***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Even if it were possible (not sure if it is), I doubt Obama would take it. If anything, he'd let republicans appoint an interim (probably republican) president (if it doesn't end up being Pence), and he would watch them get taken apart by the militias they've empowered.
No special election or referendum? I'd love to see a new vote put forth and just let Obama retain his presidency for an extra month while Hillary gets her team ready to take over.
SMH......and a lot of black actually thought they were doing something smart or revolutionary by not voting for some unknown reason. As a black person if you didn't vote and more importantly didn't vote against Trump this election you are apart of the problem and need to be questioned/scrutinized heavily for it.
Talking to alot of black folk who didn't vote, the sense I got from them is that not voting was a political act to them. But the problem with that line of thinking is that no other action follows after that. Are the partly to blame? Yes. But I don't think it's entirely their fault. The lack of education, resources, solid leadership, and a feeling of hopelessness in the system working is why alot of em decided not to vote.
Is that sarkasm or is it possible? Im truly unedukated in that aspekt.

I actually have no idea what the options would be. I imagine Congress would have the power to grant the President an extended term until a new election can be held. During that time I assume Obama would serve as just a caretaker because a) he doesn't really have a mandate since he didn't get elected for the 3rd term and b) Congress is solidly Republican.

What would be interesting is if it takes another year or so and let's say there is conclusive evidence of a conspiracy so Congress acts to impeach Trump. Pence I assume would go too since he is implicitly complicit.

That leaves us with Paul Ryan as president. :x

Talking to alot of black folk who didn't vote, the sense I got from them is that not voting was a political act to them. But the problem with that line of thinking is that no other action follows after that. Are the partly to blame? Yes. But I don't think it's entirely their fault. The lack of education, resources, solid leadership, and a feeling of hopelessness in the system working is why alot of em decided not to vote.
For those that say it's a political act, tell them that there's over 100 million registered voters who don't vote each time. Which means a) if they're trying to "protest" somehow, no ******* body is paying any attention to an extra missing vote out of 100 million and b) those number of votes would be able to elect the president and every other office in the land if they worked together.
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China has seized an unmanned underwater vehicle deployed by a U.S. Navy ship in international waters, according to Pentagon officials.

The drone seizure also comes amid fresh tensions between China and the U.S., following moves by President-elect Donald Trump that have unsettled decades of diplomatic protocol.


It's funny reading the description of the event in the article. The Chinese ship just came in, scooped up the drone, told the U.S. ship to have a good day, and peaced out.
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So what!?

I don't even have to watch the video of what he actually said (I'm sure it is not as simple as you make it) because it is ridiculous you really think because a black person with some fame agrees with Trump, and gives his statement validation.

:smh: :lol:

Bruh, Styles didn't ONCE agree with or endorse Trump on any level all dude said was he didn't vote because he didn't like either candidate, and he disagrees with the concept of an electoral college and thinks there should be a change made in how voting works.

But of course the resident ******** artist tries to spin it :rofl:

China has seized an unmanned underwater vehicle deployed by a U.S. Navy ship in international waters, according to Pentagon officials.

The drone seizure also comes amid fresh tensions between China and the U.S., following moves by President-elect Donald Trump that have unsettled decades of diplomatic protocol.


It's funny reading the description of the event in the article. The Chinese ship just came in, scooped up the drone, told the U.S. ship to have a good day, and peaced out.
Oh boy
one more news article for the day:


Hillary Clinton said Thursday the hacking attacks carried out by Russia against her campaign and the Democratic National Committee were intended “to undermine our democracy” and were ordered by Vladimir V. Putin “because he has a personal beef against me.”

Speaking to a group of donors in Manhattan, Mrs. Clinton said that Mr. Putin, the Russian president, had never forgiven her for the accusation she made in 2011, when she was secretary of state, that his country’s 2011 parliamentary elections were rigged.

Hillary Clinton, speaking to donors Thursday night, said President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia directed the cyberattack against Democrats to settle a personal score with her. “Putin publicly blamed me for the outpouring of outrage by his own people, and that is the direct line between what he said back then and what he did in this election,” Mrs. Clinton said.

for some background:

The Wall Street Journal, working with political scientists from the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago, published their own analysis of the election results, and pointed out a number of features which they believe indicate fraud. They estimate that as many as 14 million of the 65.7 million votes may be fraudulent.

So what!?

I don't even have to watch the video of what he actually said (I'm sure it is not as simple as you make it) because it is ridiculous you really think because a black person with some fame agrees with Trump, and gives his statement validation.

:smh: :lol:

Bruh, Styles didn't ONCE agree with or endorse Trump on any level all dude said was he didn't vote because he didn't like either candidate, and he disagrees with the concept of an electoral college and thinks there should be a change made in how voting works.

But of course the resident ******** artist tries to spin it :rofl:

Famb I figured. Without even watching it I figured dude was misrepresenting ole boy's views.

Amazing :smh: :lol:
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China has seized an unmanned underwater vehicle deployed by a U.S. Navy ship in international waters, according to Pentagon officials.

The drone seizure also comes amid fresh tensions between China and the U.S., following moves by President-elect Donald Trump that have unsettled decades of diplomatic protocol.


It's funny reading the description of the event in the article. The Chinese ship just came in, scooped up the drone, told the U.S. ship to have a good day, and peaced out.

"Underwater drone"

They mean a submarine right?

This is definitely in response to Trump signaling a change in the decades-old "One China" based Taiwan policy. China has repeatedly reaffirmed that they're NOT messing around on the Taiwan issue and won't hesitate to forcefully assert themselves if it comes down to it.
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SMH......and a lot of black actually thought they were doing something smart or revolutionary by not voting for some unknown reason. As a black person if you didn't vote and more importantly didn't vote against Trump this election you are apart of the problem and need to be questioned/scrutinized heavily for it.

