***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Sessions is not a champion for civil rights. He probably wants to turn White Lives Matters into a protected civil rights group.
I said before he should have been making himself an example if he was so adamant about American labor. 

The America We Lost When Trump Won

The populists after the Civil War, faced with the collapse into peonage of American farmers — then about half the population — built nationwide lecture and correspondence networks, and eventually won the reforms they needed, even though it took them more than 60 years. The first wave of feminists fought for more than 70 years to win their biggest demand; Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were dead by the time women got the vote. African-Americans battled ceaselessly, in every way they could, against their enslavement and Jim Crow, training their own lawyers to take their cases to the Supreme Court. The struggles for labor rights, gay rights, Hispanic rights, civil liberties, religious toleration, women’s control over their own bodies — all these battles and more took decades to win. They are the glory of our civilization.

Today’s passive, unhappy Americans sat on their couches and chose a strutting TV clown to save us.

edit: an interesting takeaway from the article/comments and other stuff I've read today is that much of trump's support comes from people intimidated by Obama's intellectualism and higher education in general. It's a deep-seated insecurity among many where, rather than respect and learn from others, they choose to shower the educated with disdain. That's a big reason why trump did so well with so many -- he is one of them, a blunt guy who doesn't bother to learn or understand nuance or complexity. This viewpoint includes but is not exclusive to reflexive white nationalism.

Prime example: viewing the world economy as a zero sum game. Thinking that becoming isolationist and bringing manufacturing back within our borders will automatically translate into an improved American economy.
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The America We Lost When Trump Won

The populists after the Civil War, faced with the collapse into peonage of American farmers — then about half the population — built nationwide lecture and correspondence networks, and eventually won the reforms they needed, even though it took them more than 60 years. The first wave of feminists fought for more than 70 years to win their biggest demand; Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were dead by the time women got the vote. African-Americans battled ceaselessly, in every way they could, against their enslavement and Jim Crow, training their own lawyers to take their cases to the Supreme Court. The struggles for labor rights, gay rights, Hispanic rights, civil liberties, religious toleration, women’s control over their own bodies — all these battles and more took decades to win. They are the glory of our civilization.

Today’s passive, unhappy Americans sat on their couches and chose a strutting TV clown to save us.

edit: an interesting takeaway from the article/comments and other stuff I've read today is that much of trump's support comes from people intimidated by Obama's intellectualism and higher education in general. It's a deep-seated insecurity among many where, rather than respect and learn from others, they choose to shower the educated with disdain. That's a big reason why trump did so well with so many -- he is one of them, a blunt guy who doesn't bother to learn or understand nuance or complexity. This viewpoint includes but is not exclusive to reflexive white nationalism.

Prime example: viewing the world economy as a zero sum game. Thinking that becoming isolationist and bringing manufacturing back within our borders will automatically translate into an improved American economy.

Authoritarian figures HATE HATE HATE intellectuals.

Whenever there is a coup led by authoritarians, the very first thing the overthrowing forces do is taking control of the means of communication (newspapers, radio/TV stations) and occupy the local universities.

If the overthrow is successful, the first people in jail are the voices of dissent, particularly anyone with the ability to intellectually challenge the new rulers.

Just look at the purges that happened in Turkey after the coup attempt. Erdogan relieved every judge and head of university from their functions because they, more than anyone else, had the potential to challenge his decision to steer the country away from the vision of the country's founder.
Authoritarian figures HATE HATE HATE intellectuals.

Whenever there is a coup led by authoritarians, the very first thing the overthrowing forces do is taking control of the means of communication (newspapers, radio/TV stations) and occupy the local universities.

If the overthrow is successful, the first people in jail are the voices of dissent, particularly anyone with the ability to intellectually challenge the new rulers.

Just look at the purges that happened in Turkey after the coup attempt. Erdogan relieved every judge and head of university from their functions because they, more than anyone else, had the potential to challenge his decision to steer the country away from the vision of the country's founder.


