***Official Political Discussion Thread***

No. Donald, Stein, and Johnson are all poor choices.

Donald just managed to fool way more ppl. Right time, right place, right ppl.

I disagree.
Not surprising. I'll be honest, going off your posts I do not have a high regard for your political opinion so far.

Hillary without the backing of a Democratic majority in the Senate is a poor choice as nothing she is promising will be accomplished.
The long term plan is 8 years and 2020 will be the opportunity to get the majority back for the next 10 years. Good chance to begin to get rid of gerrymandering as well.

Besides this alternative is a ridiculous option given I do not rock with most of the republican platform and plans and specifically am opposed to the bull **** Donald is on.

The notion that cuz the rep. currently have the majority of is somehow reasonable to vote in Donald is asinine.

Hell the GOP are already talking impeachment so good luck with that infrastructure bill or tax increase to the wealthy. (Let's revisit this in 2017)
No doubt she'll have to pull an Obama with executive decisions to start off. However, unlike him I feel she'll be a bit more ruthless in getting the gop to do things her way even if she has to manipulate entire situations to get **** done.

One of the first challenges will be that delayed new justice hearing. Ain't gonna be 4 years of blocking a new nominee. Republicans are gonna be in for an unfortunate surprise of they think they can keep pulling the same **** boy ****.

[emoji]128514[/emoji] Jill Stein, how you can be more looney than Gary Johnson is beyond me but she is.

Yeah you're right... she is a loon.

I mean a Presidential Candidate that protest on the streets with Black Lives Matter must be a crazy dingbat


Isn't this just pandering?

Also there's a reason she's down there looking for that attention.

We can play that not genuine game with any candidate. I'm not buying Stein just happens to be the one that is for justice.
ninjahood said:
these idealistic sophistries u prognosticate about ur beliefs with so much passion with da same tongue u affirming your support for Hillary Clinton is a absolute joke b

Gotta love how ninja managed to use his thesarus but still maintain poor grammar, syntax & sentence structure, and mispelling words purposely all in an attmpt to insult Rusty :lol:
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His insistence on using "da" in place of "the" really does undermine his attempts at sounding intellectual :lol:
trump going to make it interesting but once they call california its essentially over..55 electoral votes is to big a blow. without the swing states or historically red..hillary only has to win 24 out of 292 ...

It is comedic to believe he has a chance to take it.
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That vid is from the summer but yeah Jon should've gave us one more year.

Guess it was a contract thing though. Opportunity wise, a great way for Trevor to start on the show. Donald is a layup. Non-political comedians are getting easy laughs off his campaign.
That vid is from the summer but yeah Jon should've gave us one more year.

Guess it was a contract thing though. Opportunity wise, a great way for Trevor to start on the show. Donald is a layup. Non-political comedians are getting easy laughs off his campaign.

Honestly, I've had more laughs that came directly from the stupid things said from his campaign than from a lot of the comedian political commentators.
trump going to make it interesting but once they call california its essentially over..55 electoral votes is to big a blow. without the swing states or historically red..hillary only has to win 24 out of 292 ...

It is comedic to believe he has a chance to take it.

That's how it was when Obama beat McCain in 2008

Name Silvers latest article scares the **** out of me lmao

Basically that she still is predicted to win at 65 percent but he also admitted that the number of undecideds and 3rd party voters could **** up his forecast and that she is predicted to win exactly 272 votes so if he happens to be wrong about any one state hell could freeze over
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Brexit happened. And until it happened, they didn't think it was going to happen. So...anything can happen.
Brexit was an entirely different voting system. If it was merely the popular vote that counted, then I would say yeah, anything can happen. But like Al Gore learned the hard way, the popular vote doesn't mean ****.

There is no way Comrade Bigot is going to get ALL the "toss-up" battleground states, along with some of the "leaning Democrat" states as well he would need to get to the 270 electoral votes this close to election date. Unless we've been getting some very faulty poll data.

They tried their best by strategically revealing the Weiner e-mails 10 days before the election. They failed. It did give Comrade Bigot a boost, but not enough to climb to 270.
An indictment against Hillary Clinton for her activities with the Clinton Foundation is not likely, despite what Fox News kept telling its viewers on Wednesday and Thursday.

Despite an acknowledgment from Bret Baier — the host who originally reported a false claim that the FBI is preparing to indict the Democratic nominee — that his assertion was made “inartfully,” the story that the Clintons were about to be indicted was picked up by reputable outlets, as well as conservative blogs.

“This reporting has been debunked far and wide, and even by Fox News’ standards, it was shameful for them to air it,” tweeted Brian Fallon, press secretary to Clinton’s campaign.
:lol: guess u really ignoring da fact that Hillary is running back to Michigan cuz her support is collapsing everywhere when it wasn't supposed to be in play...same with Pennsylvania.
Waot a minute... Are you telling me that Fox News exaggerated a story and perhaps weren't in line with all the ethical principles of journalism??

I for one am shocked...
An indictment against Hillary Clinton for her activities with the Clinton Foundation is not likely, despite what Fox News kept telling its viewers on Wednesday and Thursday.

