***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If the United States crumbles and falls, will it really be that bad? Couldn't it happen without having to enter into a Civil War?

I'm more worried that we'll keep descending into this corrupt, inefficient police state that trump and friends want.
I don't think the union will crumble
But our global power is disappearing fast
charter school advocates

I sure hope those Federal funds equally goes to Muslim Charter Schools also but somehow I DOUBT it considering it's the Steve Bannon Administration. So we should probably expect a few dozen lawsuits on this as well! :rolleyes

Let's call a spade a spade though... Devos wants Federal funds to promote the teachings of Jesus aka biblical precepts/religious education!

IDK bout promote...it's definitely gonna open it up for all creeds though.
I seen how he looks, imagining him reading his monologue to me live looking like he styles Prince Royce talking bout alpha male..
ite b.
Did you ever get around to explaining why Devos is right for the job?

Why is Tapper having her on?

CNN needs to cut off all trump pundits and just stick to covering the news and facts.

edit: OH MY *******.... she is a piece of work. I'm glad Tapper wasn't in the same room as her. He would've punched her face in.
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some greatest hits:

Obama's economy recovery is da worst since War World 2...
where and how did these guys get all brain washed? must be a born after a certain age where they stop teaching critical thinking..
yo, im a independent.

one of my other favorite NTers:

Like I've stated many times. Primaries are not specific heavy. But based on his RNC speech we can see what issues he will take up or says he'll take up as President. And as the GENERAL goes into full swing, I EXPECT him to give the voters more details on exactly what he intends to do.

We need a best NTer quote thread asap, I know I have missed a lot of gems.

Yo they really can't bring themselves to admitting wrong, NO MATTER WHAT, when my mans called her out on Trump not saying a word or even a tweet to ahow sympathy for the Quebec attack, she literally said "he doesn't tweet about everything" this is the man that would tweet as president, about an SNL skit :rofl: I wanna punch that **** in the face!!
I don't think the union will crumble
But our global power is disappearing fast
Idk about power but global respect for the US and the Trump administration is certainly on a strong downwards spiral.

Both from citizens and government officials. Our largest party is conservative and they're pretty much unanimously condemning Trump.

And most of our government actually reserved judgement until the past few weeks. Many expressed worries but they were on the let's give him a chance train. That train has now fallen off the rails entirely.

The only government officials here who have spoken in approval of him are from our marginalized far-right party. Some of its members recently attended a Greek neo-nazi convention so they're not taken very seriously. They've been trying to repair their image with a new leader but the inflammatory actions and statements of their members and previous leader (who was one of the party members who attended the neo-nazi convention) continue to diminish their hopes of repairing their reputation.
No idea what a Cruz vs. Sanders ACA debate will look like

It's at 9PM ET right? That's 3AM for me so I'll probably have to catch it tomorrow
Why the **** is Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz having a ACA debate tonight?
To show how *** backwards Cruz is

Cruz is a better debater than Bernie
His idea of healthcare reform is still crap

A lot of people don't know that, or delude themselves into thinking he is right

If Bernie thinks he can stump speech Cruz to death, he is wrong
You got a point. Bernie might as well just preach to the choir.
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