***Official Political Discussion Thread***


for once!
Don’t feel sad for America. The massive brain rot started a LONG time ago. It’s like half-life rot at this point given how his support continues to dwindle in real numbers
There really should be an age limit for everyone running for any position in government. A president should never be over 70, 62 should be the age for those running for president since most do 2 terms. You're 66 and wanna run, nope sorry
The argument always comes down to some protectionist ********.

Why help undocumented immigrants, that money should go to Americans? Whether there were 1,000,000 or 1,000 undocumented immigrants, the United States would not spit on its citizens to save them from a fire.

Also if their employer is not some scheming ****, they pay taxes on their income. And contribute a **** ton to the GDP.

But the average American needs someone to blame as to why there isn't a living wage, universal health care, a better structured retirement, etc. etc. etc.
That’s different than the farmers I know, sure they work hard, yeah it sucks but they are sitting on a half billion in land and 5 mil in machines. Liquidate it all and move to wherever you want if it’s that bad.

They won’t get their drought paychecks though for doing nothing. Don’t let them do that while hero act. Half the time they are getting a check for having wetlands on their property.
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