***Official Political Discussion Thread***

First, they came for the muslims, and I didn't say anything because I wasn't muslim.
"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Elie Wiesel

But it seems the nation isn't being silent. its encouraging. smh
Just came across one of the dumbest tweets I've seen regarding Trump

@LouiseMensch: The single greatest recruiter for Donald Trump bar none - if you pick one person - was Colin Kaepernick. Like it or not it's true.

A lot of folks have had their racism showing ever since tiny hands took office...
This is what they want though. Republican Party is the party of hate and division and use it as the guise to pass laws that are favorable to the wealthy. Without hate and division there's no way they can get into power and pass these garbage laws.

They don't want peace their goal is to make more and more hate, on both sides.

That exists within the Democratic Party as well.. Remember when Bill Clinton signed DOMA and Don't Ask Don't Tell?
Just came across one of the dumbest tweets I've seen regarding Trump

@LouiseMensch: The single greatest recruiter for Donald Trump bar none - if you pick one person - was Colin Kaepernick. Like it or not it's true.

A lot of folks have had their racism showing ever since tiny hands took office...
people like this evil *****

There are ppl with actual papers being kept from entering the country, smh

They have actual, effing papers

That wall is being built to keep you in. :lol:

The silver lining is that when **** becomes unbearable, a few loud and well placed "salam alaikum" will get you a one way ticket out of the dictatorship. It's not like they'll understand you're greeting them...
Trump just said the NYTimes is fake news :lol:

Most respected paper in NY, but they're on the same level as the tabloids, apparently
I can't even keep up anymore with all the **** the orange turd has done in his first week.

- banned people from 7 countries
- muzzled dozens of non-political government agencies
- federal hiring freeze
- diverting money to building a wall
- went after sanctuary cities
- formalized his attack on the media
- lied about inauguration numbers
- lied about voter fraud and is using it to justify a wasteful investigation into it
- took first steps towards repealing the ACA
- withdrew from TPP (and threatened to withdraw from other trade deals and global organizations)
- approved the Dakota access pipeline

edit: almost forgot

- 20% tariff

Trump just said the NYTimes is fake news :lol:

Most respected paper in NY, but they're on the same level as the tabloids, apparently
It's the most respected paper in the United States, at least for one with daily print.
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Trump just said the NYTimes is fake news :lol:

Most respected paper in NY, but they're on the same level as the tabloids, apparently
Facts = fake news to that clown. Anything non Fox-Breitbart that holds him in an unfavorable light,no matter how factual, is dismissed. Dude's own echo chamber will be his downfall
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fake news = news that casts Trumpo in a negative light.

Alternative facts = facts that casts Trumpo in a positive light.
This is what Repubs want. Foster a climate of hate, division, and religious intolerance while not being blamed for it. Trump is the face of it being the President but senate and house Repubs are just as much to blame.

We need to keep the foot on all these people's necks.
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They had a nerve to say the country was divided more than it's ever been under Obama.

divided = not adhering to white supremacy ideologies

The country is "united" when middle aged xenophobic white males are in charge... b/c that's what this country was built in.

You become "divided" when those dudes lose their power.
divided = not adhering to white supremacy ideologies

The country is "united" when middle aged xenophobic white males are in charge... b/c that's what this country was built in.

You become "divided" when those dudes lose their power.
I'd disagree the country is more divided than it has been in the last 8 years. I know what you are trying to say but it's just not true
People getting mad that their intolerance isn't being tolerated by "liberals". I've been seeing it a lot lately with trump coming to power. People stating their ignorant/highly uninformed/ racist views and when they get called out on it they play victim and say that liberals are intolerant of other opinions. Most annoying thing ever.
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People getting mad that their intolerance isn't being tolerated by "liberals". I've been seeing it a lot lately with trump coming to power. People stating their ignorant/highly uninformed/ racist views and when they get called out on it they play victim and say that liberals are intolerant of other opinions.
It's funny you say this because I have a few friends who claim to be conservatives but are pretty dimwitted when it comes to politics. They love preaching the same right wing rhetoric and whenever they are challenged they are quick to claim "liberal this, liberal that" and act as if they are being victimized for saying nonsense
The whole "Be tolerant of my intolerance" thing is the most backassward **** ever man :lol: :rolleyes
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See this is my issue.

Your condescending tone does nothing.

A lot of people are just raised in enviroments where following politics seems like a waste of time.

At 31 Ive probably just started paying even the slightest attention to it because of Obama.

Instead of spewing your negative views on people who seem to be at a loss, why not shepherd the sheep?

Probably why this thread has so many few new posters.

Its like the gym for out of shape people tryna get fit but get clowned for taking the first step :smh:
King Koopa why even vote if you don't know the issues you're voting for? Makes no sense. People who are uneducated about the voting system and the issues they are voting for don't deserve to vote, period. Apparently expecting people to have common sense and to do some research is "condescending" these days. What a low @#$ standard :lol: I'd understand these people more if they just came out and said "Yeah, I know his policies will be @#%@, but I like him because he's a racist". Instead they're crying over Twitter begging him to not get rid of Obamacare when that has been one of his top campaign points from DAY ONE. They're mad at him for using taxpayer money to build a wall even after Mexico has refused to pay for it since the beginning. They're complaining about #NoDAPL when it's been clear that he was going to go through with it for MONTHS. The people that voted for him despite all this yet are now concerned about these things are STUPID.
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Just came across one of the dumbest tweets I've seen regarding Trump
A lot of folks have had their racism showing ever since tiny hands took office...
Kaepernick's comment that Drumpf and Hillary were equally racist was one of the dumbest statements regarding Drumpf. I swear, in a way I hate the "Don't know who is worse - Trump or Hillary" people more than Drumpf supporters themselves. Hardline Drumpf supporters were brainwashed FUBARs, so they were a lost cause, but I will NEVER forgive the people who seemed to be of sane mind and seemed to be able to see just how bat **** crazy this guy was like the rest of the sane people, yet still had such an unbelievable opinion that both candidates were equally bad. They are just as bad as "all lives matter" people, just switch some words and you have "neither candidate matters".
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I can't even keep up anymore with all the **** the orange turd has done in his first week.

- banned people from 7 countries
- muzzled dozens of non-political government agencies
- federal hiring freeze
- diverting money to building a wall
- went after sanctuary cities
- formalized his attack on the media
- lied about inauguration numbers
- lied about voter fraud and is using it to justify a wasteful investigation into it
- took first steps towards repealing the ACA
- withdrew from TPP (and threatened to withdraw from other trade deals and global organizations)
- approved the Dakota access pipeline

edit: almost forgot

- 20% tariff
It's the most respected paper in the United States, at least for one with daily print.
Can confirm. I'd say NYT, Reuters, The Guardian are generally the most respected here.
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