***Official Political Discussion Thread***

:lol: @ CNN's picture on the story


It's sad that one of the most powerful countries in the world is having all this stupid political drama going on though. Reminds me of the "third world" countries a bunch of my relatives in Asia live/lived in :smh:
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:lol: @ CNN's picture on the story


It's sad that one of the most powerful countries in the world is having all this stupid political drama going on though. Reminds me of the "third world" countries a bunch of my relatives in Asia live/lived in :smh:
Putin is a manlet huh
Word. I was barely taught black history in school. It was literally Lincoln freed the slaves and MLK had a dream, the end :lol:  

It's literally the same thing in schools today. MLK is the safe person to talk about, he had a dream and people became integrated. But my daughter saw Selma, Race, and 42 so from watching them and having a father who ain't havin it, she knows better.
this is truly incredible.

you got to give it to trump. he's a master manipulator.

it reminds me of Jordan inviting his high school coach to his Hall of Fame speech so that he could gloat.

Trump is seeing just how stupid and gullible his supporters are. He is at a rally telling them that everything he sold them on was ******** to get their votes, and they're still clapping.

actually it really felt like this:

btw has he released his tax returns yet?
I almost pissed myself the first time I saw that scene in Borat, the look of shock on those people's faces was hysterical to me 
i stumbled across the Kanye thread.... no wonder this thread has been so civil today. everyone was taking it out in the other thread.

i need to watch borat again. every time i get in a hotel elevator i tell people that i will not move to a smaller room.
this is truly incredible.

you got to give it to trump. he's a master manipulator.

it reminds me of Jordan inviting his high school coach to his Hall of Fame speech so that he could gloat.

Trump is seeing just how stupid and gullible his supporters are. He is at a rally telling them that everything he sold them on was ******** to get their votes, and they're still clapping.

Trump himself underestimated the stupidity of his own supporters. Literally telling them it was all BS and it played right. :smh: :lol:
i stumbled across the Kanye thread.... no wonder this thread has been so civil today. everyone was taking it out in the other thread.

i need to watch borat again. every time i get in a hotel elevator i tell people that i will not move to a smaller room.
I'm still shocked at what went down in the is it suspect if I go to to eat out with my boy thread :lol: Damn thing got locked.
MaximumEffort433 • 11h
Everyone should take the time to watch Senator Sanders' MSNBC town hall with Trump voters, it was quite eye opening for me. The discussion is a frank one, and I honestly didn't expect some of the comments and answers the voters gave. If Democrats, liberals, and progressives want to start winning, we need to understand Conservatives better than we currently do.

One of the exchanges was with an American born muslim said that she was afraid that she would be targeted under the Trump administration because of her faith, one of his supporters reassured her that "It'll never happen, Congress won't let it happen, the Supreme Court will block it, it's unconstitutional." Sadly enough Senator Sanders came back with "I work in Congress, I wouldn't be so sure that they would block that bill."

One of the most striking exchanges came when Sanders was discussing Trump's promise to "drain the swamp:"

MSNBC Town hall, 53:30

Senator Sanders: "This cabinet that he's appointing, it seem the major qualification is to have to be a billionaire. And I don't know that that is- You know, when you're talking about taking on the establishment, you're not really talking about bringing Goldman Sachs into your administration, you're not talking about bringing the head of ExxonMobil into your administration, you know you're not talking about attacking a guy named Chuck Jones, who was the head of the local steel workers in Indianapolis. That's not 'taking on the establishment.' That's bringing the establishment right into your administration. So, in that sense, I worry very much."

Voter: "Yeah, I think he's talking about the do-nothing Congress and the bureaucrats we have in Washington DC who keep ignoring everybody. Not that kind [billionaire businessmen, ed.] of establishment. Those guys know how to get things done, and we've gotta' give 'em a chance. They know we'll get 'em out and put someone else in in four years, 'cuz we're all still gonna' be here, we're not goin' anywhere."

When I think of elites or the establishment I think of the billionaire who's making three hundred times what his employees take home before the year end bonus check and stock options, Trump voters seem to think of career politicians and college educated professionals. This article gave me a lot of insight, the TL;DR is that many working class Republicans believe that the wealthy are rich because they're hard workers, and college educated professionals such as doctors, managers, lawyers, and professors are lazy know-it-alls. (Read the article, it's very insightful, and very helpful in understanding what happened last month.)

Despite accepting the fact that their candidate was lying to their faces daily, they latched onto whatever policy they most wanted and believe that that aspect of his platform was genuine.

And we've heard a lot of this. I've seen "I didn't think he would actually repeal my health care" at least two or three times so far in r/Politics, the town hall has a fair few "He would never... he couldn't... it was just..." In fact if you go back and look at last year's posts in r/Politics you'll see a lot of people saying essentially the same thing: "Oh he's not a climate denier, he's just saying that to get the votes. He doesn't think vaccines cause autism, he's only saying that to win the primary. He's not really going to build a wall, he just needs to win on immigration. Etc."

Liberals took Trump literally, but not seriously; Trump voters took him seriously, but not literally. Which is why people like me freaked right the **** out when Trump called for military strikes on civilian targets, but folks on his side didn't seem to give a damn.

It's cliche to say, but the cultural divide in America is deep.
"If a lion could speak, we could not understand him."

Edit: So I'd like to riff here for a moment on my own personal feelings surrounding this, because they're mixed. (Feel free to ignore any and all of this.)