Despite an acknowledgment from Bret Baier — the host who originally reported a false claim that the FBI is preparing to indict the Democratic nominee — that his assertion was made “inartfully,” the story that the Clintons were about to be indicted was picked up by reputable outlets, as well as conservative blogs.

“This reporting has been debunked far and wide, and even by Fox News’ standards, it was shameful for them to air it,” tweeted Brian Fallon, press secretary to Clinton’s campaign.

smells like spin....
Waot a minute... Are you telling me that Fox News exaggerated a story and perhaps weren't in line with all the ethical principles of journalism??

I for one am shocked...

spare me...where was this umbrage when Wikileaks exposed mass media collusion with da DNC and da Clinton Campaign? take that bull **** up da street :lol:

matta fact..

Politico’s Glenn Thrush is apparently one big suck up.

A new John Podesta email released by Wikileaks on Thursday shows Thrush shared more articles — or at least portions of them — with Hillary Clinton’s campaign prior to publication.

“Glenn Thrush is doing a story about how well launch went and some part of it will be about me – which I hate,” Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri wrote to Huma Abedin, Robby Mook and Podesta on April 17, 2015.

“He did me courtesy of sending what he is going to say about me. Seems fine. Just didn’t want folks to think I went looking for this!”


:smh: :lol:
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Several news outlets have rebutted a report from Fox News stating that an "indictment" is "likely" in an ongoing FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.

Throughout the day on Thursday, NBC News, ABC News and CNN all reported that Fox's assertion was not true. And Bret Baier, the Fox host responsible for the original assertion, seemed to backtrack from it, saying he had spoken "inartfully."

By that point, however, the talk of a looming "indictment" had spread across the internet and social media, especially among Hillary Clinton opponents who were predisposed to believe the story.

News outlets like The Hill and RealClearPolitics published stories repeating Baier's original claim, and countless conservative blogs and forums claimed it as fact and celebrated Clinton's possible legal peril. Some sites wrote hopefully about prison time.

Related: Fox News gives Tucker Carlson primetime show

By Thursday evening, Clinton's campaign responded by calling on the FBI to make a public statement "to put a stop to these baseless Fox News reports."

Campaign press secretary Brian Fallon cited reporting by NBC's Pete Williams, who said "the idea that indictments are near is just not true."

Fallon tweeted, "This reporting has been debunked far and wide, and even by Fox News' standards, it was shameful for them to air it."

The original report about an ongoing probe into the Clinton Foundation came on Baier's 6 p.m. program "Special Report" on Wednesday. An hour later, he talked with 7 p.m. host Brit Hume and said this: "We talked to two separate sources with intimate knowledge of what's going on with the FBI investigations... The investigations will continue, there is a lot of evidence. And barring some obstruction in some way, they believe they will continue to likely an indictment."

Frenzied headlines ensued. But other anonymous sources told reporters at other outlets that the stories were untrue.

"The idea that indictments are near or something like that, I'm told that's just not true," NBC's Williams reported.

"There's been some reports out there today that an indictment is in the offing in the Clinton Foundation investigation," said CNN's Evan Perez. "Everything we've known about this investigation -- that's been going on well over a year -- is that that's not true."

ABC News called the report "inaccurate and without merit."

By then, however, Brent Bozell, the founder of the conservative Media Research Center, had already slammed the major networks for ignoring Baier's report. "The networks' blackout... is beyond the pale," Bozell said.

Donald Trump also repeated some of Fox's claims, and other Republicans picked up the report as well, with the National Republican Congressional Committee slamming Democratic candidates for supporting Clinton with indictments "likely."

Those reports were further enhanced by the fact that Fox News executive vice president Jay Wallace said, "We stand by the reporting of the Fox News team."

Baier himself walked back some of his remarks, however. Speaking on Fox on Thursday morning, Baier said that his sources had told him that the FBI had "a lot of evidence that would, likely lead to an indictment," but added, "that's not, that's inartfully answered. That's not the process. That's not how you do it."

"There is confidence in the evidence, but for me to phrase it like I did, of course that got picked up everywhere, but the process is different than that."

By Thursday night, conservative sites like Drudge Report and Breitbart had taken down their alarmist headlines about the indictment.

CNN, The Washington Post and other news sources indicated that the leaks to Fox (and other outlets) were the result of strife within the FBI.

"Internal dissension has exploded into public view recently with a series of leaks to reporters about a feud over the Clinton Foundation, an extraordinary airing of the agency's infighting," the Post said Friday morning.

November 04



Baier himself walked back some of his remarks, however. Speaking on Fox on Thursday morning, Baier said that his sources had told him that the FBI had "a lot of evidence that would, likely lead to an indictment," but added, "that's not, that's inartfully answered. That's not the process. That's not how you do it."

"There is confidence in the evidence, but for me to phrase it like I did, of course that got picked up everywhere, but the process is different than that."

hmm this paragraph looks familiar... [emoji]129300[/emoji] oh yeah! i already post da clarification :smh: :lol:
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