***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Kaepernick's comment that Drumpf and Hillary were equally racist was one of the dumbest statements regarding Drumpf. I swear, in a way I hate the "Don't know who is worse - Trump or Hillary" people more than Drumpf supporters themselves. Hardline Drumpf supporters were brainwashed FUBARs, so they were a lost cause, but I will NEVER forgive the people who seemed to be of sane mind and seemed to be able to see just how bat **** crazy this guy was like the rest of the sane people, yet still had such an unbelievable opinion that both candidates were equally bad. They are just as bad as "all lives matter" people, just switch some words and you have "neither candidate matters".

This, I have so much anger for those type of people. In all honesty folks like the Young Turks are equally responsible for stoking the flames of both candidates are equally bad nonsense.
I'll never blame folks for voting with their conscious and going 3rd party tbf,def can't put them on the same level as actual Trump supporters since for the most part,they were still anti-Trump :lol:. The folks who just stayed home altogether deserve more blame imo
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Over here we have mandatory voting in national elections. So it's impossible to suppress voters.
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'An open affront against the Muslim world': Iran has vowed reciprocal steps in retaliation for US visa ban


Here we go...

Trump might also be the greatest ISIS recruiter since Assad
He's going to unite the world against us. All religions and ethnicities, black, white, brown, and yellow, united against a common enemy: orange.
:lol: at cats trying to rationalize Hillary being a good candidate. She was terrible and everyone knew it. Keep that revisionist **** out of here. The dems picked a horrible candidate with tons of baggage who cheated and STILL couldn't win.
at cats trying to rationalize Hillary being a good candidate. She was terrible and everyone knew it. Keep that revisionist **** out of here. The dems picked a horrible candidate with tons of baggage who cheated and STILL couldn't win.
Many of us here dislike Hillary, myself included. She was clearly the lesser evil. Acknowledging that doesn't negate her being a flawed candidate.
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In adult life you don't get to choose the perfect thing every single time. Your wife is not going to be a 10. Your friends are not going to be able to hang out every night. You're not going to have time for work, family, the gym, and entertainment every day.

But that doesn't mean you say "**** it" and drink all day.

Well every once in a while...

But point is it's a fairly childlike notion that both candidates were bad so it didn't matter. This isn't disney or a fairy tale. And no one here is arguing that Hillary would've been Lincoln. But almost anyone would've been better than the cheeto.
Americans are going to learn the hard way.

Just like everyone likes to complain about the federal deficit but what really hits you is a loss of tax breaks or other services or an increase in prices of goods.

People complain that Hillary gave speeches for Wall St or that they don't like the way she laughs but they'll learn. Oh they'll learn. Thanks, orange man.
Hillary was the standard bearer for the establishment. She was literally the archetype for the "politics as usual" candidate. The type of candidate that everyone hates. Trump on the other hand was completely different. And that's why he won. Plain and simple.

People in here tried to explain it to you all but you never listened. You were all so convinced that you had your fingers on the pulse of this country. Colombia is the only one of you liberals that vaguely saw what was happening and he's not even American. You have no right to blame anyone but yourselves. Sitting atop your political high horses. It was truly disgusting. And now you're all suffering due to your incredible smugness and inability to read the national narrative.
The coastal "elites" or, more accurately, educated and liberal-minded workers who tend to live on the West Coast or the Northeast, are not going to relocate magically to middle America with trump's policies. Rather, most have ties, either by ancestry or by the nature of their work, to other countries, whether it's Canada, Korea, China, India, and much of Europe. Even a place like Iran too.

If I was a foreign government I would be cheering for trump to do more of the same to the point that these people will leave and go work in other countries.
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Colombia is the only one of you liberals that vaguely saw what was happening and he's not even American.

I think he's banned now, but is the right wing NTer who told Columbia to stay out of this thread (because he's not American) going to apologize?

Or did he choke on a ****?

Either is fine.
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I'd say there was a pretty significant number of liberals who saw the political climate of the country and were pushing a populist direction early to counter that wave on the right...:rolleyes
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But Hillary used a private server and purposely deleted emails!

Trump uses an unsecure android phone and gave experienced hackers an open invitation by not securing his personal and POTUS twitter account properly. It took until 2 days ago for his team to realize that they had a GMAIL linked to those twitters and that a censored version of the email was public for everyone. Some of my business acquaintances can break into active gmail accounts, now imagine what top level hackers could do with that information.

Mike Pence's twitter was linked to [email protected], again easily found. Melania Trump's email was public too.

The emails have now been changed to government emails but in the case of @POTUS, they are still semi-public:



52% of Trump supporters in a new PPP poll say Trump can use a private email server.

But Hillary gave paid speeches to Wall St and is part of the establishment!

Trump has filled his cabinet with people from Goldman Sachs, billionaires and millionaires and turned the swamp into a nuclear waste dump.

Conflicts of interest all over, no divesting from his assets, no public documents on how he has separated himself from his businesses.

Will never release tax returns despite campaign promise

But Hillary lies!

Trump is irrefutably a much bigger liar.

There is no reasonable argument to say that Hillary is just as bad as Trump. Trump won because he delivered his message in a way that truly resonated with voters in the right places. He had a great momentum. Despite flawed policies or blatant hypocrisy, he still managed to paint himself as the anti-establishment man who tells the truth. That is why he won. 
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Hillary was the standard bearer for the establishment. She was literally the archetype for the "politics as usual" candidate. The type of candidate that everyone hates. Trump on the other hand was completely different. And that's why he won. Plain and simple.

People in here tried to explain it to you all but you never listened. You were all so convinced that you had your fingers on the pulse of this country. Colombia is the only one of you liberals that vaguely saw what was happening and he's not even American. You have no right to blame anyone but yourselves. Sitting atop your political high horses. It was truly disgusting. And now you're all suffering due to your incredible smugness and inability to read the national narrative.

They're suffering too though.

Majority of them just haven't realized it yet.
I'd say there was a pretty significant number of liberals who saw the political climate of the country and were pushing a populist direction early to counter that wave on the right...:rolleyes

More revisionist propaganda. You're being intellectualy deceitful. We were all here and saw what was happening. The reason you all decided to be willfully blind was due to the fact you couldn't bring yourselves to admit Obama was a failed President. And any drastic move by democrats to nominate anyone who was too different from Obama would have looked like a repudiation. You guys put yourself between a rock and a hard place and then Jedi mind tricked yourselves to believe that you didn't.

It was the democrats refusal to throw Obama under the bus that cost you guys the election. You have yourselves to blame.
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Miss me with all those assumptions out of thin air man :lol:,I wasn't pushing any of that "Obama's 3rd term" stuff at all and was behind Bernie and his message early. Him winning would've radically changed the Dem party for the better imo

Just that I saw Hillary was still the much much better candidate for the country than Trump once it became set
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