and overreacting to harmless individuals. We see it happen weekly and race sometimes is and isn’t part of it.
No the mentally ill part is quite important because she called the police to her home and said ONE thing that anyone with the smallest amount of training on how to handle mental illness would not react to like that. Regardless of race police reform has to include not murdering mentally ill people and overreacting to harmless individuals. We see it happen weekly and race sometimes is and isn’t part of it.
I strongly disagree. Mentally ill individuals are just as dangerous as those without mental health issues. My point is that, regardless of the circumstances, an officer should assess the situation and make a rational decision. Based on the video evidence, it’s clear that whether Sonya was of sound mind or not, she did not pose a serious threat that justified the use of deadly force. I understand your perspective, but even if she wasn't mentally ill, would it have changed the circumstances? No. This officer had been discharged from the Army for misconduct and held six different officer positions in four years—talk about DEI hires. It seems like he's been itching to kill someone.
I strongly disagree. Mentally ill individuals are just as dangerous as those without mental health issues. My point is that, regardless of the circumstances, an officer should assess the situation and make a rational decision. Based on the video evidence, it’s clear that whether Sonya was of sound mind or not, she did not pose a serious threat that justified the use of deadly force. I understand your perspective, but even if she wasn't mentally ill, would it have changed the circumstances? No. This officer had been discharged from the Army for misconduct and held six different officer positions in four years—talk about DEI hires.
You’re just furthering my point. LE is full of paramilitary or military types who resort to violence when spoken to poorly.

There have been many plans proposed for specialized mental health “officers” to deal with the mentally ill because current policing does nothing to address that in their training. This even goes to the calls and disptach response to the mentally ill. Here’s a link focusing on this as part of the larger reforms the policing project proposes. So yeah, I’d like to see a LOT of reform with policing in the next admin and maybe a former AG will help with bridging that gap to meaningful reform.

I strongly disagree. Mentally ill individuals are just as dangerous as those without mental health issues. My point is that, regardless of the circumstances, an officer should assess the situation and make a rational decision. Based on the video evidence, it’s clear that whether Sonya was of sound mind or not, she did not pose a serious threat that justified the use of deadly force. I understand your perspective, but even if she wasn't mentally ill, would it have changed the circumstances? No. This officer had been discharged from the Army for misconduct and held six different officer positions in four years—talk about DEI hires.

She didn’t come off as mentally ill until she made that comment. But I thought she was responding to something and maybe they cut the video. He came in there with an agenda.
You’re just furthering my point. LE is full of paramilitary or military types who resort to violence when spoken to poorly.

There have been many plans proposed for specialized mental health “officers” to deal with the mentally ill because current policing does nothing to address that in their training. This even goes to the calls and disptach response to the mentally ill. Here’s a link focusing on this as part of the larger reforms the policing project proposes. So yeah, I’d like to see a LOT of reform with policing in the next admin and maybe a former AG will help with bridging that gap to meaningful reform.

I wasn't trying to disprove your point, but I think you might be missing mine.

I agree that police reform is necessary. Police officers should learn to deescalate situations rather than yelling instructions at someone who is already on edge due to being surrounded by armed men.

My point is that while I agree with you that officers trained in mental health counseling are needed to respond to incidents involving mentally ill individuals, cops need better training and restraint. Even mentioning Sonya's mental illness (giving a delusional out to the murderer) is a disservice to her. This murder did not occur because she was mentally ill, but because a psychopath in a police uniform was eager to kill someone.

Ultimately, we both agree on the need for police reform, but I'm specifically addressing the circumstances of the murder.
I wasn't trying to disprove your point, but I think you might be missing mine.

I agree that police reform is necessary. Police officers should learn to deescalate situations rather than yelling instructions at someone who is already on edge due to being surrounded by armed men.

My point is that while I agree with you that officers trained in mental health counseling are needed to respond to incidents involving mentally ill individuals, cops need better training and restraint. Even mentioning Sonya's mental illness (giving a delusional out to the murderer) is a disservice to her. This murder did not occur because she was mentally ill, but because a psychopath in a police uniform was eager to kill someone.

Ultimately, we both agree on the need for police reform, but I'm specifically addressing the circumstances of the murder.
I don’t disagree but you’re not going to change pigs overnight. When a mental illness call comes in we shouldn’t even have armed police responding. Remove the swine from the equation. They aren’t currently equipped to deal with the mentally ill.

And while I agree the scumbag is directly responsible for her murder, she only placed a call because she’s mentally ill. There was no crime, there was no threat, armed officers should have never entered her home.
She didn’t come off as mentally ill until she made that comment. But I thought she was responding to something and maybe they cut the video. He came in there with an agenda.
I absolutely agree. Even the fact that somehow this was mentioned as a suicide is crazy.

Anyways, the phrase "I rebuke you" didn't come across as mentally ill to me. I interpreted it as more of a disapporval statement, like she was saying, "What are you talking about? I mean no harm to you. How dare you say that."
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Police need to be held to a higher standard. Most agencies only need a high school degree. It starts with education and understanding the people you serve. Police shouldn’t be able to serve in areas/states/counties they’ve never lived in prior to serving.

Also…police need insurance. All their misconduct charges need to go against their insurance. This will make it harder for them to be hired and for them to think twice about their actions.
I absolutely agree. Even the facr that somehow this was mentioned as a suicide is crazy.

Anyways, the phrase "I rebuke you" didn't come across as mentally ill to me. I interpreted it as more of a disapporval statement, like she was saying, "What are you talking about? I mean no harm to you. How dare you say that."
Lowkey I say that for anything I don’t like. It’s a common phrase for us older black women who were raised Baptist lol
Lowkey I say that for anything I don’t like. It’s a common phrase for us older black women who were raised Baptist lol
Really just seems like she was being playful to lighten the tension but they treated her like a threat and subhuman the moment they pulled up. Zero patience. Only one committed the act, but both were crappy to her. Both should be fired. Truly pissed me off because there's nothing there that would make me get aggressive vs patient and empathetic.
Police need to be held to a higher standard. Most agencies only need a high school degree. It starts with education and understanding the people you serve. Police shouldn’t be able to serve in areas/states/counties they’ve never lived in prior to serving.

Also…police need insurance. All their misconduct charges need to go against their insurance. This will make it harder for them to be hired and for them to think twice about their actions.

This is a common issue that many people discuss. Like how you hire someone from a predominantly white suburban area and drop them into an inner-city environment with a predominantly minority population. The cultural difference often leads to significant overreactions. Hell, most of these officers look scare ...

It’s a stretch cause of the rust belt concerns, but if the goal was to really talk gun control and to get a VP who in 8 years time would be a good pick to run themselves he checks a lot of buttons. It’s hard to denigrate both a veteran and an astronaut.

Also it’s a good chance his seat would be replaced by a democrat.
The only thing Clarence Thomas ever got right was he thinks qualified immunity for cops shouldn’t exist and I agree. Why should our tax dollars be used for racists and clowns that kill innocent people? Make them pay with their pensions.
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