***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Did Ninja ever come forth and defend his daddy's pick for Sec of Education or did he just write it off as being indifferent....

Trump can't do no wrong in his hijos eyes.
This was his response
I seen how he looks, imagining him reading his monologue to me live looking like he styles Prince Royce talking bout alpha male..
ite b.
Did you ever get around to explaining why Devos is right for the job?
Im indifferent...I thought da success academy boss was gonna fill the role.
It's another look at the selfishness of Trump stans. "Who cares about education as long as it doesn't affect me?"

For the record, I went to a private high school due to how terrible my local high school was at the time. However, I still want this country's public education system to improve so that people who didn't have the opportunities I did get a chance to succeed as well.
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Idk, this might be what the GOP ultimately wants. They want us to get so sick of Trump that we'll feel like Pence is a better option.
please dear god no.. please tell me this dude really didn't do dis

Yamiche Alcindor@Yamiche 20m20 minutes ago

Sean Spicer just now: I can only hope that if Coretta Scott King was still with us, that she would support Senator Sessions's nomination.
Helps me out, easy to misrepresent, good for deflection, makes liberals upset, no stats or hard proof to argue = great idea

Can't explain it, can't rationalize it, can't distort it, can't use to elevate own argument or ideology = I don't care
"I can only hope that if she were alive today, she would change her mind about everything she and her husband believed in."
In his defense, if he said it, he did say he could only hope. Ain't nothing wrong with some hope. It's crazy illogical but a boy can dream
Nothing more disgusting than putting words in the mouth of someone who is deceased. Especially words that totally go against everything they stood for.

I hope he burns in hell.
nah, he just talking his ****.

da only people his tweets rustle are da liberal press.

i already posted that CNN reliable sources segment, and it pretty much details it in full da sentiment right now.

W Bush never responded to da press and he was dragged to da mudd...Trump has noted that and decided he'll get into da hand to hand combat wit da press...his base loves it, and he gets to remain da story constantly, while providing a cover so da rest of his agenda can go thru smooth.
while at the same time making himself look like a buffoon across the globe :rofl:  

you know how little percentage Passport possession Americans have? combined with Trump's no filter style, and his electorate pretty much doesn't give a efffff on what other countries think of them.
please dear god no.. please tell me this dude really didn't do dis

Yamiche Alcindor@Yamiche 20m20 minutes ago

Sean Spicer just now: I can only hope that if Coretta Scott King was still with us, that she would support Senator Sessions's nomination.

pretty sure that was reference of da NAACP award Sessions got in 2009...

Do not expect the current incarnation of the GOP to do anything about Trump. They are trying to protect themselves from their own constituents, do you think they care about the country?

da "country" is da constituency that voted them in...

u gotta have to come back to Earth and square that circle...

Read what I posted about them taking security measures to avoid their constituency regarding the ACA repeal. Read about them lying to the people they are supposed to represent about the nature of the ACA. I'm not going to engage you any further because you have just as much bad faith as the rest of them.

those folks don't wanna be under da government doll...thats da point alot of ya missed when ya quoted that broad talking bout benefits... they recoil at da stigma and refuse to be supported by it.
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you know how little percentage Passport possession Americans have? combined with Trump's no filter style, and his electorate pretty much doesn't give a efffff on what other countries think of them.
trump cares about his image though or else he wouldn't be throwing these little ***** tantrums via twitter whenever he gets ridiculed. we need to keep pressing that whole Steve Bannon pulling the strings though, make the so called POTUS turn on his own.
Ninja is really overestimating the amount of political capital Trump has; he won by a razor thin margin, even with a lot of things working for him and against Clinton.

So what if his diehards love his nonsense, that alone won't get him reelected.
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