***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm not rewriting anything. I'm simply stating what actually happened. This past election was not about policy. And anyone who says so is a damn liar. Because if it were, then Trump would have never won. That's the reason I didn't vote for him. There were no policy specifics that I'd be able to judge him on. I stated that many times.


We posted economic analysis of what his policies would mean to the economy. Me, Rex, and Psk would post theory about how Trump's plans are nonsense

His border wall, and muslim ban were policies.

You chose to ignore out of convenience. Miss us with this nonsense. You were more interested in being condescending towards everyone
Kurt Eichenwald@kurteichenwald 4m4 minutes ago

Number of foreign-born engineer/comp scientists who told me theyre leaving US 2 work 4 companies overseas is getting frightening #BrainDrain

Kurt Eichenwald@kurteichenwald 3m3 minutes ago
One engineer to me: "The market for next generation technology is clearly going to be killed except 4 consumer products. Why would I stay?"
really? A little dramatic to say the least.

Mannnnn shut up.

You already acknowledged you don't know anything about economics.

You bash the ACA, but have no idea how it can be replaced, hell you didn't even know it beat a filibuster to be passed in the first palce. You where in here spewing ignorance with Ninja.

Anytime we talk fiscal policy, all you have is some nonsense "I'm selfish, I want tax cuts" steez.

You know I'm about the policy, and never once have you added anything real to a policy debate in here. Maybe everyone wanting to talk about policy annoys you because you can't troll and throw jabs from the outside. You actually have to educate yourself to the issue.

Imagine that.

I've been discussing policy in this thread for years. Check who the OP is.

You not gonna dismiss my contribution just because you don't agree. And truthfully the only thing you contribute is the same tired *** liberal talking points that anyone can learn by watching an hour of msnbc. Your lack of objectivity is why you are widely panned by those that are actually in the know. And after you're stunning defeat on election day cats are starting to smarten up to your shtick. And I'm glad. Now it's not going to be just me and ninja sending shots at your smug self.
And this is what annoys me, no opposition or "independent" wants to address the actual issues, just how arrogant you come across while the real world is crumbling. It's frustrating reading this thread at times with the deflections, like do you not see these things happening? is shuting down aggressive liberal poster rhetoric your biggest issue? Wake the **** up and stop being pathetic. THE #1 reason we're here are the Rico's of America that ignored issues in favor of fake objectivity and intelligence.

Oh please. This last election wasn't even about issues. It was about scandal and which was least evil. A narrative propagated by the media and the Rusty's of the world. I would have loved to have debated issues but that wasn't where the country was.

It's become about issues now though.Everyone is now a policy wonk. It's actually annoying to be honest. Cats who never gave a damn about politics suddenly have an opinion of cabinet nominees. Give me a break.

And that's a smug way to say people should remain disengaged and uninformed so you can have some false sense of superiority.
Rico is being funny right now
He's accusing every democrat of still having an echo chamber, but doesn't realize he's sounding like he has one himself.
He just wants to rustle some jimmies while portraying himself as an objective bystander. 
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Rico mad, saying we don't discuss policy

ButI remember he was making post after post about how the election was going to be won based on who has the best zingers and how he was watching the election for entertainment
And that's a smug way to say people should remain disengaged and uninformed so you can have some false sense of superiority.

No. Not at all. I just don't like people that regurgitate talking points. They add absolutely nothing to the national debate. Type of people that only read headlines and then give their "analysis" :rolleyes
Rico mad, saying we don't discuss policy

ButI remember he was making post after post about how the election was going to be won based on who has the best zingers and how he was watching the election for entertainment

Uhh I was right though. 2012 was way more policy driven. Check the first page of this thread and read. You'll see.

Mannnnn shut up.

You already acknowledged you don't know anything about economics.

You bash the ACA, but have no idea how it can be replaced, hell you didn't even know it beat a filibuster to be passed in the first palce. You where in here spewing ignorance with Ninja.

Anytime we talk fiscal policy, all you have is some nonsense "I'm selfish, I want tax cuts" steez.

