***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I assume a good part of it are bots, the rest are likely bamboozled by the username and decided to follow for some reason.
I've gotten plenty of offers even though I put on my social media to stop wasting my time.

The offers tend to range between $12k to $20k nowadays. The first offer I got though was only $6k but that was several years ago.
Without going into too much detail, it's because it's the rarest username on the site by far and nothing else even comes remotely close.

$20k could buy a lot of drugs, women and alcohol though.

I assume a good part of it are bots, the rest are likely bamboozled by the username and decided to follow for some reason.
I've gotten plenty of offers even though I put on my social media to stop wasting my time.

The offers tend to range between $12k to $20k nowadays. The first offer I got though was only $6k but that was several years ago.
Without going into too much detail, it's because it's the rarest username on the site by far and nothing else even comes remotely close.
I remember you mentioning it once. I think you also mentioned that Twitch no longer allows two-letter or digit usernames, among other random facts. Why not try to monetize it? Either way, it's cool stuff!
So sad that a once reliable newspaper turned into a right wing dishrag :smh:

the nytimes complaining is the saddest weakest thing liberals do.
nypitchbot is also super lame 90% of the time.

like it's the OPINION sections. it's right there in the title.

should they only print pro-democrat opinions?
I rather not have NYT print blatant lies.

the article isn't a lie it's an OPINION.

did you read it?

it just makes the case that for trump to win he needs to denigrate Kamala Harris's character,
call her a flip flopper, weak, ect, that his school yard bullying tactics is part of what makes him an effective communicator. ect ect

its not really a fact question, it's just political strategy. you can agree or disagree, but it's not a question of fact.
There are legitimate criticism liberals can have of the NYT

Even some of their employees have voiced issues with NYT management and their coworkers

Sure but most of the time, I see complaining about things like headlines to opinion peices.

There are legit criticisms. The Hilary Trump coverage being the most glaring.

But what I mostly see is whining about silly stuff.
There are legit criticisms. The Hilary Trump coverage being the most glaring.

But what I mostly see is whining about silly stuff.

But THIS is precisely where the criticism is from :lol:. That’s major man. And it’s where the NYT pitchbot **** comes in, and is funny. Because NYT is getting more and more absurd. Opinion or not. The magazine clearly deserves some criticism.

And ppl making jokes about it on a twitter account, isn’t “the weakest things liberals can do”

But THIS is precisely where the criticism is from :lol:. That’s major man. And it’s where the NYT pitchbot **** comes in, and is funny. Because NYT is getting more and more absurd. Opinion or not. The magazine clearly deserves some criticism.

And ppl making jokes about it on a twitter account, isn’t “the weakest things liberals can do”


the NYpitchbot started as actual satire with actual jokes.

but it has since devolved into pure whining. totally divorced from anything the NYtimes actually prints.

people were mad at the NYtimes covering the biden age issue. and NYtimes was clearly right to do that.

if someone wrote a thoughtful post critiquing the coverage Id have a different reaction.

but complaining about this article


is weak, like, you can't handle reading any milquetoast conservative political analysis?
im sorry it's weak, i can't respect it.
the NYpitchbot started as actual satire with actual jokes.

but it has since devolved into pure whining. totally divorced from anything the NYtimes actually prints.

people were mad at the NYtimes covering the biden age issue. and NYtimes was clearly right to do that.

if someone wrote a thoughtful post critiquing the coverage Id have a different reaction.

but complaining about this article


is weak, like, you can't handle reading any milquetoast conservative political analysis?
im sorry it's weak, i can't respect it.

I disagree. Opinion or not, that headline is straight up Ludacris :lol:

It’s not reality man. They can have all types of opinions all they want. I read the article, it’s even dumber than the headline. Some of our resident simple jacks could’ve come up with a better article :lol:

People are making fun of that dumb opinion piece. As they should. I think everybody can “handle it” :lol:
I disagree. Opinion or not, that headline is straight up Ludacris :lol:

It’s not reality man. They can have all types of opinions all they want. I read the article, it’s even dumber than the headline. Some of our resident simple jacks could’ve come up with a better article :lol:

People are making fun of that dumb opinion piece. As they should. I think everybody can “handle it” :lol:

it's not ludacris, read the article. the headline isn't dumb, it makes perfect sense for the argument.

"Trump can win on character by painting harris as a flip flopper, calling out her lack of media appearances, and bad interview moments ect. trump isn't going to win a pure policy campaign. "

Trump literally did this to Hillary Clinton, why would this argument be "ludacris"? :lol:

the problem is, people preemptively hyperventilating thinking that it's saying that Trump has better "character" than Kamala.

that's not the point the article.

it shows how weak and hypersensitive some are, yall jumping to conclusions., "WHAT HOW DARE THEY SUGGEST TRUMP HAS BETTER CHARACTER"
it's not ludacris, read the article. the headline isn't dumb, it makes perfect sense for the argument.

"Trump can win on character by painting harris as a flip flopper, calling out her lack of media appearances, and bad interview moments ect. trump isn't going to win a pure policy campaign. "

Trump literally did this to Hillary Clinton, why would this argument be "ludacris"? :lol:

the problem is, people preemptively hyperventilating thinking that it's saying that Trump has better "character" than Kamala.

that's not the point the article.

it shows how weak and hypersensitive some are, yall jumping to conclusions., "WHAT HOW DARE THEY SUGGEST TRUMP HAS BETTER CHARACTER"

Trump’s (while his lifelong optics were bad before her) got WORSE after Hilary. After his first term. You can’t make that comparison. :lol: :lol:

The article is not about hypersensitivity and weakness. It’s really about dude having good character. You sound crazy :lol: :lol:

A few days ago, his old ogre face self literally said he looks better than Kamala… a man comparing his appearance to a female. The guy really thinks he’s a heartthrob :lol: :lol: :lol:

Those are the exact delusions that we are talking about.

Trump must’ve forgot Kamala went to an HBCU. Us black folks LOVE to play the dozens and crack jokes. It’s our expertise. She has way more wit than Hilary could ever have.

Trump doesn’t want those problems with Kamala. :rofl:
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