***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ya'll are BUGGING if you really thinking the GOP is going to change their tactics. Believe it when you see it. They're all talking about doubling down. 

They need a new party. That name is tainted. Scrap it start something new. Libertarians need to start making noise...if thats even possible with some of their philosophical inconsistencies. 

Man these 4 years are gonna be rough.

The tension is so high right now u could cut it with a knife.
All those likes though... 
Damn white folks are really in morning :lol:

Our secretary who is 24 and the biggest republic I know, she calls Obama a socialist :rolleyes, is out for the week sick. Homegirl had an anxiety attack election night :lol:.

She called in today asking my boss if he can talk to HR and get her a transfer to an international office. Her preferred choices were in Germany, Sweden, Australia and Canada. :wow:

No one wanted to sign the get well card, instead we just filled a "once you black you don't go come back" greeting card with smiley faces :smile: and left it on her desk
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[h2]Secret Service Investigating Turlock Woman’s Facebook Post[/h2]

The United States Secret Service is investigating a Turlock woman over a post she made, using the N-word, about President Obama on Facebook.

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Denise Helms wrote. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”


The post, which has since been taken down, went up right after the president won his second term Tuesday night.

“I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal,” Helms told FOX40.

Even though Helms removed the post from her profile, she’s not going to apologize.

“The assassination part is kind of harsh,” Helms said. “I’m not saying I’d go do that or anything like that, by any means, but if it was to happen I don’t think I’d care one bit.”

FOX40 asked her to clarify.

“Really? It wouldn’t bug you if someone assassinated the president?” FOX40 asked.

“Well, it’s not something I would dwell on. It’s not something I would be upset about,” Helms responded.

The Washington, D.C. bureau of the Secret Service told FOX40 that all threats, or perceived threats, are taken seriously and investigated, but did not comment further.

Helms doesn’t think her words were threatening.

“I don’t understand what I did wrong. I didn’t say, ‘Hey, someone go do this,’” Helms told FOX40.

Helms also said that, despite using a racial slur, she doesn’t consider herself racist.

Legally, Helms probably won’t get in trouble for her comments. If the Secret Service perceives her as a credible threat, she faces a Class D felony charge.
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[h1]Las Vegas business owner fires 22 ‘mostly Hispanic’ employees over Obama win[/h1]

By David Edwards
Thursday, November 8, 2012 9:58 EST

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A business owner in Las Vegas on Wednesday told a CBS radio station that he had fired 22 of his 114 “mostly Hispanic” employees because President Barack Obama had won re-election.

“I’ve done my share of educating my employees,” business owner “David,” who refused to use his real name on air, told KSNT radio host Kevin Wall. “I never tell them which way to vote. I believe in the free system that we have. I believe in everybody having their right to choose who they want to be president.”

“And I explained that I always put them first and, unfortunately, I’m at a point now — and am being forced to — that I have to worry about me and my family now,” he continued. “I explained to them a month ago, if Obama gets in office, the regulations for Obamacare are going to hurt our business, and I am going to have to make provision to make sure that I have enough money to cover payroll taxes, the additional health care I’m going to have to do. And I explained that to them, and I said, ‘You do what you feel you need to do, but I’m just letting you know this as a warning that this is things I have to think of as a business owner.’”

David noted that he had “mostly Hispanic” employees and some had come to work wearing Obama shirts on election day.

“I have to build up that nest egg now for the taxes and regulations that are coming my way,” he explained. “Elections do have consequences, but so do choices.”

“I don’t need the labor force coming down saying I laid people off because they are Hispanic, I don’t need the headache. We are in a right-to-work state, but I did inform people that I would possibly had to be making layoffs. I did make the notification 30 days ago. I followed the laws.”

Listen to this audio from KXNT, broadcast Nov. 7, 2012.

Raw Story (http://s.tt/1sB4T)

Video here: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/11/...-22-mostly-hispanic-employees-over-obama-win/
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On November 08, 2012  at 7:19 AM
[h2]How the Secret Service Said Goodbye to Mitt Romney[/h2]
By Marc Ambinder


At some point, early Wednesday morning, when Gov. Mitt Romney and family were tucked into bed, a quiet call went out on the radio channel used by his Secret Service agents: "Javelin, Jockey details, all posts, discontinue."

Of all the indignities involved in losing a presidential race, none is more stark than the sudden emptiness of your entourage. The Secret Service detail guarding Governor Romney since Feb 1. stood down quickly. He had ridden in a 15-car motorcade to the Intercontinental Hotel in Boston for his concession speech. He rode in a single-car motorcade back across the Charles River to Belmont. His son, Tagg, did the driving.

There is no formal guideline for the Secret Service agents in this situation; it's up to the discretion of the detail leader, who usually consults with the local police to make sure that his protectee's home won't be overrun by protestors and supporters all of a sudden.