You know I'm about the policy, and never once have you added anything real to a policy debate in here. Maybe everyone wanting to talk about policy annoys you because you can't troll and throw jabs from the outside. You actually have to educate yourself to the issue.

Imagine that.

I've been discussing policy in this thread for years. Check who the OP is.

You not gonna dismiss my contribution just because you don't agree. And truthfully the only thing you contribute is the same tired *** liberal talking points that anyone can learn by watching an hour of msnbc. Your lack of objectivity is why you are widely panned by those that are actually in the know. And after you're stunning defeat on election day cats are starting to smarten up to your shtick. And I'm glad. Now it's not going to be just me and ninja sending shots at your smug self.

Being the OP doesn't mean you had anything meaningful to the discussion/

And who are these cats that are going to be sending shots are me?

The bigots that will eventually get themselves banned (one already has), Quell's drive by lies, Trasoul lost self, Ninja been hitting the report button so much that he can't say nothing or else Meth gonna check him hard.

And after years of your weird obsession with me, were you crossed the line into my family and some nonsense xenophobia when you wanted to get a rise out of him, I'm not scared of more of your nonsense being spewed towards me. I'm use to it.

But you love to play victim way to much to engage in a shade fest. Save 6 months salary and go seek help from you nearest mental health professional b
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And that's a smug way to say people should remain disengaged and uninformed so you can have some false sense of superiority.

No. Not at all. I just don't like people that regurgitate talking points. They add absolutely nothing to the national debate. Type of people that only read headlines and then give their "analysis" :rolleyes

Revisionist history and a lack of self reflection.
One of my best friends in engage to a girl from Iran, in America on a green card.

She is visiting family right now in France, and he is scared as hell they won't let her back into the country.

Trump is ******* disgusting. :smh:
No. Not at all. I just don't like people that regurgitate talking points. They add absolutely nothing to the national debate. Type of people that only read headlines and then give their "analysis" :rolleyes
Sounds like Ninja :rofl:

Ironically he was neck and neck with ninja for the support, now it's gone wrong on a personal level and he's unstable, forgetting that period.
Being the OP doesn't mean you had anything meaningful to the discussion/

And who are these cats that are going to be sending shots are me?

The bigots that will eventually get themselves banned (one already has), Quell's drive by lies, Trasoul lost self, Ninja been hitting the report button so much that he can't say nothing or else Meth gonna check him hard.

And after years of your weird obsession with me, were you crossed the line into my family and some nonsense xenophobia when you wanted to get a rise out of him, I'm not scared of more of your nonsense being spewed towards me. I'm use to it.

But you love to play victim way to much to engage in a shade fest. Save 6 months salary and go seek help from you nearest mental health professional b

Obsession? Don't flatter yourself. You were the aggressor in this exchange. I was having a healthy debate with other sane people in this thread. And then you came in and started sending shots like you usually do. There's a reason many people consider you a bully. You just can't stand people that have a differing opinion than you. You browbeat them with your diatribes until they fall in line with your way of thinking. Which is usually wrong. Or you insult them.
Obsession? Don't flatter yourself. You were the aggressor in this exchange. I was having a healthy debate with other sane people in this thread. And then you came in and started sending shots like you usually do. There's a reason many people consider you a bully. You just can't stand people that have a differing opinion than you. You browbeat them with your diatribes until they fall in line with your way of thinking. Which is usually wrong. Or you insult them.
You are no better yourself look at the posts you've made today with your condescending "I told you so" tone. Get out of here with that
Kurt Eichenwald@kurteichenwald 4m4 minutes ago

Number of foreign-born engineer/comp scientists who told me theyre leaving US 2 work 4 companies overseas is getting frightening #BrainDrain
Kurt Eichenwald@kurteichenwald 3m3 minutes ago

One engineer to me: "The market for next generation technology is clearly going to be killed except 4 consumer products. Why would I stay?"

really? A little dramatic to say the least.

You'd realize it's not overstated if you've ever had to deal with the crap that is USCIS on a regular basis.

