***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Nice generalization fam.
 he said "a lot of Asians"

Like how many you know sir?
Like I said before, and have always said, we can not give anyone, especially white America the excuse that the were force to vote for Trump because Hillary was such a bad option.

They wanted Trump, they were plenty f reasons for them not to vote for Trump, they like what he was selling so much they ignored things that would kill anyone else's campaign

So when Trump start ******* up, and things go left, the people that made this decision have to own it.
Can't wait for the populist wing of the left to come out in full force against this administration. If folks thought the Tea Party movement was something,I can only imagine a Progressive equivalent but with actual substance behind their demands

That's IF the Dems go the way of the future and don't go back into the past pushing neoliberal policies and moving to the right once again

Unfortunately, you're going to be waiting a while.

I just wanna know how it's so easy for the right to mobilize en masse quickly for a lot of causes that are BS to us but legit to them yet the left can't. That's one of the reasons why the GOP is always kicking their ***** in congress,along with gerrymandering and gutting voting rights.

Might be a lack of strong voices/leaders though,there's too many spineless, bought cowards in congress
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So sad that my mom is nearly in tears. I'm making her sell all her shares on the market. Can't see all her hard work go to waste
does it really?

because you just sound dumb if you don't think this is response to the barack presidency 
No, I don't think the results so far are wholly a response to the Obama regime. So call me dumb if it makes you feel better, bruh.

But my comment was referring to the fact that your whole statement was pretty ignorant. I'm pretty sure white people weren't the only ones who voted for Trump today. Yet you single all of us out for "punishing you." You making that statement is actually just as ignorant as any of the real life bigots out there who would go out of their way to screw with you.
Howling at equating my feeling a certain way with actual white supremacy and acts of bigotry. 
lmao at yall blaming the asian people now...

it's the white people someone put up that bar graph again...

white men and white women voted for this dude
I don't think anyone is blaming Asians man. EDIT: Except that clown Mr. Highness. 

I'm feeling numb right now. Feel for every person of color, every LBGT person, every person who is sick and just in general sad for our entire country, this wasn't supposed to happen. 
Dawg got people slandering Asians like that and making bs assumptions because he saw a few at a Trump rally
We saw some black people at a Trump rally
Does that mean they all are supporting Trump?
These assumptions need to stop, especially from Mr.Highness
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Trump winning the presidency is actually a good thing just so people will get off obama's sack. It will demonstrate to the American people that no matter what these politicians promise you they won't do it once elected. That wall, ban on muslims and mass deportation is not happening.

Trump will be a one term president
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