***Official Political Discussion Thread***

@ReutersPolitics: BREAKING: Trump signs executive order slashing U.S. regulations; says will be largest ever cut.

Dude is really deregulating just to deregulate :x,I doubt he even know's why half of them are in place. Probably just gets off the phone with CEO's thinking, "regulation bad,deregulation good"
They are when a Dem's in office,it's more like who gives a **** when there's a Republican...:lol: :smh:

Now this is a pretty neat tool :lol:,you can check up how often your rep/senators vote in support of Trump

@NateSilver538: We're tracking which members of Congress vote in support of Trump most often. Congratulations, @SenFeinstein! --> http://53eig.ht/2jNoNGp


These senators have the most negative plus-minus scores so far, which means they OPPOSE Trump more often than peers from similar states.


Feinstein's been faking the funk for years...just wish there were strong enough candidates to primary her. She's shown where her bread gets buttered enough times :rolleyes

Looks like Booker's been redeeming himself slowly :lol:,he's level with Bern and Liz Waren on opposing Trump so far
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I caught a bit of the washington journal, and a lady called to say that Trump is "president trump" that he has been installed by god, and that he will remain there as long as god wants him to. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

None of the following callers checked her, and many even agreed on the ban because "these people" are "baaad"

You just can't reason with them.
Sage Steeles tweet was inconsiderate but this mob mentality and the need to pounce is what I can't go with.

The internet is a funny place man :lol:


There I go not fact checking :lol:

Her tweet about them not speaking English :x
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Not to be too alarmist but I've been seeing this piece making the rounds since last night and decided to read it and boy,it'd be a lot less scary if the things outlined hadn't already actually happened and steps weren't' being taken to achieve the ends mentioned.

The 2020 registration stuff was discussed slightly already in here but when you look at it added up with everything dude has done in his first week,it doesn't paint a pretty picture.

The whole State Department exodus might be even more ominous than thought of before if it comes out that it was actually a purge instead of a mass resignation...
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Another exhibit of why the Donald is costly to the US

Donald Trump's proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States could cost the country billions each year, according to a new study.

Council on Foreign Relations researchers project that banning Muslims from entering the U.S. could cost upwards of $71 billion in travel, tourism and education spending each year.

The ban would damage communities and services dependent on tourism and could cost between 50,000 and 135,000 jobs, according to the research.

The departure of Muslim international students from American colleges and universities could cost $4.6 billion, roughly 15 percent of foreign student spending in the United States.

There could be a loss of between 4.5 million and 9.3 million visitors annually, the authors predicted, citing data from the Pew Foundation, federal agencies and post-9/11 American tourism statistics.

Trump proposed a "total and complete shutdown" of Muslim foreign nationals entering the U.S. He has since called for "extreme vetting" but has not detailed a specific screening process.

The authors said there's no reason to think those actions would be unconstitutional, but a blanket ban could cause damage throughout the U.S. economy.

"Any external shock to travel spending could have significant knock-on effects to local communities, particularly where tourism is an important element of the economy," wrote lead author Edward Alden.

Can't declare bankruptcy as president. Can't sell oil or coal to prople who don't need it either.

Don't say you weren't warned.
I caught a bit of the washington journal, and a lady called to say that Trump is "president trump" that he has been installed by god, and that he will remain there as long as god wants him to. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

None of the following callers checked her, and many even agreed on the ban because "these people" are "baaad"

You just can't reason with them.

I dabble in conservative comment sections to understand the other side quite often.

In my opinion, it starts with the distorted perception of danger, safety, and people that are different.
What do you guys think all the whining will do? Do you actually think he's gonna get impeached or do you just plan to be outraged and indignant for the next 8 years?
Coworker just gon tell me that these things take time and we should wait and see :stoneface: I asked him why countries w/ actual terrorists coming from them weren't on the ban list and he says "Idk, they did migrate to the countries on the ban list though :stoneface:
What do you guys think all the whining will do? Do you actually think he's gonna get impeached or do you just plan to be outraged and indignant for the next 8 years?

We'll have laughing material when you graduate in the middle of a recession.
Feinstein is an attack dog so regardless of that 538 site, we are gonna need her and the rest of the Democrats including Republicans to counter Trump. Getting ridiculous that McCain out of all the Republicans is leading the charge.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) will introduce two bills on Monday in response to President Donald Trump’s recent executive action that imposes a temporary travel ban on nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries.

“The first bill immediately rescinds the order. The second limits executive authority under the Immigration and Nationality Act,”
Feinstein is an attack dog so regardless of that 538 site, we are gonna need her and the rest of the Democrats including Republicans to counter Trump. Getting ridiculous that McCain out of all the Republicans is leading the charge.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) will introduce two bills on Monday in response to President Donald Trump’s recent executive action that imposes a temporary travel ban on nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries.

“The first bill immediately rescinds the order. The second limits executive authority under the Immigration and Nationality Act,”

Sure she has the resources and I'll back her if she's fighting the good fight but so far she's voted in favor of all of Trumps plans...

Always rubbed me the wrong way how Cali,probably the bluest state in the Union, has had one of the most lukewarm,moderate Senator in the party. Her record over the years is almost blue dog status outside of social issues
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Feinstein is an attack dog so regardless of that 538 site, we are gonna need her and the rest of the Democrats including Republicans to counter Trump. Getting ridiculous that McCain out of all the Republicans is leading the charge.

This is going to be a good fight.

Where is the source?
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I gotta be honest, with the stuff we been doing in the Middlle East for the past 40+ years in destabilizing their countries, this is kinda karma for America to get someone like Donald Trump

Fire crack back.

However, I can see the rebuttal

"I didn't own slaves"

"Black people sold their own to white slave owners, so you should be upset at them"

"They're not doing anything to curb terrorism. They're just letting it grow"

"How can they talk when they have their own problems"

I'm getting good at calling out the responses from Trumpeters and other ill-informed folks

Yahoo + WSJ comments sections are like Racist Retorts 1310

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McCain could've had a headstart on his opposition to Trump by voting against the Tillerson pick but he didn't,I'll wait to see what he does first before buying him as the GOP's leading opponent to Trump. Same with Rubio

Rand Paul's been putting in work for that title though so far :lol:
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What do you guys think all the whining will do? Do you actually think he's gonna get impeached or do you just plan to be outraged and indignant for the next 8 years?

It might make Republicans turn on him and not vote for everything he wants or they'll risk being voted out in the midterm
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wait...hol up....Africa is claiming us again?? We have a nationality??? 2017 is about to get lit. Africa the richest continent on Earth. We out folk.
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