***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Disagreeing with Ninja on minor things is not calling out his constant and blatant hypocrisy.

I made a post last night about how people should not be so vitriolic to Ninja because he was right. Even though I didn't vote for Trump, I still knew Hillary wouldn't win. Ninja and I are brothers of the same fight against the liberal groupthink. Different tactics, same goals. Plus there are far more HEINOUS and EGREGIOUS shots thrown at me that I have to defend.

What a deflection

So you're admitting you're a hypocrite, for not only giving Ninja a pass for his nonsense, but also complaining about people attacking you.

Because like you said when you were making excuse for insulting me and my family "it is just politics"

If you want to call out a hypocrite, start with yourself
Look, children -- a real life walking, talking contradiction.

I would applaud you if you truly were equally critical of both sides. But you are saying that you are being one-sided in your attacks on Obama and defense of Trump to balance some perceived imbalance. I guess you can go with that premise, but understand you're just fighting fire with fire.

As for your "watch list:"


I am equally critical. I didn't vote for Trump. That's the ultimate critique.

You're not on the watch list.

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At this point Reacho is grasping at the straws doing this shtick
Corporations deserve to get bashed for doing shady behind the back deals with government officials that screw over American employees in the long run.
They don't deserve to get slandered for a lie perpetuated by a president elect when they contribute American jobs and technology for our defense system.

So he can spare us the holier than thou talk when he can't even properly assess the current economic outlook. :lol:

All I'll take from our exchange is that the CEO was a genius for ******** on American workers. OWN. YOUR. STATEMENTS.
He is a genius for America. Just like other CEOs who are bringing us computers, automation, self-driving cars, safer roads, better AI, smartphones, etc.

They are making our lives better. SO THANK YOU to them for ushering in a new era of productivity and wealth, one that looks nothing like the America of old.

The point was that the deal is not returning manufacturing jobs to America, which is the narrative that Trump and ninja and others want to push. Rather it's actually doing what Trump claimed he would fight against, which is increase the skills needed for American labor and put unskilled laborers out of work even more while also creating more jobs for Mexicans in Mexico! The fact that he did it with government help is straight out of Obama tactics, and liberals should be happy that Trump is interfering in the business world to promote automation and to **** over American manufacturing jobs.


and don't forget to lube up, middle America. You're going to take the next four years HARD. and you can send your personal thank you notes to ninja himself.
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[h1]How Latinos are driving income growth in America[/h1]

 “Making America Rich Again: The Latino Effect on Economic Growth.”

No, it’s not a parody of President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. It’s the title of a new report written by Jeffrey Eisenach, SVP at NERA Economic Consulting and a member of Trump’s transition team.

Commissioned by the nonpartisan Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC) and the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and authored by Eisenach and his staff at NERA, the report is particularly timely. The US has been swept up in heated politicization of Latinos, fueled by Trump’s promise to build a wall between Mexico and the US and his declaration that “we have some bad hombres here, and we’re going to get them out.”
LDC co-founder Sol Trujillo told Yahoo Finance that he had one primary objective for the report: to debunk Latino stereotypes. He says they were able to find empirical evidence that Latinos are playing a critical role in rejuvenating the American workforce.

Between 1990 and 2015, the Latino population in the US grew from 22 million to 57 million, about five times as fast as the overall population. The median age for Latinos in the US is 28 years old (compared to 37 for the population at large and 43 for the white population).

As an economist, Eisenach says he occasionally sees a piece of data that may be interesting or exciting but doesn’t fit with a larger phenomenon and doesn’t tell a full story. This data on Latinos, however, sheds light on the potential of people behind a big demographic shift in the US. In the case of Latinos, be they entrepreneurs, consumers, marketers or wealth managers, there is a rich road of opportunity ahead. He says the data speaks for itself.

“The data surrounding Latinos’ economic implications pull together a story that’s compelling, pervasive and deep. Especially because the average Latino is nine years younger than the overall population, we know that this demographic will be with us for a while, and we can take advantage of that,” he says.

In addition to holding a Ph.D. in economics, Eisenach has been an outspoken advocate for less regulation, and has been a consultant who worked for Verizon (VZ) and other companies in the telecommunications space to push back against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). He’s co-leading Trump’s telecommunications policy team, which means he’s responsible for hiring the new staff members of the FCC.
He says he decided to pursue this report through the lens of economics, not politics.  “The study is completely separate from my relationship with Trump,” he says. “I embarked on this as an economist.”

