***Official Political Discussion Thread***

On a more positive note, other industries that are suffering have more hope that Trump can help save them some jobs.


The funeral services company known as Batesville ― whose parent company, Hillenbrand, is headquartered in Batesville, Indiana; the town in Mississippi happens to have the same name ― is a profitable business. But it says it’s in a different position than Carrier, due to the rising popularity of cremation. The company noted that for the first time this year, a majority of American families will go with cremation instead of burial. And the vast majority of people who buy caskets choose metal ones, meaning there’s even less demand for the wooden caskets made at the Mississippi plant.

Do I need to point out what's wrong with this whole picture?

I mean, this is some monarchy ****. Soon we will have people traveling from all over the US to DC in hopes of landing an audience with king Trump in order for him to work his "magic" and save their jobs, cure their diseases, get a spouse (no gays!), etc...

Some Americans see in Trump the literal savior they thought they would get with Obama. A real Messiah. There is no other way to explain the cult-like following he enjoys.

Jesus did warn these Christians against false prophets though.
Rico needs a Nonpartisan source for a quote? Like you want actual proof like an actual video clip of him saying...

“But he got up there,” Jones said, “and, for whatever reason, lied his *** off.”

I'm sure Rico will be furious at Donald for spreading misinformation

I need a more reputable source than a pissed off union leader, who by the way usually vote Dem

Only making yourself look like a bigger hypocrite by shooting the messenger.
I never seen a bigger irony in this thread until just now
"You are against American workers" -Reacho
*Union leader of Carrier workers said Trump lied
"That American worker is a liar" -Reacho
Perhaps you should write your own name on the list Rico

Rico gonna be outchea like the Narrator in fight club.

Fighting with his inner hypocrite.

He would get a gold medal in mental gymnastics doe
I can't believe that, in 2016, we are talking about manufacturing jobs as a path to economic prosperity. Just astounding. A vast majority of the population are liabilities and they have a very rude awakening coming.
Makes me glad that I'm in the financial sector...
I can't believe that, in 2016, we are talking about manufacturing jobs as a path to economic prosperity. Just astounding. A vast majority of the population are liabilities and they have a very rude awakening coming.

Most of these cats have seen prosperity from it in the past and are starting to feel the real squeeze of that industry either being outsourced or automated, so they're in panic mode, same mode when they lost to a black man 2 times and were gon lose to a woman. Crazy thing is, it's like the tortoise and the hare, they got comfortable with how the system was babying them and never thought to keep growing and learning.
Do I need to point out what's wrong with this whole picture?

I mean, this is some monarchy ****. Soon we will have people traveling from all over the US to DC in hopes of landing an audience with king Trump in order for him to work his "magic" and save their jobs, cure their diseases, get a spouse (no gays!), etc...

Some Americans see in Trump the literal savior they thought they would get with Obama. A real Messiah. There is no other way to explain the cult-like following he enjoys.

Jesus did warn these Christians against false prophets though.

Trump isn't picking winners and losers. He's cutting deals that are tangible. And even now Democrats are trying to appeal to him.
I can't believe that, in 2016, we are talking about manufacturing jobs as a path to economic prosperity. Just astounding. A vast majority of the population are liabilities and they have a very rude awakening coming.

That's the Trump Administration for you in a nut shell. BRING back those low wage jobs to America NOW! :lol:
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I can't believe that, in 2016, we are talking about manufacturing jobs as a path to economic prosperity. Just astounding. A vast majority of the population are liabilities and they have a very rude awakening coming.

That's the Trump Administration for you in a nut shell. BRING back those low wage jobs back to America NOW! :lol:

who said manufacturing was a low wage job?

its definitely more money then service sector flipping burger jobs.
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who said manufacturing was a low wage job?

its definitely more money then service sector flipping burger jobs.

You sure about that?

Per National Employment Law Project

Manufacturing wages now rank in the bottom
half of all jobs in the United States.
> While in the past, manufacturing workers earned
a wage significantly higher than the U.S. average,
by 2013 the average factory worker made 7.7 percent
below the median wage for all occupations.

