***Official Political Discussion Thread***


PowerPoint slides becoming the new official legal document
^LMAO this CEO is a genius
Trump...not so much

So a CEO pretty much ***** on US workers. And you call him a genius because in your eyes it makes Trump look bad. This will be duly noted.

I can put money these comments will be walked back. And at the end of the day THE JOBS ARE STILL HERE. It's the holiday season. Families will have money for travel, gifts, food, bills. Etc

You're looking at a goddamn tree and missing the forest because you want Trump to look bad. Disgusting.
You're not paying attention. The CEO just told the truth.

The American workforce doesn't work hard enough and wants to get paid more for it. As opposed to the much more favorable Mexican workforce that is extremely dedicated and works for less pay. That's his assessment as a businessman and CEO that is in the business of making money. Where the purpose of his job is to gain and maintain a profit.

This isn't about making that idiot look bad. This is just the facts of the deal. Mind you this fool told the American ppl he would make the BEST deals. The BEST. Look what they got.

Everything is in favor of the company not the American ppl in Indiana. They're paying for a company to stay in America so they can keep less than half the jobs while they also pay for automation that will eliminate future jobs.

You're ignorant enough to not realize this is a bad deal for Indiana and try to make this about ppl pointing out how dumb Donald is instead of focusing on facts.
Zik, watch out for Rico, he is going to put you on his list :rofl:
that's $1 million per job. how about you just give us the $50 billion instead...
Looks like the unemployed at da Rust Belt is going to be assembling computer chips and doing low wage customer service calls for a Japanese company
At least they are getting some jobs back :lol:
lmao at outsourcing cheap labor to the US.

soon Indians will be calling tech support, which will be some trump voter in Indiana who will have to fake an accent and pretend he's from Mumbai. i love it.

of course these laborers won't be able to afford the increased prices on all these American-robot-made goods.
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that's $1 million per job. how about you just give us the $50 billion instead...
Looks like the unemployed at da Rust Belt is going to be assembling computer chips and doing low wage customer service calls for a Japanese company
At least they are getting some jobs back :lol:

Next in Donnie's bag of tricks: swapping the dollar for the yen to make the rustbelt folks feel richer.
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President-elect Donald Trump "lied his *** off" about the terms of the deal to keep Carrier manufacturing jobs in the United States, the Carrier union's president said Tuesday.

United Steelworkers 1999 President Chuck Jones was optimistic when Trump first promised to save the jobs of 1,350 workers at Carrier's Indiana plant, The Washington Post reports. Carrier had originally planned to move the jobs to Mexico, but decided to keep 730 of the jobs in Indiana after receiving $7 million in tax breaks from the state, where Vice President-elect Mike Pence is governor.

Jones told the Post that he hoped Trump would explain at a Dec. 1 meeting that 550 of the Carrier jobs weren't saved.

“But he got up there,” Jones said, “and, for whatever reason, lied his *** off.”

At a celebratory rally last week, Trump praised the deal, telling the press, "Now they’re keeping — actually the number’s over 1,100 people,” he said, “which is so great.”

Jones said the numbers of jobs saved reported by Trump and Pence were misleading and included positions that weren't slated to move to Mexico.

“Trump and Pence, they pulled a dog and pony show on the numbers,” Jones said. “I almost threw up in my mouth.”

I'm sure Rico will be furious at Donald for spreading misinformation
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President-elect Donald Trump "lied his *** off" about the terms of the deal to keep Carrier manufacturing jobs in the United States, the Carrier union's president said Tuesday.

United Steelworkers 1999 President Chuck Jones was optimistic when Trump first promised to save the jobs of 1,350 workers at Carrier's Indiana plant, The Washington Post reports. Carrier had originally planned to move the jobs to Mexico, but decided to keep 730 of the jobs in Indiana after receiving $7 million in tax breaks from the state, where Vice President-elect Mike Pence is governor.

Jones told the Post that he hoped Trump would explain at a Dec. 1 meeting that 550 of the Carrier jobs weren't saved.

“But he got up there,” Jones said, “and, for whatever reason, lied his *** off.”

At a celebratory rally last week, Trump praised the deal, telling the press, "Now they’re keeping — actually the number’s over 1,100 people,” he said, “which is so great.”

Jones said the numbers of jobs saved reported by Trump and Pence were misleading and included positions that weren't slated to move to Mexico.

“Trump and Pence, they pulled a dog and pony show on the numbers,” Jones said. “I almost threw up in my mouth.”

I'm sure Rico will be furious at Donald for spreading misinformation
Looks like Chuck Jones is ending up on his list
that's $1 million per job. how about you just give us the $50 billion instead...
Looks like the unemployed at da Rust Belt is going to be assembling computer chips and doing low wage customer service calls for a Japanese company
At least they are getting some jobs back :lol:

Next in Donnie's bag of tricks: swapping the dollar for the yen to make the rustbelt folks feel richer.
I don't know if most of working class know that Wall Street is finessing them for higher profits.
I'm sure Rico will be furious at Donald for spreading misinformation

I need a more reputable source than a pissed off union leader, who by the way usually vote Dem

Only making yourself look like a bigger hypocrite by shooting the messenger.
I never seen a bigger irony in this thread until just now
"You are against American workers" -Reacho
*Union leader of Carrier workers said Trump lied
"That American worker is a liar" -Reacho
Perhaps you should write your own name on the list Rico
Only making yourself look like a bigger hypocrite by shooting the messenger.

Not shooting the messenger, just pointing possible bias.

I never seen a bigger irony in this thread until just now
"You are against American workers" -Reacho
*Union leader of Carrier workers said Trump lied
"That American worker is a liar" -Reacho
Perhaps you should write your own name on the list Rico

Never called him a liar just wanted a nonpartisan source to confirm.
I'm sure Rico will be furious at Donald for spreading misinformation

I need a more reputable source than a pissed off union leader, who by the way usually vote Dem

Only making yourself look like a bigger hypocrite by shooting the messenger.
I never seen a bigger irony in this thread until just now
"You are against American workers" -Reacho
*Union leader of Carrier workers said Trump lied
"That American worker is a liar" -Reacho
Perhaps you should write your own name on the list Rico

Rico gonna be outchea like the Narrator in fight club.

Fighting with his inner hypocrite.

I can't believe that, in 2016, we are talking about manufacturing jobs as a path to economic prosperity. Just astounding. A vast majority of the population are liabilities and they have a very rude awakening coming.
So Rico, you're telling me that a union leader who's best interest is for the workers he represents CAN'T be trusted on his outlook on the job security for his fellow workers

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