***Official Political Discussion Thread***

And there it is, what's uttered in the shadows.
Wasn't shocked when I heard it. I'm not gonna generalize that all whites have this same opinion. At least I know what she is. Always smiling in my face. Not gonna lose sleep over it. I work in Atlanta btw.
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Question for all sides, this bizarre war on the press that this administration has, do they see themselves winning? the press is your propaganda station and can control the narrative if pushed too far. I don't see this ending well.

Only way to win it is to silence the press. Two ways I can think that will happen: take control of funding and kill the media by reducing it (as in the NPR/PBS case) or straight up making some kind of media outlets illegal (by amending the 1st amendment). Because they can't do the latter, they rely on delegitimization and their success will depend on the inaccuracy of news outlets' future coverage.

That's also why the administration wants to go after those independent oversight agencies: they want to be in control of the raw data that gets fed to the public. That way, even if they can't control how the media spins stuff, they control the numbers the media can get access to.

Only potential good thing about it is that it may result in better news from the MSM because they understand they have a real incentive to deliver correct info.
Anything specifically?
White coworker who voted for him said "She feels "whites" are back in power. That's the way it should be". She didn't know I heard her say this btw.

Bill Clinton is a sws. No doubt in my mind now. His body of work is too extensive, and he dog whistled his when it was convenient for him.

Hillary probably isn't, even though the "super-predators" thing was disgusting.

One thing about the Clintons that conservative (and even moderate) poor white people hate is not that they are the "liberal elite" , is that they acknowledge the needs to minorities way too much. Even the acknowledgement is a crime to them

Bill Clinton was **** for minorities but in 1996 poor whites still felt betrayed by him because of all the minorities he put in his administration and that he "seemed" to value the Congressional Black Caucuses opinion. Black people like him, they probably should have, because he asked the country to practice empathy towards minorities and spoke highly of how his good economy was helping minorities. The GOP Southern Strategy this situation.

Hillary took it a step further, Hillary tried to recreate the Obama coalition and was out there preaching about intersectionality. She spoke about jobs more but also acted like social issues were just as important. And she had the audacity to say in public white people have to realize black people have it tough, and black people are justified to think the system is stacked against them.

Bill Clinton could be trusted to further the system of white supremacy because his neoliberal ideology was so trash.

Hillary, nah, it was apparent that whether she believe her words or not, that she saw catering minority groups was advantageous to her political career. Either to get votes or to build a presidential legacy. The anti-poverty stuff will have been pushed, the civil right arm of the DOJ may have strengthen. Also, Hillary preaches the worst kind of feminism for conservative white women, the kind that acts like women of color issue are just as important. Hillary dog whistled his heavy with the single mother stuff, and that is one area Hillary has known to come through, helping poor single mothers. Disproportionately these are women of color.

The optics of the DNC convention was another thing to consider. A diverse crowd (with a large over representation of black women, which is the worst of the worst in the eyes of a bigot) cheering, being patriotic, and being hopeful about the future of America. Then Obama, Bernie, Hillary, a Muslim couple, a black preacher, and other speakers came on stage and said that was exactly the plan. If someone is a bigot, this must not have sat well this them

**** the Wall Street stuff, her *** might or tried help minorities of all kinds. So if your a white supremacist, or sws, that ***** Hillary couldn't be trusted.

Trump on the other hand could. He will bring them to heel.

White supremacist can't stand other white people that don't have the same level of racial anxiety as them. **** is just the new way to call someone a race traitor or ****** lover
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thats one good thing i can get out of this election, many of these racist closed minded f**** have come out of the shadows.

"Darkness is good," says Bannon, who amid the suits surrounding him at Trump Tower, looks like a graduate student in his T-shirt, open button-down and tatty blue blazer — albeit a 62-year-old graduate student. "**** Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they" — I believe by "they" he means liberals and the media, already promoting calls for his ouster — "get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing."

He partners with David Bossie, a congressional investigator of President Clinton, who later spearheaded the Citizens United lawsuit that effectively removed the cap on campaign spending, and who now, as the deputy campaign manager, is in the office next to Bannon's

Drain the swamp indeed...
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It's a blessing as I see it.

Very true and I'm pumped. I've suspected many of these people on NT and elsewhere were racist and shucking and jiving dudes for years but I'm glad Da Don and Barson are giving them the freedom to be themselves.
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One thing that might work in Trumps favor in the short run. Automation, better supply chain, and cheap energy. All things and trends that exist before he came into office.

Manufacturing companies might open highly automated factories, with promises of creating "thousands" of new jobs, and Trump will be there to take credit.

Now his treats of tariffs and a tax war would incentivize a company to be on the right side of things, but I doubt the media will point out the other things at play to the public.


-This goes along with Trumps comments with the dollar being too strong, and why he is so hostile towards Yellen. Those things are getting in the way of his PR wins
Manufacturing companies might open highly automated factories, with promises of creating "thousands" of new jobs, and Trump will be there to take credit.

Still, they're not going to create 100,000s of jobs when they need 10,000s of them. Those jobs are still going to require high levels of training and schooling, which they don't want to do.

When you hear Trump talk about China stealing jobs, you have to wonder if they snuck in in the dead of the night, dismantled all the factories, and smuggled them out of the country, when the reality is American business owners themselves went out of their way to take advantage of cheaper labor.

WASHINGTON — In his first executive order, President Trump on Friday directed government agencies to scale back as many aspects of the Affordable Care Act as possible, moving within hours of being sworn in to fulfill his pledge to eviscerate Barack Obama’s signature health care law.

The one-page order, which Mr. Trump signed in a hastily arranged Oval Office ceremony shortly before departing for the inaugural balls, gave no specifics about which aspects of the law it was targeting. But its broad language gave federal agencies wide latitude to change, delay or waive provisions of the law that they deemed overly costly for insurers, drug makers, doctors, patients or states, suggesting that it could have wide-ranging impact, and essentially allowing the dismantling of the law to begin even before Congress moves to repeal it.

In other words, this is all for show. If nothing is done to the ACA for a while, he can direct the blame to Congress and tell the people how "government isn't working."
We're closer to actual death panels with these vague restrictions and general undefined ability to delay and change ****.
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