The perception that manufacturing jobs
are highly paid disguises how many workers
are stuck at the bottom.
> Today, more than 600,000 manufacturing workers
make just $9.60 per hour or less. More than 1.5 million
manufacturing workers—one out of every four—
make $11.91 or less.

Manufacturing wages are not even keeping
up with inflation.
> Real wages for manufacturing workers declined
by 4.4 percent from 2003 to 2013—almost three times
faster than for workers as a whole.

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that's exactly what i said :lol:

manufacturing jobs make way mo money than minimum wage fast food joints.. :lol:

those folks make more money on unemployment tban taking a crappy burger flipping job.

Looks like somebody is lying again.
I can't believe that, in 2016, we are talking about manufacturing jobs as a path to economic prosperity. Just astounding. A vast majority of the population are liabilities and they have a very rude awakening coming.

That's the Trump Administration for you in a nut shell. BRING back those low wage jobs back to America NOW! :lol:

who said manufacturing was a low wage job?

its definitely more money then service sector flipping burger jobs.
Ironically, softbank is a service telecommunications sector player
So unless you're an engineer....you gonna be some lowly paid service call center dude if you don't have an engineering degree

Oh and those foxconn guys

Yeah I guess we are getting some jobs back, just not what you think they are :lol:
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who said manufacturing was a low wage job?

its definitely more money then service sector flipping burger jobs.

You sure about that?

Per National Employment Law Project

Manufacturing wages now rank in the bottom
half of all jobs in the United States.
> While in the past, manufacturing workers earned
a wage significantly higher than the U.S. average,
by 2013 the average factory worker made 7.7 percent
below the median wage for all occupations.

The perception that manufacturing jobs
are highly paid disguises how many workers
are stuck at the bottom.
> Today, more than 600,000 manufacturing workers
make just $9.60 per hour or less. More than 1.5 million
manufacturing workers—one out of every four—
make $11.91 or less.

Manufacturing wages are not even keeping
up with inflation.
> Real wages for manufacturing workers declined
by 4.4 percent from 2003 to 2013—almost three times
faster than for workers as a whole.


worse case scenario i'll take "onshoring" over


plus u take into account that da cost of living varies tremendously by state, so what may be meh wage in one is perfectly fine in another...da fact that there going to da right to work states first (which is what Republicans said it would attract jobs) tells u something.
They are going to right to work states because of the lack of unions, the bargaining power of union drive up wages.

How the hell can someone be pro American worker but anti union :lol:
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They are going to right to work states because of the lack of unions, the bargaining power of union drive up wages.

How the hell can someone be pro American worker but anti union :lol:

wages would still rise to attract talent...

For instance, if the retail sector pays its managers 19th-century-style salaries, the managers may decide to quit to get a job at an automobile factory, where salaries are higher because of high labor productivity

"Low-skilled" is just a term meaning that the job doesn't require a college degree or specialized training.

Someone can be trained on site at a lower cost, because the job is not that complex.

Most factory work falls into that category.

You can pick and choose some workers in a factory that needs more advanced training, but generally, factory work is low skilled work.

He didn't need it as an insult.

Low-skilled workers can be replaced more easily, so they can't demand much higher wages, no matter how good they are at the job.
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Dogg, **** the alt-right, white supremacists, n white supremacist sympathizers n apologists. It wasnt until i moved to my grams house in the suburbs that i realized how racist white folks kan be. Had a swastika painted on my garage in hs, found out who it was n that white trash piece of **** moved his skary *** to them same ol ***** *** flyover states where white supremacy run rampant. Got into with one of my neighbors whos a skinhead, beat his *** n now he doesnt drive thru my side of the street. Lemme find me an alt-right mutha****a talkin **** my way, guarantee hell rue the day
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Wages in China are technically rising for factory workers, but firms have adjusted to that rising wages by installing machines to replace those workers by the thousands.
Post scarcity society is getting more and more real every year
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