***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Hilarious how poor white folks just kicked their demise into overdrive by voting for this idiot.
For decades white supremacy has taught poor whites that it's in their interest, to vote against their interests because it would hurt minorities who are the real source of their plight.

It's culminated in our current President. If they don't learn now, they'll never learn. Sink or swim time for them. Sadly it looks like right now they're content to drown as long as we do too.
News networks need to start creating segments where they specifically discuss the Drumpf administrations lies and actions. No panelists, no discussion, just keep things in small words and short sentences. Highlight how his actions will hurt white middle America especially.

****s will defend their papi and run to their safe spaces, but a lot will start losing their will to fight facts.
The way NH carries himself you would think he's a banker with millions in the bank and ties to the Trump administration, he really thinks he remains unphased by anything that Trump may do...lord...bro when your face hits that pavement after Daddy Trump shoots you down from your little cloud, will be a day to rejoice, I hope you have enough pride to exit yourself from this forum forever.

He acts like he doesn't have any family in America besides his madre.

Don't care about the young folks in the fam education? :smh:
These white deplorables still hang on to the outdated concept that it is liberals who are all on welfare and it is liberals who are lazy.

Meanwhile they are collecting their welfare checks and depending on trump and coal to bring their jobs back.

I saw let's do it! Give those mother ******* black lung and take away their ACA and see who's laughing.

it's me who will be laughing
He acts like he doesn't have any family in America besides his madre.

Don't care about the young folks in the fam education? :smh:

I doubt fam cares about anyone BUT himself, momma hood included...chances are under Trump she'll lose her apt...or be forced to pay normal rent....dat boy don't care tho.
News networks need to start creating segments where they specifically discuss the Drumpf administrations lies and actions. No panelists, no discussion, just keep things in small words and short sentences. Highlight how his actions will hurt white middle America especially.

****s will defend their papi and run to their safe spaces, but a lot will start losing their will to fight facts.
I dig it
News networks need to start creating segments where they specifically discuss the Drumpf administrations lies and actions. No panelists, no discussion, just keep things in small words and short sentences. Highlight how his actions will hurt white middle America especially.

I've been listening to some podcast that state exactly this. They have to come up with a new way to report on this administration. I would like for them not to get caught up on the distractions, and report on what's really going on behind them.
Really though if I was in the Senate and only got $1k from Devos and seen Rubio got $100k, I wouldn't vote her til she added an 0 or 2 to my check :nerd:
I doubt fam cares about anyone BUT himself, momma hood included...chances are under Trump she'll lose her apt...or be forced to pay normal rent....dat boy don't care tho.
The fact that he prefers to stay in that house and not offer his mother a better living environment, assumingly, based on the fact that there's no money out of pocket for living there shows you what he really cares about
I think we will be fine by 2020
Americans don't like to get their benefits or entitlements getting revoked

You can only blame minorities for so long...
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Democrats defending 10 seats in deep red states 2018..good luck on that :lol:

da feels in here..... mmmmm mmmm mmmmm.

See fam, is this smug attitude that gets you in hot waters...I'm not sure what you are celebrating, even dudes I know voted Trump are scratching their heads at Devos nomination...what exactly is there to celebrate?...what are you rubbing in our face? Were you home schooled? I'm gonna assume you are a product of public education like the rest of us...

there's public education from da 90's, then there's public education post Bloomberg's city wide school choice...

if you couldn't already tell, this nomination fight is a proxy war of da teacher union VS da school choice advocates, which involves charter school advocates, Catholic schools, etc.
No longer REPLACE Obamacare but REPAIR it now!?


Coming in 2018... Obamacare 2.0

Hilarious how poor white folks just kicked their demise into overdrive by voting for this idiot.

Read this below? Sure looks like a whole lot of Red States need NAFTA to make a living. :lol:


In regards to the HEMI


General Motors Co said on Tuesday that fourth-quarter net income fell partly on the strength of the dollar against the British pound and forecast flat 2017 profit per share, sending shares tumbling nearly 5 percent.
there's public education from da 90's, then there's public education post Bloomberg's city wide school choice...

if you couldn't already tell, this nomination fight is a proxy war of da teacher union VS da school choice advocates, which involves charter school advocates, Catholic schools, etc.

How is Davos the one to lead education in the right path? How is she qualified? I'll wait till you shed some light in this since you seem to be so well informed on Republican power moves
With rising special ed and enl populations it's terrifying we now have a buffoon in charge who doesn't even know what scaffolding means. This is disgusting and anyone defending her nomination is ignorant.
Of course it is "repair Obamacare" now.

Anyone that took the time to actually research the issue, would have known they were full of **** with their "repeal Obamacare" shtick.
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Betsy DeVos displayed at best confusion and at worst a lack of knowledge about a key federal law involving students with disabilities during her Tuesday confirmation hearing before a Senate panel that will vote on whether she should become President-elect Donald Trump’s education secretary.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) asked DeVos about the federal Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which requires public schools to provide children with disabilities a “free appropriate public education” and governs how states and public agencies provide various services to millions of students.

