***Official Political Discussion Thread***

it's not ludacris, read the article. the headline isn't dumb, it makes perfect sense for the argument.

"Trump can win on character by painting harris as a flip flopper, calling out her lack of media appearances, and bad interview moments ect. trump isn't going to win a pure policy campaign. "

Trump literally did this to Hillary Clinton, why would this argument be "ludacris"? :lol:

the problem is, people preemptively hyperventilating thinking that it's saying that Trump has better "character" than Kamala.

that's not the point the article.

it shows how weak and hypersensitive some are, yall jumping to conclusions., "WHAT HOW DARE THEY SUGGEST TRUMP HAS BETTER CHARACTER"

:lol: I said I read it. I saw it exactly that section. I can comprehend. I saw exactly what Rich Lowry was going for. I saw him explain it in a tweet.

The article is dumb. It is not 2016 anymore.

What he’s saying, has been said by plenty of conservatives over and over. More wishcasting. And it’s literally what trumps default is to. It’s what he’s currently doing. The headline and article are dumb.

Deserves to be ridiculed. It falls in line with the editorial board of nyt just going to ****. Like you said was a major issue, which is why people make fun of it 🤷🏾‍♂️
Trump’s (while his lifelong optics were bad before her) got WORSE after Hilary. After his first term. You can’t make that comparison. :lol: :lol:

The article is not about hypersensitivity and weakness. It’s really about dude having good character. You sound crazy :lol: :lol:

A few days ago, his old ogre face self literally said he looks better than Kamala… a man comparing his appearance to a female. The guy really thinks he’s a heartthrob :lol: :lol: :lol:

Those are the exact delusions that we are talking about.

Trump must’ve forgot Kamala went to an HBCU. Us black folks LOVE to play the dozens and crack jokes. It’s our expertise. She has way more wit than Hilary could ever have.

Trump doesn’t want those problems with Kamala. :rofl:

you either didn't read the article or struggle greatly with reading comprehension.
you either didn't read the article or struggle greatly with reading comprehension.

… says the guy who compared Trump/Hilary from 2016, to the present day. 8 years beyond :lol: :lol: :lol:

I’ve got otherworldly comprehension skills. The article was shoddy and a crock of ostrich feces.

It was terrible

“Trump literally did this to Hillary Clinton, why would this argument be "ludacris"? :lol:

Hilary doesn’t hold a candle to Kamala. Kamala is authentically with everything Trump will throw at her. She welcomes the challenges:lol: :lol:

Again. 2016 Trump vs 2024 Trump :lol::lol:

The character assessment of Trump has been on his display his whole entire life. What were they even trying to accomplish with that write up???
:lol: I said I read it. I saw it exactly that section. I can comprehend. I saw exactly what Rich Lowry was going for. I saw him explain it in a tweet.

The article is dumb. It is not 2016 anymore.

it's not dumb, you just disagree.

Trump literally won the presidency with this strategy. it's not some implausible impossible argument that doesn't make sense.

you can disagree, and think it won't work, but it is a logical argument. that has some precedence as recently as 2016. you don't even have an argument as to why 2016 is different. this is all just hyperventilating.

your just too sensitive to see it.
Deserves to be ridiculed. It falls in line with the editorial board of nyt just going to ****. Like you said was a major issue,

I did not say that "nytimes posting conservatives opinions is a major issue"
it's not a major issue,

I said the coverage overall decisions as it relates to Hillary Clinton's emails, from reporting side not opinion were bad.

i don't freak out when conservative writes some conservative opinions in the opinion section.
… says the guy who compared Trump/Hilary from 2016, to the present day. 8 years beyond :lol: :lol: :lol:

I’ve got otherworldly comprehension skills. The article was shoddy and a crock of ostrich feces.

It was terrible

so you don't have an actual rebuttal to the argument, just laughing emojis i see?

and THREE laughing emojis? what a brilliant rebuttal.
so you don't have an actual rebuttal to the argument, just laughing emojis i see?

and THREE laughing emojis? what a brilliant rebuttal.

Again, what were they trying to accomplish? What audience are they trying to reach? Who needs an NY times article in 2024, to get a character assessment and overview of Trump?

Who needed it???
the election is 50/50 at most 54/45 right now in most prediction models.

and people really believe its impossible that Trump could paint Kamala as a flip flopper/phony and win the electoral college. :lol:

the election is close, Trump could win. you say it isn't 2016.
but yall are acting like it 2016 Hilary is gunna win for sure vibe.
the election is 50/50 at most 54/45 right now in most prediction models.

and people really believe its impossible that Trump could paint Kamala as a flip flopper/phony and win the electoral college. :lol:

the election is close, Trump could win. you say it isn't 2016.
but yall are acting like it 2016 Hilary is gunna win for sure vibe.

What can Trump say, that’s not been said or known about her already?
the saddest part about trump running is, from my perspective when there is competition by good competitors the people always win, but this scenario where in one corner we have an utter loser is just not good for us the people, hoping this will change in future elections
Hit em with the


"Thank you for your service comrade"
the saddest part about trump running is, from my perspective when there is competition by good competitors the people always win, but this scenario where in one corner we have an utter loser is just not good for us the people, hoping this will change in future elections

It’s honestly pretty terrifying that the people in a significant number of states are still thinking “yep, that’s the guy for us!” It shouldn't even be close.
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