Eisenach says he was surprised by much of the data. For example, Latinos are creating new businesses and increasing headcount at a faster pace than the overall population. Hispanics have had the highest entrepreneurship rate of any ethnic group each year since 2002. Latinos accounted for more than one out of five new entrepreneurs, up from 10% in 1996. Of course, many of these businesses remain small — there are over 4 million Latino-owned business in the US, but only 2% of them earn over $1 million in annual revenue, according to data compiled by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

And, despite the threat of wage stagnation over the past several years, Eisenach says Latinos are responsible for 29% of real income growth in the US between 2005 and 2015, with the number of Latino households with incomes over $150,000 growing 194% over the same period. Though the median income among Latino households is below the country’s average, the growth is rapid, and signals significant momentum for the Latino population.

In fact, over the last decade (between 2005 to 2015), Hispanics — who account for just 18% of the population — accounted for 29% of the growth in real aggregate income. Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that median weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers rose nearly 11% for Hispanics between the first quarter of 2000 and the first quarter 2016, more than triple the increase for the population overall.

Kudos @ninjahood

Latinos are no a monolith man, stopping grouping Ninja in with other Latinos
[h1]How Latinos are driving income growth in America[/h1]

 “Making America Rich Again: The Latino Effect on Economic Growth.”

No, it’s not a parody of President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. It’s the title of a new report written by Jeffrey Eisenach, SVP at NERA Economic Consulting and a member of Trump’s transition team.

Commissioned by the nonpartisan Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC) and the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and authored by Eisenach and his staff at NERA, the report is particularly timely. The US has been swept up in heated politicization of Latinos, fueled by Trump’s promise to build a wall between Mexico and the US and his declaration that “we have some bad hombres here, and we’re going to get them out.”
LDC co-founder Sol Trujillo told Yahoo Finance that he had one primary objective for the report: to debunk Latino stereotypes. He says they were able to find empirical evidence that Latinos are playing a critical role in rejuvenating the American workforce.

Between 1990 and 2015, the Latino population in the US grew from 22 million to 57 million, about five times as fast as the overall population. The median age for Latinos in the US is 28 years old (compared to 37 for the population at large and 43 for the white population).

As an economist, Eisenach says he occasionally sees a piece of data that may be interesting or exciting but doesn’t fit with a larger phenomenon and doesn’t tell a full story. This data on Latinos, however, sheds light on the potential of people behind a big demographic shift in the US. In the case of Latinos, be they entrepreneurs, consumers, marketers or wealth managers, there is a rich road of opportunity ahead. He says the data speaks for itself.

“The data surrounding Latinos’ economic implications pull together a story that’s compelling, pervasive and deep. Especially because the average Latino is nine years younger than the overall population, we know that this demographic will be with us for a while, and we can take advantage of that,” he says.

In addition to holding a Ph.D. in economics, Eisenach has been an outspoken advocate for less regulation, and has been a consultant who worked for Verizon (VZ) and other companies in the telecommunications space to push back against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). He’s co-leading Trump’s telecommunications policy team, which means he’s responsible for hiring the new staff members of the FCC.
He says he decided to pursue this report through the lens of economics, not politics.  “The study is completely separate from my relationship with Trump,” he says. “I embarked on this as an economist.”

Eisenach says he was surprised by much of the data. For example, Latinos are creating new businesses and increasing headcount at a faster pace than the overall population. Hispanics have had the highest entrepreneurship rate of any ethnic group each year since 2002. Latinos accounted for more than one out of five new entrepreneurs, up from 10% in 1996. Of course, many of these businesses remain small — there are over 4 million Latino-owned business in the US, but only 2% of them earn over $1 million in annual revenue, according to data compiled by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

And, despite the threat of wage stagnation over the past several years, Eisenach says Latinos are responsible for 29% of real income growth in the US between 2005 and 2015, with the number of Latino households with incomes over $150,000 growing 194% over the same period. Though the median income among Latino households is below the country’s average, the growth is rapid, and signals significant momentum for the Latino population.

In fact, over the last decade (between 2005 to 2015), Hispanics — who account for just 18% of the population — accounted for 29% of the growth in real aggregate income. Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that median weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers rose nearly 11% for Hispanics between the first quarter of 2000 and the first quarter 2016, more than triple the increase for the population overall.