Talking to alot of black folk who didn't vote, the sense I got from them is that not voting was a political act to them. But the problem with that line of thinking is that no other action follows after that. Are the partly to blame? Yes. But I don't think it's entirely their fault. The lack of education, resources, solid leadership, and a feeling of hopelessness in the system working is why alot of em decided not to vote.

At this very moment, there are a lot of places in this world where people have their voices being trampled on. Watch what's going on in Gambia (president lost recent elections: concedes to his opponent the day of, only to backtrack and call the elections illegitimate the next day :lol:)

Silence is not a political act. It is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. The subtext of Trump sending thanks to non-voting blacks is the same as those who want to limit Black people's participation in American politics: "know your place" They'd prefer you stay home while they gladly collect your taxes, but if you speak up, they're not against keeping you silent forever.

China has seized an unmanned underwater vehicle deployed by a U.S. Navy ship in international waters, according to Pentagon officials.

The drone seizure also comes amid fresh tensions between China and the U.S., following moves by President-elect Donald Trump that have unsettled decades of diplomatic protocol.


It's funny reading the description of the event in the article. The Chinese ship just came in, scooped up the drone, told the U.S. ship to have a good day, and peaced out.

"Underwater drone"

They mean a submarine right?

This is definitely in response to Trump signaling a change in the decades-old "One China" based Taiwan policy. China has repeatedly reaffirmed that they're NOT messing around on the Taiwan issue and won't hesitate to forcefully assert themselves if it comes down to it.
Nah it wasn't a submarine or a military drone

The drone was used to survey the ocean floor and get results
However, I think China is testing Trump and seeing what he would say. They already know Obama is going to be out in a month.

US oceanographic research vessels are often followed in the water under the assumption they are spying. In this case, however, the drone was simply measuring ocean conditions, the official said.
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one more news article for the day:


Hillary Clinton said Thursday the hacking attacks carried out by Russia against her campaign and the Democratic National Committee were intended “to undermine our democracy” and were ordered by Vladimir V. Putin “because he has a personal beef against me.”

Speaking to a group of donors in Manhattan, Mrs. Clinton said that Mr. Putin, the Russian president, had never forgiven her for the accusation she made in 2011, when she was secretary of state, that his country’s 2011 parliamentary elections were rigged.

Hillary Clinton, speaking to donors Thursday night, said President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia directed the cyberattack against Democrats to settle a personal score with her. “Putin publicly blamed me for the outpouring of outrage by his own people, and that is the direct line between what he said back then and what he did in this election,” Mrs. Clinton said.

for some background:

The Wall Street Journal, working with political scientists from the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago, published their own analysis of the election results, and pointed out a number of features which they believe indicate fraud. They estimate that as many as 14 million of the 65.7 million votes may be fraudulent.

Rig domestic election.
Get called out.
Rig election of accuser.

China has seized an unmanned underwater vehicle deployed by a U.S. Navy ship in international waters, according to Pentagon officials.

The drone seizure also comes amid fresh tensions between China and the U.S., following moves by President-elect Donald Trump that have unsettled decades of diplomatic protocol.


It's funny reading the description of the event in the article. The Chinese ship just came in, scooped up the drone, told the U.S. ship to have a good day, and peaced out.

"Underwater drone"

They mean a submarine right?

This is definitely in response to Trump signaling a change in the decades-old "One China" based Taiwan policy. China has repeatedly reaffirmed that they're NOT messing around on the Taiwan issue and won't hesitate to forcefully assert themselves if it comes down to it.
Nah it wasn't a submarine or a military drone

The drone was used to survey the ocean floor and get results
However, I think China is testing Trump and seeing what he would say. They already know Obama is going to be out in a month.

US oceanographic research vessels are often followed in the water under the assumption they are spying. In this case, however, the drone was simply measuring ocean conditions, the official said.

Oh ok,thought they meant an unmanned sub or something before.

Yea the timing definitely isn't coincidental :lol:

Obama's probably washed his hands at this point since this is gonna be a problem directly of Trumps creation :lol:
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^media makes stupid headlines :lol:
The real issue with this is that China is trying to expand their territory in international waters and this stunt that their navy just pulled confirms that
Could also be a bargaining chip against Trump to drop his outsourcing ban threats
Short summary on the whole Taiwan situation


• Trump gets elected
• Trump repeatedly offends China
• China does thing it didn't do under 2.9K days of Obama
• Critics: It's Obama's fault

The U.S. broke with decades of diplomacy when Trump recognized Taiwan. Not surprising that China did something unprecedented in response.

This is why so many diplomats were worried by Taiwan move. Nobody goes to war over a phone call. But small insults can start a chain reaction.

President has right to shift nation's foreign policy. But diplomacy needs to be highly strategic — insulting rivals tends to end poorly.

Trump and strategic thinking mesh about as well as oil and water :lol:
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If I remember correctly, China seized our plane once back at 2001 over an incident
That was a big story

Goddamit China back at it again
At least they didn't detain any Americans this time
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‏@democracynow: Trump Taps His Far-Right-Wing Bankruptcy Lawyer to be U.S. Ambassador to Israel http://owl.li/vp3e307cd5b

"Trump Chooses Right Wing Hard-Liner as Ambassador to Israel" via @nytimes http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/15/u...prod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share

The Swamp keeps on expanding at a furious pace :x

Dude is pro-West Bank settlements and some consider him to be even more to the right than Bibi and the current ruling Likud party...

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