But the Service leaves quickly. No more motorcades. No more rope lines. No more bubbles. Familiar faces disappear, never to be seen again.

In 2008, agents offered to see John McCain back to his ranch in Sedona, but McCain insisted on saying his good byes in his suite at the Biltmore Hotel. The next morning, McCain was seen driving his own car to get groceries.

Had Romney won, everything would have been different. A full counter-assault team, "Hawkeye Javelin," was on stand-by in Boston, ready to supplement his detail. A team from the White House Communications Agency, which had been consulting with his informal transition team on secure space for intelligence briefings, was on hand too. 

Romney has his family. When the race was close, agents would joke about the number of "j" words they'd need to come up with in order to give every one of his children, their wives, and all of their children code names. That's 29 people who would have received, if not protection, at least a protective survey and recommendations from the Service. Quietly, plans had already been put in place to assign protective details to all of them, just in case.

The Secret Service has had a hellish year. Not only has it been the busiest ever for the small agency, but it has been their most embarrassing since the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1982. April's prostitution in scandal in Cartegana, Colombia threatened to demoralize the entity in charge of safeguarding the democratic process right on the eve of their active phase; two conventions, major foreign trips for the president, the presidential debates, the United Nations General Assembly, the campaign season itself (with sometimes more than a thousand agents and officers changing locations daily). An Inspector General's report has concluded that agents did not jeopardize the president's safety, but having spent time with agents over these past few months, their morale has been flagging. The public mockery takes it toll, even on silent soldiers.

And yet, for everything they were confronted with, the Service did its job. Protectees were protected 100 percent of the time. Several assassination plots were nipped in the bud. Thousands of events were secured, perfectly. Results matter, as we learned Tuesday night. 

Though no one in the Service was rooting one way or the other for any particular candidate, at least not to colleagues or publicly, not having to secure the Romney family means that agents who have been working 12 hours shifts for eight weeks straight can take some time off before the inauguration. Families of many more agents will get them home for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Libertarians are idiots, most of them just wanna dissolve the whole government... If they had some knowledge and maybe momentum from some GOP members they'd make noise... Getting rid of the whole government won't do too much to benefit lmao. Time for the GOP to push states rights.
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[COLOR=#red]I remember a day when Special Operations Operators were known as the "Quiet Professionals". The SEALS have OFFICIALLY gone Hollywood...meanwhile the other organization goes about quietly to do their job with no fanfare and little to no media coverage...the way it's supposed to be.[/COLOR]
We need to end this meme of "big government"

Its complete BS.

The left and the right love this country just as much. We just want to make it better.

Last I checked, Romney wanted to LEAD the government. Thats not "small government" if you ask me. Don't let these politicians fool you. They are as much apart of it as they claim not to be.

They just want to lead the government in their own way. 

What we need to focus on is HOW to lead the government. Government is just as important as individual freedoms, however we can't keep acting like government itself is the problem. 

You can't claim to be the party of "cutting spending" but being against cutting military expenditures and against cutting things that the GOP has laser tagged by their Apache Helicopter of their brand of "patriotism" 

Government isn't a business. We have to understand this

Libertarians are idiots, most of them just wanna dissolve the whole government... If they had some knowledge and maybe momentum from some GOP members they'd make noise... Getting rid of the whole government won't do too much to benefit lmao. Time for the GOP to push states rights.

That'll win them the next election. Bring back states rights and slavery.
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NOVEMBER 7, 2012, 10:23 PM[h3]Picket Fence Apocalypse[/h3]By CHARLES M. BLOW
No, you cannot have your country back. America is moving forward.

That's the message voters sent the Republican Party and its Tea Party wing Tuesday night when they re-elected President Obama and strengthened the Democrats' control of the Senate.

No amount of outside money or voter suppression or fear mongering or lying - and there was a ton of each - was enough to blunt that message.

President Obama and his formidable campaign machine out-performed the Republicans, holding together a winning coalition that is the face of America's tomorrow: young voters, urban voters, racially and ethnically diverse voters and women voters.

According to exit polls, Obama won 60 percent of the 18 to 29 year old vote and 52 percent of the 30-40 vote. He won 69 percent of the vote in big cities and 58 percent of the vote in mid-sized cities. He won 93 percent of the black vote and more than 70 percent of both the Asian vote and the Hispanic vote. He won over half of the female vote. And he won 76 percent of the gay, lesbian and bisexual vote.

Mitt Romney won the white vote, the male vote, the elderly vote, the small cities vote and the high-income vote.

The base of Democratic support in this country is expanding. The Republican base is shrinking, becoming more racially homogenous, more rural and older.

Reality made for a great rending of garments and gnashing of teeth among conservatives.