Kudos @ninjahood

Latinos are no a monolith man, stopping grouping Ninja in with other Latinos

Exactly, because we know he's black :lol:

But this is great, I'm all for economic growth through plugging away, hard work,and determination.
What a deflection

So you're admitting you're a hypocrite, for not only giving Ninja a pass for his nonsense, but also complaining about people attacking you.

Because like you said when you were making excuse for insulting me and my family "it is just politics"

If you want to call out a hypocrite, start with yourself

Once again, you're putting words in NY mouth. I believe Ninja has a greater intuition on the pulse of the country then the rest of you. And also like I said last night this whole post election debate is silly because he's not even Pres yet.
The guy can't even count, much less have a reasonable discussion on complex topics. He said Trump would win from early on and he was right.

And he has been given credit for doing so, as is deserved. But that does not change the fact that he is tremendously ignorant on just about every matter of importance.

Surely you realize this reading through the constant stream of utter nonsense Rico. We may disagree on nearly everything but I don't doubt you read and understand what you're arguing. Just with a different interpretation.

It is painfully obvious that Ninja does not. This is especially clear on anything involving race relations or economics.

I'm uninfomed on complex economics but I don't go around acting like an economic genius and spewing nonsense.

Surely you have noticed that Ninja has never conceded to being wrong in his entire post history. It's not because he's never wrong, it's because is incapable of processing the thought that he could be wrong. Case in point; him trying to argue he's actually right when failing to add up simple percentages, count the amount of years in a decade or count the amount of days in a week. Someone who is incapable of conceding to being wrong can also not learn from his mistakes. Because in his mind, there are no mistakes. 
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He is a genius for America. Just like other CEOs who are bringing us computers, automation, self-driving cars, safer roads, better AI, smartphones, etc.

They are making our lives better. SO THANK YOU to them for ushering in a new era of productivity and wealth, one that looks nothing like the America of old.

The point was that the deal is not returning manufacturing jobs to America, which is the narrative that Trump and ninja and others want to push. Rather it's actually doing what Trump claimed he would fight against, which is increase the skills needed for American labor and put unskilled laborers out of work even more while also creating more jobs for Mexicans in Mexico! The fact that he did it with government help is straight out of Obama tactics, and liberals should be happy that Trump is interfering in the business world to promote automation and to **** over American manufacturing jobs.


and don't forget to lube up, middle America. You're going to take the next four years HARD. and you can send your personal thank you notes to ninja himself.

The most epic backtrack I've ever seen. But as I stated he's not even president yet and is already affecting change. 1000 people can now thank Pres-ELECT Trump.
What a deflection

So you're admitting you're a hypocrite, for not only giving Ninja a pass for his nonsense, but also complaining about people attacking you.

Because like you said when you were making excuse for insulting me and my family "it is just politics"

If you want to call out a hypocrite, start with yourself

Once again, you're putting words in NY mouth. I believe Ninja has a greater intuition on the pulse of the country then the rest of you. And also like I said last night this whole post election debate is silly because he's not even Pres yet.

I am not putting words in your mouth.

You give Ninja a constant pass, you never call out his blatant hypocrisy.

And you dismissed your shots at me as just par for the course.

You are being a hypocrite. And everyone sees it
The most epic backtrack I've ever seen. But as I stated he's not even president yet and is already affecting change. 1000 people can now thank Pres-ELECT Trump.
It's ok, don't bother. I see it flew over your head.

Add me to your "watch list" under "I don't get it so I'll just cut and paste some claim about a backtrack."
I am not putting words in your mouth.

You give Ninja a constant pass, you never call out his blatant hypocrisy.

And you dismissed your shots at me as just par for the course.

You are being a hypocrite. And everyone sees it

Hence the laughable notion of him having some type of watch list for hypocrisy when he can't even acknowledge his own. If I end up being a hypocrite he won't even see it.
At this point Reacho is grasping at the straws doing this shtick
Corporations deserve to get bashed for doing shady behind the back deals with government officials that screw over American employees in the long run.
They don't deserve to get slandered for a lie perpetuated by a president elect when they contribute American jobs and technology for our defense system.

