***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Like Hillary said Trump is gonna be Isis's best recruiter.
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Terrorist attack coming soon.

The executive order allows for people of Christian faith to be allowed in.

I don't know if people grasp that ISIS and ISIL kill more Muslims than anybody.

Trump stoking the flame by going after people that pose zero threat
out of all the **** trump has pulled thus far this is the worse and the most aggravating 

Terrorist attack coming soon.

The executive order allows for people of Christian faith to be allowed in.

I don't know if people grasp that ISIS and ISIL kill more Muslims than anybody.

Trump stoking the flame by going after people that pose zero threat

If you're from one of those countries, how would you prove you're a christian? Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

But anyways, yeah a terrorist attack is definitely in the works because of this ********. Damn near makes me want to run out of the DC area.
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Good point I hadn't thought about yet...

@jelani9: Let’s see how quick Muslims are going to risk their lives helping American forces in the coming wars knowing there’s no hope of asylum here.

Gotta be so disheartening for those interpreters who risked their lives to help out in Iraq and Afghanistan most likely under the promise of asylum only get told "tough luck" now
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See this is my issue.

Your condescending tone does nothing.

A lot of people are just raised in enviroments where following politics seems like a waste of time.

At 31 Ive probably just started paying even the slightest attention to it because of Obama.

Instead of spewing your negative views on people who seem to be at a loss, why not shepherd the sheep?

Probably why this thread has so many few new posters.

Its like the gym for out of shape people tryna get fit but get clowned for taking the first step :smh:

Only if people on the other side could take that approach with the poor and those that live in inner cities and realize that poverty is an environment you're raised in as well. You don't simply just wake up even wanting or knowing how to fix your socioeconomic status, just like you don't wake up suddenly being well versed in policy and politics.
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My heart goes out to people that are impacted by this madman's executive orders specifically the ban. This country is headed in the wrong direction but "what do we have to lose"
This is what they want though. Republican Party is the party of hate and division and use it as the guise to pass laws that are favorable to the wealthy. Without hate and division there's no way they can get into power and pass these garbage laws.

They don't want peace their goal is to make more and more hate, on both sides.
This is exactly what happens with the clowns don't vote, vote third party or some other excuse. The choice was clear but hey "Hillary was bought by Wallstreet".
They had a nerve to say the country was divided more than it's ever been under Obama.
First, they came for the muslims, and I didn't say anything because I wasn't muslim.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

-Martin Niemoller

Excellent poem, and if things continue to go south could apply to modern times
Everything always comes back to da hemi :smh: :rofl:

keep laughing.

I want da left to go as far as possible to da left so da average joe can typecast em and learn to avoid em da way da far right is to be avoided.

The far right is in charge. As Rico likes to say, "keep up"

Avoid da far right

Supports the guy championed by the alt and far right

Obama was supported by Black liberation theology advocates & Communist, oh and da last couple of terrorists were Democrats..yo wanna go down that hole of association? :lol: :nerd:

None of that has anything to do with what I said though. You said avoid da far right. You support the guy who is being hailed as the saving grace of the alt and far right in the US. You not makin sense b.

according to who, CNN? MSNBC, NPR,Huffington post? da Newyorker? Samantha Bee? John Oliver? talking points memo?, think progress? media matters? Chris Hayes? Rachael Maddow? MTV news? :lol:

How about according to the far right itself, the very people Trump is appointing in positions of power.

I see you're one of those who still expects Trump to pivot. Ha!!

Here is how it's going to go: Trump will fill up his pockets while the white, conservative establishment will work extra hard to regain the power they've lost for the last 60 years. You and your demographic have not been factored in their plans. Go get your birth certificate now and make copies of it because you'll be carded on sight [emoji]128513[/emoji]. Imagine Ninja not speaking spanish in public because the immigration police might be patrolling the heights.

"No officer, I'm a born and bred African American New Yorker, sir"

They're coming ninja, they're coming...
Gotta love how most of the GOP expressed outrage at a Muslim ban weeks ago yet they're deafeningly quiet now that it's actually been implemented...looking at you Paul Ryan and Mad dog Mattis :nerd: :rolleyes
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Trump doing trump things. Exploiting the loopholes of an infrastructure for personal gain, divide and conquer etc. Didn't see this one coming
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