***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I have a con artist in my family,

The people who got it the worst were the ones who thought they were closest to him.

"He did that to the other, but but but he won't do that to me." :smh: :lol:

Respect the jux man. :lol:
i called white privilege a tool derived from da left to make white people recognize their own race, something they never did...and ya mad they started to vote like a minority bloc...how is that saying its made up?

it worked, it just backfired miserably for liberals using identity politics :lol:


aye, identity politics failed ya... Trump got da w spending a third less... spamin Racist, sexist, bigot, repeat, should ve replayed for 2020... :lol:

And just because Trump won, that doesn't make you or your buddies comments any less racist, sexist, bigoted, and so on.

Trump winning doesn't mean some culture war was won.

Also you're not any more smart, richer, special, or more of a man because Trump won either.
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liberals taking things literal but not serious strikes again...

See man....you said DOUBLE the vote.

You brought it up. It was proven to you that it was 2 percentages points more :lol:.

Instead of just saying you were wrong....

It's "liberals always taking things literally"......

It's honestly so cute some of these Trump supporters, the naiveté, the innocence...

It's really naive how people think this dude is on their side,

Donald Trump's been conning people his whole life, why would he stop now? :lol:
Guess along with climate scientists, mathematicians should go kick rocks too.
Unbelievable that this is coming from a grown man in his 30s
This goes double for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell...

They think dealing with Trump is a fair price to pay to repeal the new deal, and give tax cuts to the super rich ect ect

They think he can be controlled, that in the end he's on their side. :lol:

They will pay a cost for all of this, there will be a reckoning.
White people to vote as a minority bloc, cmon man. White people have always voted and acted in their own interests. White identity politics was around during the civil war, the civil rights movement and today. Identity politics is what got Trump elected, and is here to stay 

umm tell that to da 200 counties that Trump flipped from Obama's Coalition.
Trump didn't convince anyone to come out and vote though, he got less votes than Romney in 2012. Only reason Trump won was because Hilary couldn't get the same turnout as one of the most popular presidents of all time 
Trump got double da black & hispanic votes Romney did...try again
NY times posted da exit poll data right after da election..go fetch ur own HW..my candidate won

da best one was white women voting more for Trump than Hillary after da access Hollywood tape

thats how terrible Clinton was as a candidate.
You're wrong and you're scare of exposing yourself.

But here. Another example you of failing at Math.

Romney won 6% of the black vote, and 27% of the Hispanic/Latino vote. LINK

According to the NYT times. Trump won 8% of the black vote (with low turnout for multiple reasons, with high turnout, it would be worst) and 29% of the Latino/Hispanic vote. LINK

So now 8 is double 6, and 29 is double 27 is Edwin's world.

**** is getting sad.
whole point is he outperformed his predecessor being a political novice.

point stands b.

u can cry about it all day..i been feasting on them rusty salt for my fries
It might be inaccurate to say he outperformed him. If the percentages are of just the people who voted and he got less votes than Romney then he didn't necessarily get more of anything because that's not how percentages work. 50% of 5 is not more than 5% of 50. You should probably stop repeating breitbart headlines.
I have a con artist in my family,

The people who got it the worst were the ones who thought they were closest to him.

"He did that to the other, but but but he won't do that to me." :smh: :lol:

Respect the jux man. :lol:

Brah, people never learn that serial finessers always target the folk that trust them the most.

That is the foundation of running a con, building trust. If trust is built in, it makes the scam all the much easier.

-Personal example, My brother-in-law's cousin is a top level scammer. A while back me, my sister, my honest cousin, my brother in law, and his twin brother, put together money to give to my brother-in-law's mom to open a couple more hair salons on the island. We did it before, we made a decent return and were able to employ a few good girls that needed jobs.

We transfer the money into the her business account, once the scammer cousin fines out, he goes to the mom talking some nonsense.

Weeks later we find out she gave him most of our money to invest in a chicken farm on another island. She said he sad he had a connect inside KFC to buy the chicken from him :smh: , and it was a better investment. :lol:

The only reason I can laugh is because my brother in law paid me back :lol:

Otherwise, catch me in Grenadian countryside looking for this fool.

Folk always gotta get all the way burnt to learn the hard way. A con-man will always be a con-man, and Trump been conning people since the 70s
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also Republicans in general have gotten way way way too confident.

good chance this election was a phyrric victory.
i called white privilege a tool derived from da left to make white people recognize their own race, something they never did...and ya mad they started to vote like a minority bloc...how is that saying its made up?

it worked, it just backfired miserably for liberals using identity politics :lol:
The more you talk about the race based issues of this country the dumber and stupider you sound.

I see now why you subscribe to the whole identity politics alternative and white supremacist doesn't exist nonsense.

You probably gonna just stay in your bubble so you never get a dose of that real.
Dude really just said white people didn't consider themselves to be a race until this election ...........................
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Republicans have gotten way too confident, their current position is way more tenuous than they seem to realize.

The republicans have

- an incredibly unpopular and potentially uncooperative president.

- an incredibly unpopular set of policy proposals.

- a president who's made promises that are essentially impossible to keep.

- and scandal looming at every corner with Trumps cabinet of unqualified cronies.

AND they no longer have the Clinton boogeyman to unite the party, :lol:

his thing is a powder keg, and it's going to be way harder than any of them realize.
Dude really just said white people didn't consider themselves to be a race until this election ...........................
Just when you this the nonsense couldn't get any more ridiculous...

Joe Biden possibly running in 2020 
Republicans have gotten way too confident, their current position is way more tenuous than they seem to realize.

The republicans have

- an incredibly unpopular and potentially uncooperative president.

- an incredibly unpopular set of policy proposals.

- a president who's made promises that are essentially impossible to keep.

- and scandal looming at every corner with Trumps cabinet of unqualified cronies.

AND they no longer have the Clinton boogeyman to unite the party, :lol:

his thing is a powder keg, and it's going to be way harder than any of them realize.

Hope you are right. Ideally, you would think Trump voters would see what's going down and realize, 'oh **** I made a mistake'

But too many times I've seen when people see they wrong they just double down and make the same bet.
I mean I'd at least understand if dude just straight up said "I'm afraid of Muslims, I want tax breaks because I plan to be a millionaire business owner within the next 4 years, etc." I wouldn't respect it, but at least it would make sense for why dude is such a strong Trump supporter. The constant nonsense he spews about censuses, identity politics, and muscle cars just baffles me though. Just page after page of hypocritical and illogical nonsense that offends anyone without a peanut sized brain like him.

Watch him quote this and threaten to send me a pic of his Jesus piece that he's gonna buy in 4 years again :rofl: Most ridiculous threat I've ever received in my life.
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