***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I’m sorry but this is really silly. Ears are very vascular and bleed a lot with minimal trauma. They also heal fairly quickly. Somebody died from this and to assert that it was somehow staged is ridiculous.

But speaking as a nurse that has been turned off from the profession by fellow nurses, absolutely none of this surprises me.

Not staged, but clearly his ear wasn't hit by a bullet. The earlier explanation that he was hit by glass from the teleprompter seems more plausible. Ears can bleed a lot from a tiny cut that won't even be visible days later.

Like the poster above - he would be missing a chunk of ear if it was hit by a bullet.
Not staged, but clearly his ear wasn't hit by a bullet. The earlier explanation that he was hit by glass from the teleprompter seems more plausible. Ears can bleed a lot from a tiny cut that won't even be visible days later.

Like the poster above - he would be missing a chunk of ear if it was hit by a bullet.
I’m willing to accept the idea that he was hit by glass, but his ear could have also been grazed and still bled that much.

What I refuse to accept was that this was somehow “staged” when a shooter and an innocent person died from this. We shouldn’t let our ideology stop us from thinking rationally about this.
^To answer the question. It’s Simple because the Republican politicians are the party of slavery, Native removal, etc etc etc.

That’s what they mean by “Make America Great Again.”

There are enough people who believe American Exceptionalism is not about diversity of people or thought or culture. But they think American Exceptionalism is force against anything including its own people They think that is what makes this country.

And Trump just gave them a visible face.
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This right here is what REALLY makes me sad being an American right now. This shouldn't be happening. This should be totally condemned by EVERY politicians no matter party, but all GOP are weak because if they don't bend the knee and kiss the ring, they will be primaried and probably lose their seat.

Absolutely pathetic and a ******* joke. And the media is loving it because they will get rating. So are those rating worth seeing him do what he feels like to "round up immigrants" as he puts it? I'm assuming he will employ the military who will what? When he says "bloody" is he honestly going to shoot people?

MY ******* GOD DO I HATE THIS MAN!!! 🤬🤬🤬


Meanwhile, my dad was enthusiastically telling me that Trump was going to be creating much more first time homebuyer programs by taxing corporations. I called BS and looked it up immediately and it was based off this:

So basically under a new term, all he would do is allow builders to get rich by building crap houses, which will only lead to homeowners to spend more to maintain their home. Idk how he was so confident in telling me that.

Oh, let me add that he also ranted about the AB 1840 Housing Bill in CA which would provide Migrants with housing and stated that the only reason Newsom vetoed the bill is because of the state's budget. But after spending time reading about it and people input, it was a bill that didn't really have weight, other than giving supporters of the bill that they were for it.

Then he tried making jokes about Walz and I replied asking if he really was confident about Vance? He deflected.
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An ar is lethal hundreds of yards out. Dude was just a bad shot.
A lot of people who've probably never shot a gun before also act like getting a good shot is like playing Call of Duty
Without a lot of practice in handling a gun, and especially the amount of nerves and pressure the shooter must've felt at that time, that wasn't an easy shot.
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