A month or so ago I described the election results like this:

That's what gets me, that's what angers me the most. Electing Hillary Clinton would have benefited nearly everyone in this country, even the racists and the sexists and the general ********, but instead America decided to elect Trump. The Democrats had two nominees who wanted to help the American people, Democratic voters want to help the American people, Democratic politicians, by and large, want to help the American people, and how do the American people respond? By electing Republicans.

It's like offering someone two plates, one with broccoli and one with glass shards, and saying "The broccoli is very healthy, but eating the glass could seriously hurt or even kill you, at the very least the glass is not a nutritious meal." And they choose the glass because I have the temerity, the balls, the elitist east coast liberal entitlement to tell them that broccoli is healthy and glass isn't.

America 2016: **** you, I'll eat the glass.
I was angry. But listening to the video above I'm starting to realize: [COLOR=#red]These people don't understand the world.[/COLOR] It's like they're looking through a camera lens that's been smeared with vaseline. One fellow in that town hall talks about how he expected Donald Trump to clean up Congress. Think about that for a moment. He either doesn't understand what the President does, or he doesn't understand what Congress is. I think voting for Trump was a bad idea, but that vote was, in part, the result of a misunderstanding. It's hard for me to be angry at someone for a misunderstanding.

Then there's the other side of the coin: These are adults making a decision on behalf of the entire country, the entire world even. [COLOR=#red]It's their responsibility to understand[/COLOR]. And in a time when nearly unlimited information is available nearly instantly no one has an excuse to be ignorant or uninformed. If Trump voters had taken half an hour to do the research they would have realized that Don is a con, Clinton isn't nearly as bad as everyone says, and Congressional Republicans deserve a seat on the first one way trip to Mars. So yeah, being angry about their bad decision is completely rational, because it was a bad decision that could have been easily avoided.

But then it's not even that binary. Fox news, the most watched news network in the United States, is actively misleading their audience. Fox viewers are consistently the least informed people in this country, they're even less informed than people who don't watch the news at all. And the biggest lie Fox and the right-wing media tells its audience is "You can't trust any media but us. NPR is the liberal mainstream media and they're lying to you." (I use NPR as the example, but pick your poison.) So we've got what amounts to billions of dollars of propaganda being shoveled into Republican voters homes and cars every day.

And that's where I'm at, trying to reconcile all of the above into a course of action.

Should I be angry because they ****** the nation over and elected a conman, or should I forgive them because they genuinely don't understand the massive mistake they've made? I feel like I'm getting angry at a child who's just poured boiling water all over both him and me because he didn't understand that it would burn.

If you look at the polling of what Trump voters believe, if you listen to them speak for themselves in the video above, what becomes readily apparent is that they don't understand the state of things, they don't understand the form and function of government; as far as politics is concerned they are like children with a pot of boiling water. Go over to the_Donald, the top post is "proof" that President Obama's birth certificate is fake, they believe the lies.

Then there's the most important question of all: What do we do now? Do we try to win them back? Or do we rally our base and do what liberals have done for all of America's history and drag them kicking and screaming into the future? Is it time to take off the gloves, or does it even have to be a fight?

All I know is that this can't continue, our nation, our people, can't take much more of unilateral Republican rule. We have to start winning, that's all that matters right now. We have to start winning.

Thought the comment was pretty insightful (it's from here), especially the part where the commenter points out how Trump voters separate the work ethic of college educated, white collar workers from that of executives.

It is true and unfortunate that most don't know how the world works.

Thursday's rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, found the president-elect calling for the mostly white crowd to cheer for African-Americans who were "smart" to heed his message and therefore "didn't come out to vote" for his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

"That was the big thing, so thank you to the African-American community," Trump said.

styles P concured with that sentiment on da Breakfast club.

Thursday's rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, found the president-elect calling for the mostly white crowd to cheer for African-Americans who were "smart" to heed his message and therefore "didn't come out to vote" for his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

"That was the big thing, so thank you to the African-American community," Trump said.

styles P concured with that sentiment on da Breakfast club.

So what!?

I don't even have to watch the video of what he actually said (I'm sure it is not as simple as you make it) because it is ridiculous you really think because a black person with some fame agrees with Trump, and gives his statement validation.

:smh: :lol:
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Thursday's rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, found the president-elect calling for the mostly white crowd to cheer for African-Americans who were "smart" to heed his message and therefore "didn't come out to vote" for his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

"That was the big thing, so thank you to the African-American community," Trump said.

SMH......and a lot of black actually thought they were doing something smart or revolutionary by not voting for some unknown reason. As a black person if you didn't vote and more importantly didn't vote against Trump this election you are apart of the problem and need to be questioned/scrutinized heavily for it.
I voted eric b for president in protest of trump n hillary...but i live in Cali n knew it was gonna vote hillary anyway

Honestly, this should be a wake up kall for all amerikans. Would we be better served with hill at the helm? More than likely. Is there a possibility trump gets impeached? Maybe. But, seeing as how uninformed the publik is about how our government aktually works, take time to edukate those around, n dont be patronizing nor kondescending. Think of it as teaching a child, as kondescending as that sounds :lol:, but its true, have patience. The 2018 midterm is koming, so try to enkourage people to vote in that. We just took a yuuuuge leap backward, but now we gotta take baby steps forward. We obviously kant hold faith in kongress to help us out, so we gotta get people informed for the next elektion...just my $.02 [emoji]128129[/emoji]
well when Obama's Russian probe finds out Trump was illegitimately elected and Congress grants Obama a third term instead, it'll all turn out ok.
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