***Official Political Discussion Thread***

A Barry University honor student at the center of an undercover video that showed her trying to convince officials into allowing a pro-ISIS campus club claims she's been suspended.

Senior Laura Loomer partnered with Project Veritas and its president, James O'Keefe, for the video, in which Loomer told instructors at the Miami Shores university that she wanted to start “the humanitarian club” to help promote education in the Islamic state. O’Keefe alleges the video captured university worker Derek Bley unfazed when the student came to him to begin the process of forming an on-campus organization that would support ISIS.

According to the apparent suspension, Loomer is not allowed on campus or allowed to attend class. It also allegedly claims Loomer created a hostile environment at the school.
She's a bad woman. Much more brave and bold than she gets credit for from her own business affairs to this. Sad they have to fear for her safety for a basic American right though.
Yea she puts herself out there for causes she feels strongly about. I'd heard the "You need to calm down" song over the years and never got what it was about until my daughter was watching the video and I was like "ooooooooooooooooh". I guess you could say I was listening to the song, not hearing it. Shoutout Syndey Deane. "bc shade never made anyone less gay" had me explaining shade and gay to my 6 yr old lol. Anyone questioning where she stands after that video has issues.
the same people who were crying for biden to stay in the race, are the same people who were saying nate silver is "compromised"

it's sad to see liberals embrace the george soros conservative brain rot
It’s hilarious to me how so called “critical thinkers” bite hook line and sinker for the fear propaganda spread by republicans every election cycle.

I know it’s been discussed, but the fact these people are more worried about made up operations in schools than kids getting shot, is just wild.

They eat the fear propaganda up of absolutely made up things and operate like it’s reality.

A Trumper I used to work with, when calling how ridiculous the claims that schools are doing sex change operations and the illegals eating pets…. And he says back to me “both of which are true”

How do these people function in reality 🤣
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1. ??? How is it whataboutism when YOU brought up Peter Thiel. Im responding to the claim you brought up.
The fact that is peter theil funded is not a reason to dismiss it out of hand without actual evidence. it's not a whataboutism.
I brought up Peter Thiel as relates to an unregulated betting market that he’s poured money into that has legitimate concerns.

See: Bastion of left politics, WSJ’s timely podcast on it from today

The whataboutism is bringing a PayPal — which has nothing to do with this or my point at all.
2. Having a large prediction market where you purposely manipulating the numbers is a path to financial ruin.
Also not my point. The concern here is it being used as a tool to manipulate elections. Which is entirely plausible. Especially with the offshore and sketchy figures involved. This isn’t some left wing conspiracy that you’re trying to posit it as. Just because you personally follow it and like it.
I'm not sure I've ever seen someone take the devil's advocate role so seriously :lol:
I brought up Peter Thiel as relates to an unregulated betting market that he’s poured money into that has legitimate concerns.

See: Bastion of left politics, WSJ’s timely podcast on it from today

The whataboutism is bringing a PayPal — which has nothing to do with this or my point at all.

Of course it does you're saying I shouldn't trust a financial product because Peter Thiel is an investor. Peter Thiel invests in tons of business, including PayPal. Just because he's an investor doesn't by default make it untrustworthy.

I'll listen to the podcast, but if there is argument being made from it that butreses your point. You should just post it, instead gesturing vaguely to a podcast.

Also not my point. The concern here is it being used as a tool to manipulate elections. Which is entirely plausible. Especially with the offshore and sketchy figures involved. This isn’t some left wing conspiracy that you’re trying to posit it as. Just because you personally follow it and like it.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.

The only evidence you've offered if this not conspiracy theory is that Peter Thiel is an investor.

You don't have an explanation of how, or what would be the motive or mechanism that this would "influence election".

Much like the George Soros conspiracy theory you've just gestured towards a Boogeyman.

Make it make sense to me. He's one investor in a company, and he gets all the other investors to agree, to operating a prediction market that is politically biased in a particular direction.

This obvious arbitrage opportunity goes unnoticed by degenerate gamblers who's entire job is to sniff out inefficient markets.

And this is all so he can give Trump a boost on make website that a tiny tiny slice of electorate will ever see or hear about....

Oh a he's also compromised Nate Silver who is destroying his reputation for what a one time pay day?

This doesn't sound absurd to you?

I truly don't understand this don't do media philosophy. it's bizarre.

Go talk to Charlemagne, post debate he will 100% hype you up, and you'll reach the demographics you need to reach.

I agree with this too. Use easy tools to amplify the message/W to audiences that need to hear it
For example, during the DNC the bet that beyoncé would perform at the DNC was bet up to 96 cents (based complete made up at TMZ)...only to crash when it never materialized.
That was the bet that osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh showed when I was scrolling to catch up with the thread a few weeks back but I couldn’t remember which one it was
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