***Official Political Discussion Thread***

AOC is 100% right about the Green Party.

If they were smart, the Green Party would push to win local offices in California and then after a few years, run those local officials in deep blue congressional districts.

California has a top two primary system and in some US House district, a Green Party candidate could finish in the top two and would face a Democrat in the general election.

No chance of Republicans stealing a seat and worse case, the Green Party candidate loses but would still add some visibility and gravitas to left leaning third parties and that Green Party candidate can run every two years and eventually some of them will win.

Then you have power within the electoral system, you challenge Democrats from the left, and you don’t help Republicans.
I think the people saying this fall into two categories.

One group are genuine hayseeds who live in linguistically and dialectically homogeneous.

The other group do know what code switching is but they are trying to advance the narrative that Kamala Harris is Black.
I always think of Brian Kelly leaving ND and turning on his southern accent in his first appearance at LSU.
I always think of Brian Kelly leaving ND and turning on his southern accent in his first appearance at LSU.

It’s safe to say that most conservative whites on politics twitter know about code switching. Despite their desire to cosplay as simple, blue collar, sons of the soil, virtually all of them have: gone to college, moved to other parts of the US, lived in a big city, and have worked in cultural production and/or a white collar job.

If you have had that life path, you will have encountered other whites who code switch and in many cases, you’d have used code switching as well.

In addition to it being bad faith attempt to discredit Harris’ Blackness, I think that Twitter conservatives are trying to recreate Hillary Clinton 2016. Whatever else one may think of her and her record as a politician, it was kind of cringe how she’d code switch, as a white person, when addressing Black and/or Southern Audiences.

That type of code switching was part of a broader narrative about Hillary Clinton. Those narratives took decades to solidify.

With Kamala Harris, the Right has to contend with an opponent that doesn’t have 30 years of conservative framing weighing her down.

The online Right is trying to make Kamala Harris into Hillary Clinton 2.0 and they think that pointing out code switching will impart Clinton’s unfavorables onto Harris.

Shows just how stupid this page (MAGA war room) is. You DON'T have the Kennedy's. You have 1 who is such a lunatic, conspiracy theorist & nutjob that his entire family wants nothing to do with his run. You have the Temu Kennedy.

And McCain is still beloved well beyond his passing by regular people and career politicians alike. Such ******* morons!! 😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
Also easy to point out code switching when your guy is a consistently piece of **** sounding liar. Gotta give TFG credit for that much. Sounds the same (cept when his dentures are out), just tells different lies depending on the geography.
Regarding this, I know it’s been posted already.

It is a tremendously bad strategy for Trump. Sure he could win.


It becomes a situation where Trump has 1 path to victory and needs a perfect night while conceding the 6-7 paths he could have.

Not saying he doesn’t want to win, but this isn’t a strategy of somebody who is trying to improve their odds. he’s not even going to be able to landslide spend versus Harris’ spending in PA, NC and GA. Not to mention that the NC Gov race has been tilting Democrat all cycle, and has a chance to hurt Trump slightly.
I think the people saying this fall into two categories.

One group are genuine hayseeds who live in linguistically and dialectically homogeneous areas.

The other group do know what code switching is but they are trying to advance the narrative that Kamala Harris isn’t Black.
I know of code switching but I wasn’t really aware that it’s not widespread amongst white Americans either.

Over here in Flemish Belgium, pretty much every town and region has its own dialect. Even my town of 2000 people.
Some dialects like the regional dialect from the West-Flanders province is damn near unintelligible if they don’t heavily tone it down.

Our dialects aren’t merely differing in pronunciation but many dialects also have their exclusive terminology. That previously referenced West-Flanders dialect is particularly egregious when it comes to replacing words or entire expressions that are only understood by people familiar with said dialect.

I don’t really have a strong dialect but I do tone it down for work.

To further emphasise the impact of dialect, the Dutch we learn in school is referred to as “algemeen beschaafd Nederlands (ABN)”, which translates to “general civilized Dutch.”

My Office Manager is literally the only person I know who regularly speaks ABN, and I know from personal experience she’s hiding a pretty strong Ghent dialect. I can’t think of anyone else who even bothers trying, they just tone down their dialect depending on the circumstances.

Belgium and the Netherlands (to a lesser extent) are a bit unique when it comes to the sheer numbers and variety of dialects but I assumed code switching was a pretty natural occurrence in most countries.
Regarding this, I know it’s been posted already.

It is a tremendously bad strategy for Trump. Sure he could win.


It becomes a situation where Trump has 1 path to victory and needs a perfect night while conceding the 6-7 paths he could have.

Not saying he doesn’t want to win, but this isn’t a strategy of somebody who is trying to improve their odds. he’s not even going to be able to landslide spend versus Harris’ spending in PA, NC and GA. Not to mention that the NC Gov race has been tilting Democrat all cycle, and has a chance to hurt Trump slightly.

It kind of concedes that they had no plan B after Biden. The Dems were able to open up the ground game and out raise Trump by about 3:1 allowing too many other states to come into play. Focusing on GA and PA given the difference in 2020 was only tens of thousands of votes isn’t the worst strategy but it definitely comes across looking weak as far as fundraising and operational success.
It kind of concedes that they had no plan B after Biden. The Dems were able to open up the ground game and out raise Trump by about 3:1 allowing too many other states to come into play. Focusing on GA and PA given the difference in 2020 was only tens of thousands of votes isn’t the worst strategy but it definitely comes across looking weak as far as fundraising and operational success.

Oh sure. Fully expected PA and GA to be a major focus for GOP in 2024.

But the concession of everything else. Is a really bad approach. Could be wrong, but it leaves 0 margin for error. Hell Kamala would only need to win the extra district in Maine to prevent Trump from getting to 270 and makes it 269-269. It’s less than a razor thin strategy.

Also, Michigan (and Texas) are the only two states where "sore loser" laws apply to presidential elections. Let's say Trump lost the Michigan primary and wanted to run as an independent instead. He could, but his name can't on the ballot. Same with Texas. All other states allow you to change your party and run if you lose a primary. Every state disallows this for local elections, but Texas and Michigan are the only ones that apply it to federal elections. I predicted this clause would come into play at some point in this election, just didn't know it'd be RFK.
Anyone with half a brain knew those rules. Michigan is, like, "nope, you are the candidate for this party, and you're gonna be on this ballot". You can't just take your ball and go home.
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