Trump is following the Facist/Authoritarian/Dictator playbook as much as the modern American system allows.

It's both fascinating and frightening to watch TBH. I can't be fascinated. I got nieces and nephews man. Going back is not good for them. And is never good in general.

The success of mankind is progression. Not regression. The failures and atrocities are born from extreme conservatism.

History has shown us this time and time again.
This has been a tactic of the far right from the jump:

Painting being college educated makes you out of touch with the real world.

If every poor person got a decent (and hopefully cheap) college education, the system of white supremacy, and the grip the reationary right has on the GOP, would be in danger.

While it would not be universal, the poor whites would learn to reason better, think critically, learn about history,have their views challenged, get washed in a debate, learn to spot bad statistics, question things more, and scariest of all to conservatives..............they would interact with minorities that don't fit the stereotypes that conservatives use to scare poor whites.

Jose is not coming to steal your job, he is the dude in your frat

Jamal is not trying to rob you, he is your studying group for Calc 2

Ahmad is not trying to blow you up, you play basketball with him on Tuesday nights

Tanisha and Maria aren't young single mothers leeching off the system, they are just two chicks in your group for Sociology class.

Poor young white kids would expand their world view, become more empathetic toward minorities, more progressive, and then..... boom......they will be hip to the BS conservatives been feeding them

So conservative elites try their best to weaken the higher education system, and tell poor people that they are better off without it. All the while they are sending their children of to expensive summer camps, and cutting huge checks in hopes their kids get into Harvard.

-Problem is, Trump stole this uneducated gullible base right from under the GOP establishment in the primaries. And these folk have no idea the extent they have been lied too.

But yeah, they don't need a fancy degree or useless facts, Trump tells them their white identity is enough, and he is going to give them back their country because it belongs to them. Not some educated black man and the minorities he keeps telling you to practice empathy towards.
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Paul Krugman touched on this too. The problem is not when trump succeeds, it is when he fails and people try to point it out. He will will seek revenge on everyone he can.

On top of that, Mr. Trump made big promises during the campaign, so the risk of disillusionment is especially high.

Will he respond to bad news by accepting responsibility and trying to do better? Will he renounce his fortune and enter a monastery? That seems equally likely.

No, the insecure egomaniac-in-chief will almost surely deny awkward truths, and berate the media for reporting them. And — this is what worries me — it’s very likely that he’ll try to use his power to shoot the messengers.

Seriously, how do you think the man who compared the C.I.A. to Nazis will react when the Bureau of Labor Statistics first reports a significant uptick in unemployment or decline in manufacturing jobs? What’s he going to do when the Centers for Disease Control and the Census Bureau report spiking numbers of uninsured Americans?

You may have thought that last weekend’s temper tantrum was bad. But there’s much, much worse to come

i guess i never thought people would think that way, or it would be limited to some guy named Cletus born to siblings. turns out though it's wealthy suburban whites who are pushing this line of thinking that universities are full of liberal elites who are poisoning young minds with anti-American views.

for anyone in college, you know how ridiculous this all is. you know how much rigor and careful thought goes into college (well, depending on your d1 scholarship status) and it only gets more rigorous the further along you go.

it's a pattern of selfish laziness. i saw something similar posted on Facebook with respect to the media. some girl was defending spicer and alternative facts by saying that the media makes no effort to uncover the truth. like really? does she have any idea how much trouble a journalist at a respectable paper gets into if they're caught fabricating a story? does she know about how many journalists risk their lives going to places like Syria to try to report on the truth?

it's just such an intellectually lazy view of life. people think they're experts on something with no effort. they're probably the same people calling in on Monday to criticize their local football team when they haven't played a minute of football in their entire life.

alright, enough ranting, i gotta sleep.
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Anyone notice the similarity between 50 cent and Trump?

1. They are the pettiest people on earth and its hilarious.
2.  They are relentless in their battles.
3. Both best traits are marketing themselves.
4. Both from Jamaica Queens.  
Expecting Curtis to show up at Trump towers by the weekend.
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