On election night, Bill O'Reilly said :
It's a changing country, the demographics are changing. It's not a traditional America anymore, and there are 50 percent of the voting public who want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give them things? President Obama.
O'Reilly continued: "The white establishment is now the minority."

Ann Coulter, who activates my gag reflex  whenever I type her name, said Wednesday:
If Mitt Romney cannot win in this economy, then the tipping point has been reached. We have more takers than makers and it's over. There is no hope.
Rush Limbaugh took to the air to say that  "Mitt Romney and his family would have been the essence of exactly what this country needs" and that Romney "did offer a vision of traditional America." Limbaugh went on:
I went to bed last night thinking we're outnumbered. I went to bed last night thinking all this discussion we'd had about this election being the election that will tell us whether or not we've lost the country. I went to bed last night thinking we've lost the country.
You would think that the world came to an end Tuesday night. And depending on your worldview, it might have. If your idea of America's power structure is rooted in a 1950s or even a 1920s sensibility, here's an update: that America is no more.

Republicans are trying to hold back a storm surge of demographic change with a white picket fence. Good luck with that.

I remember a day when Special Operations Operators were known as the "Quiet Professionals". The SEALS have OFFICIALLY gone Hollywood...meanwhile the other organization goes about quietly to do their job with no fanfare and little to no media coverage...the way it's supposed to be.
The other? Huh? 

I heard they're not called "SEALs" in government anymore. Apparently SEAL is just the media name they use.

Tell me what you think of this site. I think its kinda dope: http://sofrep.com/
Watching fox news is so entertaining. How can these fools be on tv?
I watch it to re-orient my views from time to time.

Its like calibrating your flatscreen. 

Gotta know what else is out there to make sure you didn't oversaturate your "blues" and "reds"

Plus, its good to get some alternative view-points. It doesn't hurt to at least be more (or rarely) less sure of yourself afterwards. 
Shoulda prayed harder fam-lam. 

[h1]Beck on Romney’s loss: ‘Man, sometimes God really sucks’[/h1]
By David Edwards
Wednesday, November 7, 2012 15:28 EST

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Conservative radio host Glenn Beck on Wednesday declared that Mitt Romney’s loss to President Barack Obama proved that “sometimes God really sucks.”

As it was becoming apparently that the president was going to be re-elected on Tuesday, Beck had told a panel  on his Blaze TV network that “the body of America is even sicker than I thought it was.”

“Twelve years ago, I could say with real assurance that I knew who Americans were,” he explained. “And I can’t say that any more.”

During his radio show the next morning, Beck told listeners that he had realized Romney was going to lose while praying before the polls opened on Tuesday.

“Man, sometimes God really sucks,” the radio host lamented. “I got up yesterday at 3:00 in the morning and I knew. And I couldn’t sleep and I started to say my prayers and I got up and kneeled down by the edge of my bed and I knew that — or I suspected that my mind’s not God’s mind, and the peace and the comfort that he had given me and so many of my friends was not about an election.”

He added: “Just like those Christians that rolled up the Dead Sea Scrolls and put them in pots. I don’t know what happened to those Christians but they hid them. They hid them and they preserved them because it was important. The Bible was never wiped out, but the people who originally wrote the Bible were scattered.”

But in the weeks leading up to Tuesday’s election, Beck had repeatedly said that God was orchestrating Republican nominee’s path to the presidency.

Speaking to his radio listeners in September, he insisted that Romney’s poll numbers had fallen as a part of a plan  from God to make it obvious to the American people that divine intervention was responsible when Republicans took the White House in November.

The conservative radio host later speculated  that Romney had lost the final debate because he was “being guided” by God to be “less contentious” and agree with President Barack Obama.

Raw Story (http://s.tt/1stZO)
Still don't get how the GOP and their followers are so hard on protecting the top 4-5% of taxpayers on not increasing the rates for people making $250k+ a year from 35 to ~39%.

Its almost laughable to be honest. Excuse the elementary math but if I'm taking home $162.5k (250k x 65%), im not gonna be feeling it too much getting that cut down to $151k.

These guys are acting like they're going to be on the street if that **** happens. :smh:

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Still don't get how the GOP and their followers are so hard on protecting the top 4-5% of taxpayers on not increasing the rates for people making $250k+ a year from 35 to ~39%.

Its almost laughable to be honest. Excuse the elementary math but if I'm taking home $162.5k (250k x 65%), im not gonna be feeling it too much getting that cut down to $151k.

These guys are acting like they're going to be on the street if that **** happens.

The old white guys at my gig are pissed over the Romney loss. I just sit back and laugh at the ignorant statements about people voting for Obama for handouts and welfare.
What's gonna happen when white America becomes the minority? :nerd:

The issue people are having here is race. Racism at it's finest, and things are getting heated. The country is currently divided in two.
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