In addition, technical work in the country isn't only done in Silicon Valley. Lots of small towns all over the country have large industries that attract engineers and scientists, and I can understand the concern of having to deal with backward ideas daily (and worrying about how one's kids will be treated) in areas 90% of the population or more is white and/or conservative.
rico doesn't care about anyone but himself...social issues are probably at the bottom of his priority list so you can't really discuss anything with this dude unless it directly affects him.
maybe when he grows up and has a family or something like that will open his eyes but until then these things don't matter to him.

For hundreds of years this has been the hallmark character trait of the **** or Uncle Tom.

Ugly, unadulterated selfishness.

I doubt a family or responsibility will change rico x hood rico x hood .
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You are no better yourself look at the posts you've made today with your condescending "I told you so" tone. Get out of here with that

Because the NT Revisionists tried to invent new narratives to help absolve them of the hand they played in Trump getting elected. And one of the biggest culprits is Rusty.
Being the OP doesn't mean you had anything meaningful to the discussion/

And who are these cats that are going to be sending shots are me?

The bigots that will eventually get themselves banned (one already has), Quell's drive by lies, Trasoul lost self, Ninja been hitting the report button so much that he can't say nothing or else Meth gonna check him hard.

And after years of your weird obsession with me, were you crossed the line into my family and some nonsense xenophobia when you wanted to get a rise out of him, I'm not scared of more of your nonsense being spewed towards me. I'm use to it.

But you love to play victim way to much to engage in a shade fest. Save 6 months salary and go seek help from you nearest mental health professional b

Obsession? Don't flatter yourself. You were the aggressor in this exchange. I was having a healthy debate with other sane people in this thread. And then you came in and started sending shots like you usually do. There's a reason many people consider you a bully. You just can't stand people that have a differing opinion than you. You browbeat them with your diatribes until they fall in line with your way of thinking. Which is usually wrong. Or you insult them.

You're the dude that said he needed to antagonize me constantly, so that random people don't get persuaded by my liberalism

You're the dude, that after we called a truce multiple times would break it my randomly insulting me in a random thread

You’re the dude that used to bring up my family needing handouts, and that is why I’m a liberal. And how I got priced out of MD.

You’re the dude that was spewing some xenophobia about my immigration status, about me loving the country or leaving it.

And you’re the man that doesn’t deny this, just laugh it off as just debating politics.

Whenever I press into you, you wanna play victim. Because you think I have to tolerate you and forget all the trolling, and antagonistic nonsense you have done.

You stay wanna ride around on a high horse. And you hate when I drag you off of it.

If you're dying to throw shots at me, then throw shots. Just don't play victim when I clap back.

Trump proving all the liberals in this thread right, in your mind the perfect time to be on some "you guys were wrong about the election".
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Kurt Eichenwald@kurteichenwald 4m4 minutes ago

Number of foreign-born engineer/comp scientists who told me theyre leaving US 2 work 4 companies overseas is getting frightening #BrainDrain
Kurt Eichenwald@kurteichenwald 3m3 minutes ago

One engineer to me: "The market for next generation technology is clearly going to be killed except 4 consumer products. Why would I stay?"

really? A little dramatic to say the least.

You'd realize it's not overstated if you've ever had to deal with the crap that is USCIS on a regular basis.

In addition, technical work in the country isn't only done in Silicon Valley. Lots of small towns all over the country have large industries that attract engineers and scientists, and I can understand the concern of having to deal with backward ideas daily (and worrying about how one's kids will be treated) in areas 90% of the population or more is white and/or conservative.

As someone who has had to deal with them through the RA process, wrongfully detained and almost deported because somehow my identity was stolen via their super secure database, and through the citizenship process, it's not the least bit dramatic. I imagine going through the process in this climate is much more traumatic.
Because the NT Revisionists tried to invent new narratives to help absolve them of the hand they played in Trump getting elected. And one of the biggest culprits is Rusty.
You said the same thing today when nobody was doing any such thing. Stop being delusional and being condescending toward others if you wanna call others out on the same thing you are doing. It just makes you look more and more like a hypocrite
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