***Official Political Discussion Thread***

so, outside of non fox news outlets, dude has gone after:

snl, Hamilton, vanity fair, meryl streep, cal and now nordstrom

missing anyone?

The carrier union president, John Lewis etc
I'm going on a Nordstrom shopping spree this weekend.

I may even do something crazy and pay for a NYT or WaPo subscription.

I can't afford Hamilton tickets though.
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I'm sure SpiceBro is talkin' about the bombings in the 90s in Atlanta.....but those weren't......
dizzaamm finally caught up with this thread man... this people lying at they *** and get easily called out, trumpettes riding hard for daddy trump though 

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
Trump....CLEARLY LYING about his relationship with Putin has always bothered me.

The media never takes him up to task. This shouldn't be ignored.

Washington Post@washingtonpost 7m7 minutes ago

Federal website for special education is down. But no, it hasn’t been scrubbedhttp://wapo.st/2krExS5    
Pretty simple to figure out if it was deleted or experiencing technical difficulties.

This is the screen they got when it was down:

Note the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT and "took too long to respond"

If the page was deleted/non-existant, this screen would appear:

Note ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED and "DNS address could not be found"
On that Ivanka tweet...

@BillWeirCNN: According to White House schedule, this tweet was sent 20 minutes into his daily intelligence briefing. https://t.co/BoilJ6cV6L

Dudes been saying he doesn't give a **** about Intel briefings :lol:,how he gets a pass from the GOP and their supporters on this when they're supposedly all about national security is mind blowing :lol:

Guess not too much since dude has legit developed a cult of personality to a point where his supporters have stopped questioning anything he does

Scottish Parliament overwhelmingly backs motion to oppose the start of the leaving the EU process. However it is not binding to prime minister May and serves largely as a symbolic reminder.
The Scottish Parliament overwhelmingly backed a motion opposing the start of the process for the U.K. to leave the European Union in a gesture against Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plans.

Lawmakers in the semi-autonomous legislature in Edinburgh voted by 90 to 34 that Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which would start Britain’s divorce talks with the EU, should not be triggered.

The needs of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have not been properly considered, there are no guarantees for EU nationals living in Britain and there is not enough detail of the implications of policies including leaving the EU’s single market, according to the motion approved on Tuesday.

“This is the Scottish Parliament, the people who voted for us are Scottish people, they expect us to stand up for Scotland,” Scotland’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michael Russell, a member of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish National Party, told lawmakers. He accused May’s Conservative Party of “becoming apologists for a hard, isolated Brexit and a hard, isolated Britain, just what UKIP wanted.”

While the motion is not binding on May and is largely symbolic, it is a reminder from the Edinburgh Parliament that 62 percent of Scots voted to stay in the EU in last year’s referendum. While May has pledged to consult with the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish authorities, she needs to do more to satisfy them they are being heard, lawmakers said.

Jackson Carlaw, the deputy leader of the Scottish branch of the Conservative Party, accused the SNP of pursuing a nationalist agenda rather than the interests of Scotland. Sturgeon has kept open the possibility of another vote on Scotland breaking away from the U.K. if it’s pulled out of the single market.

Sturgeon’s party is “chasing a grievance to justify another independence referendum,” Carlaw said. “It doesn’t matter what anyone says, the SNP is unhappy.”
On that Ivanka tweet...
Dudes been saying he doesn't give a **** about Intel briefings
,how he gets a pass from the GOP and their supporters on this when they're supposedly all about national security is mind blowing

Guess not too much since dude has legit developed a cult of personality to a point where his supporters have stopped questioning anything he does
Trump sittin' at his desk tweeting underneath it like a true teenage girl
@Slate: Donald Trump has found a way to make money directly off of the U.S. government: https://t.co/z35btpDHPt https://t.co/6pNqx7JYzZ

I read this today, and I don't know how this isn't a blatant conflict of interest

It is but the folks/the media stopped pressing him on it after that clown show of a first press conference :lol:

Personally,I'm lowkey thinking that the GOP is slowly building up a dossier on dude so that whenever their re-elections are threatened by his widespread unpopularity ,they're gonna have all sorts of hard dirt on him, enough to toss him overboard and make their boy Pence CIC.
On that Ivanka tweet...
Dudes been saying he doesn't give a **** about Intel briefings
,how he gets a pass from the GOP and their supporters on this when they're supposedly all about national security is mind blowing

Guess not too much since dude has legit developed a cult of personality to a point where his supporters have stopped questioning anything he does
Trump sittin' at his desk tweeting underneath it like a true teenage girl
Phone is probably in full view. Men like him dont know shame.

He's probably just there for appearances anyways.

And to sign off on anything so if they go ahead and **** goes bad they can pin it on him.

And he's so stupid he'll either take credit or try to figure out a way to blame Obama.
The thing that's crazy about Trump is he doesn't just lie, but he lies blatantly, with hyperbole, and if he gets called out on it, he just calls the fact checkers liars. Rinse and repeat. And he keeps on getting away with it..
The thing that's crazy about Trump is he doesn't just lie, but he lies blatantly, with hyperbole, and if he gets called out on it, he just calls the fact checkers liars. Rinse and repeat. And he keeps on getting away with it..
Actually, Trump tells the truth of what he wants to do. But he lies a lot about the evidence to back up his agenda.
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