So he can spare us the holier than thou talk when he can't even properly assess the current economic outlook. :lol:

All I'll take from our exchange is that the CEO was a genius for ******** on American workers. OWN. YOUR. STATEMENTS.
He was a genius for crapping on Trump
He's still a jerk for taking away jobs from Carrier employees
Just keep on spinning Reacho :lol:
Rico should be studying economics so he can educate this entire thread and Paul Krugman, yet he is outchea making list. :smh:
At this point Reacho is grasping at the straws doing this shtick
Corporations deserve to get bashed for doing shady behind the back deals with government officials that screw over American employees in the long run.
They don't deserve to get slandered for a lie perpetuated by a president elect when they contribute American jobs and technology for our defense system.

So he can spare us the holier than thou talk when he can't even properly assess the current economic outlook. :lol:

All I'll take from our exchange is that the CEO was a genius for ******** on American workers. OWN. YOUR. STATEMENTS.
He was a genius for crapping on Trump
He's still a jerk for taking away jobs from Carrier employees
Just keep on spinning Reacho :lol:

You just made the list b

Man oh man automation is gonna smack this country in the ******* face. I have no idea what's gonna happen when the driverless cars put all the truckers out of work. Outsourcing isn't even the biggest long term issue.
At this point Reacho is grasping at the straws doing this shtick
Corporations deserve to get bashed for doing shady behind the back deals with government officials that screw over American employees in the long run.
They don't deserve to get slandered for a lie perpetuated by a president elect when they contribute American jobs and technology for our defense system.

So he can spare us the holier than thou talk when he can't even properly assess the current economic outlook. :lol:

All I'll take from our exchange is that the CEO was a genius for ******** on American workers. OWN. YOUR. STATEMENTS.
He was a genius for crapping on Trump
He's still a jerk for taking away jobs from Carrier employees
Just keep on spinning Reacho :lol:

You just made the list b


SoftBank Group Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Masayoshi Son said Tuesday he would invest $50 billion in the U.S. and create 50,000 new jobs, following a 45-minute private meeting with President elect Donald Trump.

The Japanese billionaire, whose conglomerate controls Sprint Corp., announced his investment plans in the lobby of Trump Tower, though he didn’t provide details. Mr. Trump took credit for the investment, saying his November victory spurred SoftBank’s decision.

In an interview, Mr. Son said the money will be coming from a $100 billion investment fund that he is setting up with Saudi Arabia’s sovereign-wealth fund and other potential partners.

SoftBank has made investments in the U.S. in the past, including paying $22 billion for about 80% of Sprint in 2013. Last year, SoftBank also led a $1 billion investment round in San Francisco-based online lender Social Finance Inc.

Mr. Son’s initial plan was to merge Sprint with T-Mobile US Inc. to take on market leaders AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc., but he abandoned the effort after regulators signaled they would reject the plan. Some investors and analysts have said he could make another attempt after the election and when a new chairman is appointed to the Federal Communications Commission.

On Tuesday, Mr. Son declined to comment about his current interest in T-Mobile. Mr. Son said he had set up the meeting with Mr. Trump and that he likes him “very much.”

Mr. Son, 59, is known as an ambitious investor and has a long history of betting on tech and telecom ventures. Most recently, SoftBank bought U.K. chip designer ARM Holdings PLC for $32 billion.

Mr. Son also has a history of going straight to national leaders to talk business. In September he met South Korean President Park Geun-hye and said he intends to invest around five trillion won ($4.5 billion) in the country’s technology sector. He has also met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and pledged to spend billions on the nation’s tech startups and renewable energy projects.

With the new $100 billion fund—dubbed the SoftBank Vision Fund—Mr. Son plans to spend heavily in fields including the so-called Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, deep learning and robotics. He has said he wants to become the Warren Buffett of the tech industry.

SoftBank plans to invest at least $25 billion over the next five years in the fund, while Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund may contribute an additional $45 billion over the same period as the fund’s lead partner.
Man oh man automation is gonna smack this country in the ******* face. I have no idea what's gonna happen when the driverless cars put all the truckers out of work. Outsourcing isn't even the biggest long term issue.

Thing is, that's the "millennial" and younger generation's problem, and we still have older cats in the way making a mess of the economy and way of life that we'll have to fix.

Automation is inevitable and we do need to figure something out since people are living longer and our population keeps increasing with births and immigration (both legal and illegal). Putting money infrastructure jobs and jobs switching over to alternative energy would help but....
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