Kaine asked her if she believes that all schools that receive federal funding — whether public, public charter or private — should be required to meet the requirements of IDEA.

She responded: “I think they already are.”

Kaine: “But I’m asking you a should question. Whether they are or not, we’ll get into that later.” He then repeated his question.

DeVos said: “I think that is a matter that is best left to the states.”

Kaine responded: “So some states might be good to kids with disabilities and other states might not be so good and, what then, people can just move around the country if they don’t like how kids are being treated?”

Devos repeated: “I think that’s an issue that’s best left to the states.”

Kaine said: “What about the federal requirement? It’s a federal law, the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act,” and he repeated his question.

DeVos began speaking about a Florida voucher program for students with disabilities that requires students to sign away their IDEA due process rights.

Kaine interrupted her saying, “Just yes or no.” But she continued, saying many parents are happy with the program. Kaine persisted: “I think all schools that receive federal funding — public, public charter, private — should be required to meet the conditions” of IDEA. He asked if she agreed.

DeVos said: “I think that is certainly worth discussion.”

Kaine interrupted her saying, “So you cannot yet agree with me.”

And he moved on to another subject, on which they didn’t agree.

Near the end of the hearing, Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) returned to the issue, telling DeVos that IDEA is a federal civil rights law and noting that federal law must be followed. She asked DeVos if she stood by her statement that it was up to the states to follow it, and DeVos responded, “Federal law must be followed where federal dollars are in play.”

Hassan asked, “So were you unaware when I just asked you bout the IDEA that it was a federal law?”

DeVos responded, “I may have confused it.”

Hassan then explained to DeVos what IDEA actually guarantees to students with disabilities, and urged her to learn about it, saying she was “concerned” that DeVos was unfamiliar with it. DeVos responded that if she is confirmed as education secretary, she would be “very sensitive” to the needs of special needs students.
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The way NH carries himself you would think he's a banker with millions in the bank and ties to the Trump administration, he really thinks he remains unphased by anything that Trump may do...lord...bro when your face hits that pavement after Daddy Trump shoots you down from your little cloud, will be a day to rejoice, I hope you have enough pride to exit yourself from this forum forever.

He acts like he doesn't have any family in America besides his madre.

I'm da youngest offspring of all my mother's sisters kids, all my cousins are doing fine, their mothers already retired and lamping in FL or DR.

I'm extra good over here. (more about me again.. typical in here :smh: :lol: )
Of course it is "repair Obamacare" now.

Anyone that took the time to actually research the issue, would have known they were full of **** with their "repeal Obamacare" shtick.

Lmaooooo trump supporters are so gullible, dudes got conned :rofl:

trump is like them dudes on the street doing the cup switch with the hidden ball trick, just on a much bigger stage.
I'm da youngest offspring of all my mother's sisters kids, all my cousins are doing fine, their mothers already retired and lamping in FL or DR.

I'm extra good over here. (more about me again.. typical in here :smh: :lol: )

Is always gonna be about you bro, because you've willingly made your life public and it contradicts EVERYTHING you stand for....so you will continue to get called out on it, if you was some rich white subordinate you wouldn't get half the flock you get because, well the ideals wouldn't conflict with the lifestyle....that's not the case with you bro.
For decades white supremacy has taught poor whites that it's in their interest, to vote against their interests because it would hurt minorities who are the real source of their plight.
It's culminated in our current President. If they don't learn now, they'll never learn. Sink or swim time for them. Sadly it looks like right now they're content to drown as long as we do too.

True. The thing is they're going to drown a LOT faster. There are zero safety nets when you're living in poor rural America. No protests, no news cameras, literally nobody outside the immediate community cares. Hell, even drugs are more expensive :lol:

Their racism is literally going to drive them into the grave and I'm here for it.
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There is no such thing as an alpha male who lives with their mother. Any other explanation is alternative facts.

Sure, say I was calling you beta for being black if you want. Just further proves how much of an idiot you are. Like steezy said earlier you're a self hating racist. Your leader does not have your people in your best interest. Since you only care about yourself I fully expect you to miss all of this. You have no people. You look out for no one but yourself. Which is why your mother and the rest of the world will rejoice when your inferior blood line comes to an end.

**** da looming census. You're just as black as my mixed children will be to the racist leaders you praise.

The picture of Jesus hanging on Sheila's wall and your Jesus piece are only dim reminders of "prayer" and "hope" the elite left you with so you wouldn't revolt against their oppression. They'll share a religion with you, so they don't have to share their money.

You'll never have kids you can't even properly finanace a piece of male jewelry for yourself in the span of ten years. How will you even afford a moisannite ring?

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