***Official Political Discussion Thread***

J.D. Vance doubling down on the Jennifer Aniston slander is not the move he thinks it is. She's about twenty years older than Taylor Swift. Aniston was literally America's Sweetheart, and is kind of the elder stateswoman of that title. He might as well attack T-Swizz for not being in a committed relationship and popping out a kid yet.

Edit: there are a lot of women in Aniston's era who were unable to conceive and eventually gave up because here were no viable options. They were never able to have children (similar to Aniston). Some may have had them through surrogates or many rounds of IVF, which Vance obviously opposes. I have a co-worker who tried IVF with her husband a few times and it finally worked. It cost tens of thousands of dollars, and multiple tries (she has a beautiful baby boy now).

Also, I have so many female friends who have miscarried (not uncommon), and then others who have had abortions because they knew they couldn't handle the responsibility of a child. States are trying to punish women for even the miscarriages, which some of my friends have had multiples of, and are out of their control.

This election is about those options. Apologies for getting heavy here, but I know a lot of women who have been trough all this, and have heard all the stories. Some I wish I hadn't.
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One of the wildest things he's ever said, insinuation of no more elections after this one should scare everyone regardless of political affiliation.

If you say this, chances are that you haven't seen/talked to a lot of this new brand of Republicans. These ideas are not generated in a vacuum. There's a very loud but small contingent of voters who believe in doing away with elections, and there's a larger bloc who doesn't take these ideas seriously enough to reconsider voting for the GOP.
You can tell Trump is shook. Musta got the polling in 🤣.. just the other day on the phone interview with fox he said "Nah you don't even need to come vote, ive got so many votes, I'm telling people not to vote. That's how many votes I have"... and now it's "just come vote, please come vote, even if it's just this time".. 🤣🤣 BUT we know that Republicans will hand wave the "you don't have to vote in 4 years, only this time." by saying he just means that he won't be on the ticket in 4 years, so if you don't want to vote it's fine. Even though we all know what he REALLY means.
Political gurus, what was the thinking behind picking Vance? This dude is actually bringing the left and right together in their common hate and disgust of this weirdo :lol:

Like dacomeup dacomeup mentioned, picking Vance as The VP was a move made in arrogance. Just a couple of weeks ago it looked like Trump was on his way to a landslide victory.


Instead of picking a VP that would help him election, Trump chose a young inexperienced VP candidate to be the heir to the MAGA throne and likely presidential candidate in 2028.

If Trump were being pragmatic and logical he should have chose a more centrist VP candidate like Youngkin who would help him balance the ticket and help him win with demographics and in regions where Trump struggles.
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