***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This means da ninja's apartment is filled with liberal artifacts :smokin

He can sell his "Porsche money" collection and have enough for da hemi and da cubans b :pimp:

Comrade and savior orange man didn't even have to touch da cafe laws.

Clear paths to da bano and more space in the crib.
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CBP Union apparently is backing this disgusting ****, and many agents are not abiding by the court order

There are ******* stories of people not only being denied entry, but also being hit with 5 year bans.

I mean look at this ****:

Trump supporters still defending this are too in denial, too cowardly, to idiotic, too racist, or they are too much of a lazy delusional broke boy to care about people's lives being destroyed.

So **** any and everyone still defending this disgusting ****.
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^That's not scary.

This is:

"We have come off track since the Soviet Union" "We must bind together in this bloody war and form a Christian Militia" #SteveBannon #Resist

*Video is in the link*

I think we have the Christian equivalent of Wahhabists in the White House
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CBP Union apparently is backing this disgusting ****, and many agents are not abiding by the court order

There are ******* stories of people not only being denied entry, but also being hit with 5 year bans.

I mean look at this ****:

Trump supporters still defending this are too in denial, too cowardly, to idiotic, too racist, or they are too much of a lazy delusional broke boy to care about people's lives being destroyed.

So **** any and everyone still defending this disgusting ****.

Yup.. they're supposedly holding people for 20-30+ hours without food.. and then giving them ultimatums to sign of either accepting deportation or being banned for 5 years or indefinite detention

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As Kurt Bardella, the former spokesman for Breitbart, told me earlier this year, when I was researching a piece on Bannon, “When Sarah Palin was on the rise, he had found a way to become a part of that circle. When the Tea Party was on the rise, he seemed to be right there in that circle. When it was going to be Ted Cruz, he was there. When it was going to be Ben Carson for a hot second, he was there. He’s been someone who’s been in pursuit of that pipeline to power for a long time now.”

The turning point for Bannon, Breitbart, and the movement that would eventually coalesce around Trump was the 2013 debate over immigration reform. After Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama, in 2012, the Republican leadership, encouraged by the business wing of the G.O.P. and the Party’s consultant class, made comprehensive immigration reform a legislative priority. Fox News became sympathetic to the effort and Priebus, then the chairman of the R.N.C., issued a report declaring that passing immigration reform was necessary for the survival of the Party.

This was the opening that Bannon had been looking for. He despised Fox News and Rupert Murdoch, whom he believes is a “globalist,” and he saw Priebus and the Republican leaders in Congress, such as Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor, as “enemies.” Breitbart became the hub of resistance to the immigration-reform effort, developing strong ties to Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, who was leading the opposition in the Senate. More ominously, it started cultivating a little-noticed movement of disenchanted conservatives who argued that the right should promote a restoration of white culture.
^That's not scary.

This is:

"We have come off track since the Soviet Union" "We must bind together in this bloody war and form a Christian Militia" #SteveBannon #Resist

*Video is in the link*

I think we have the Christian equivalent of Wahhabists in the White House

Disgusting. **** this POS.

It's in plain site now.
Sage Steele :smh:

what?! what she say?! :nerd:
sagesteele So THIS is why thousands of us dragged luggage nearly 2 miles to get to LAX, but still missed our flights. Fortunately, a 7 hour wait for the next flight to Houston won't affect me that much, but my heart sank for the elderly and parents with small children who did their best to walk all that way but had no chance of making their flights. I love witnessing people exercise their right to protest! But it saddened me to see the joy on their faces knowing that they were successful in disrupting so many people's travel plans. Yes, immigrants were affected by this as well. Brilliant. [emoji]133674693112[/emoji]

Been reading that apparently,Bannon isn't the only brain behind the scenes/puppetmaster. They say Trump has brought in "his" guys into the fold as a counterbalance to the GOP establishment trio of Pence/Ryan and Priebus that he supposedly doesn't trust.

His guys who he trusts a bit more are Bannon and also Kushner who also got national security clearance somehow...

Apparently the hard line against China on economic and foreign policy issues might be Kusher's doing as well as Bibi's feeling of being emboldened enough to expand settlements.

Check this thread on all the financial ties dude has to Russia/China and Israel

Funny how both him and Trump owe a ton of money to the Chinese and Russians...

So you've got Bannon who wants it all to burn on one side, and Kushner who's about enriching himself and Trump first and foremost on the other side,quite the dastardly duo :x
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Anyone know anything about the names Thomas Hardiman and Neil Gorsuch? Apparently they're the frontrunners to be Trumps SCOTUS pick...
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