***Official Political Discussion Thread***

First off, who let the racist idiot out? Thought he got banned a minute ago.

Second, why the hell do people WANT to live under a dictatorship? They think that **** is cool or something.

Lastly, the women's March is cool and all, theres a ton of people out there. But some (probably a lot) of those white women are faking the funk. ***** grabber-in-chief who wants to throw women in jail for abortions got 52% of the vote from white women. They got some explaining to do before they get out there yelling bout feminism.
These women are the ones you watch out for.
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The white women protesting Trump right now probably mostly voted for Hillary. I don't think they have to answer for the 53% of their demographic that voted for da orange bigot.

I certainly wouldn't want to answer for a dude like Rico. :lol:
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One it's not exclusively women's issues. It's all marginalized peoples. And not all of them are asleep:


We'll have to see if this continues, but it really may have taken us hitting rock bottom as a collective wake up call. That **** wasn't all smooth and there's a lot of people that want a far different country than what the people are tending towards.
I can assure you that every woman that I know that's protesting DID NOT vote for The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji].
we were told trump would change when he was sworn in. we warned you for the past year that trump is who he is and that's what we'll get. the same thin-skinned narcissist who will lie, cheat, and steal to maintain his ego is going to behave the same way as president.

i will point and laugh but i am also disgusted with his supporters.

the good news is that things will change. normally we are too happy and comfortable to sacrifice for a revolution. but now the stakes have been upped and a correction will happen.

I've seen you bring up "revolution" quite a bit. But, I am confused as to what/whom you are revolting against and what the goals of said revolution are. Care to elaborate?
The white women protesting Trump right now probably mostly voted for Hillary. I don't think they have to answer for the 53% of their demographic that voted for da orange bigot.

I certainly wouldn't want to answer for a dude like Rico. :lol:

Yeah, I mean that's fair, but you're looking at fringe portions of black folks that voted for Trump (and against themselves). MOST white women voted for Trump yet every one I run into acts like they despise him. All I'm saying is somebody is faking the funk out here, and I need some answers. Because as quietly as its kept, they're the demographic that put the bigot in office.

MVP MVP I hope some of them have woken up. However, theres a reason why so many minorities, especially minority women, are side-eyeing their recently woken white allies. We've been complaining about the same **** for years, but it took the orange misogynist to wake yall up? As my black female coworker said on Thursday, "We've been living in this hell, nothing new over here. Yall the ones who gotta adjust".
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paying 500 thousand protestors would cost around $100 million, if not more.

da apparatus of organization is what's being funded, as well as many of da seeder agitators.

Project veritas already exposed all of this as well as da WikiLeaks.
doesn't matter to me. all these things are funded/organized/backed by some powers that be.

the point is that people showed up on their own volition. that's what matters.

(btw I'm not arguing against you. you're probably right that some rich person helped fund the organisation of such a massive event. but looking back at history these large protests always have that element. the difference is whether the crowds that actually show up are being forced to do it or whether they actually care. from everything i know about who's going to this, it's genuine. and please don't post some random story about how a couple people were discovered to be paid shills.
Most elderly people rely on Medicare to get the affordable healthcare they need. To call those people, who have helped build our country, to be government leeches because they use Medicare, shows how dense you are.
the point is that people showed up on their own volition. that's what matters.

No, they didn't.

For years the radical left media has been stirring up this narrative that women do not have equal rights. Now the pot has boiled over by the narrative that Trump and his administration are going to "oppress" women even further.

They didn't show up on their own accord, they were driven by a false narrative.
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we were told trump would change when he was sworn in. we warned you for the past year that trump is who he is and that's what we'll get. the same thin-skinned narcissist who will lie, cheat, and steal to maintain his ego is going to behave the same way as president.

i will point and laugh but i am also disgusted with his supporters.

the good news is that things will change. normally we are too happy and comfortable to sacrifice for a revolution. but now the stakes have been upped and a correction will happen.

I've seen you bring up "revolution" quite a bit. But, I am confused as to what/whom you are revolting against and what the goals of said revolution are. Care to elaborate?
I've only said it once or twice and i think it's a tricky/loaded word. when Bernie said it, i feel like it was overdone. sure, wall st needs to be reined in but not at the cost of a revolution.

however if things do really get bad and trump has his way with everything, then some sort of revolution will be necessary and will happen. I'm not calling in any way for war of the streets or any violence or bloodshed but rather changes to the status quo that we wouldn't have pursued otherwise. this could be as simple as abolishing the electoral college, for example. but i could also see something more drastic.

ultimately we have the groundwork already for a fairly functional democracy and none of this may need to happen.
No, they didn't.

For years the radical left media has been stirring up this narrative that women do not have equal rights. Now the pot has boiled over by the narrative that Trump and his administration are going to "oppress" women even further.

They didn't show up on their own accord, they were driven by a false narrative.


So women getting paid less than men for the same job is a false narrative?:lol: That alone is reason enough to March
damb. I missed the speech. Was it as bad as I thought it'll be?
I'm assuming this is the speech being referred to. Gonna start watching now.

Trump starts at 31:00

Edit: And right off the bat he says "nobody feels stronger about the intelligence community and the CIA than Donald Trump" 

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the point is that people showed up on their own volition. that's what matters.

No, they didn't.

For years the radical left media has been stirring up this narrative that women do not have equal rights. Now the pot has boiled over by the narrative that Trump and his administration are going to "oppress" women even further.

They didn't show up on their own accord, they were driven by a false narrative.

They showed up because a man who said that he could do anything to women because he was a star got chosen to represent all of us, including them.

It's that simple. You're the one fabricating narratives.
the point is that people showed up on their own volition. that's what matters.

No, they didn't.

For years the radical left media has been stirring up this narrative that women do not have equal rights. Now the pot has boiled over by the narrative that Trump and his administration are going to "oppress" women even further.

They didn't show up on their own accord, they were driven by a false narrative.

Women (especially women of color) don't have equality in America, it is not something the left made up.

And now some of the rights and services that they depend on are under threat, so they protesting.

Jesus ******* Christ.
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Yeah, I mean that's fair, but you're looking at fringe portions of black folks that voted for Trump (and against themselves). MOST white women voted for Trump yet every one I run into acts like they despise him. All I'm saying is somebody is faking the funk out here, and I need some answers. Because as quietly as its kept, they're the demographic that put the bigot in office.

MVP MVP I hope some of them have woken up. However, theres a reason why so many minorities, especially minority women, are side-eyeing their recently woken white allies. We've been complaining about the same **** for years, but it took the orange misogynist to wake yall up? As my black female coworker said on Thursday, "We've been living in this hell, nothing new over here. Yall the ones who gotta adjust".

White chick I work with... From money, drives a Porsche, and is generally smart.

She voted for Trump because her boyfriend voted for Trump.
I definitely see the reason for skepticism from women and POC with the wokeness as well especially considering the circumstances that he was elected under. But like I said before, there was definitely an air of complacency by white women and people in general. Nobody thought this was going to happen and more people are realizing that our fight is in fact their fight as well like we've been saying all along.
Is it me or are there more people at the protest than there were at dudes inauguration? :lol:



I was here YESTERDAY and I'm here TODAY. I can honestly say it appears to me more people here today for the march than yesterday at the inauguration. More positive energy and vibe today as well.....not even close.
Women (especially women of color) don't have equality in America, it is not something the left made up.

And now some of the rights and services that they depend on are under threat, so they protesting.

Jesus ******* Christ.

Like what? Planned Parenthood?

Do you have any evidence to support the claims of inequality ? Not anecdotal, either.
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