***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Pence used an AOL to conduct state business... jesus christ man
There is no such thing as a secure AOL. I can hit up a contact and ask him to get me any AOL I can think of and I'll have it in a matter of minutes. Many people can take any AOL email they want through various exploits, it's hardly some obscure skill that only a few people possess. AIM usernames (linked to AOL email addresses) used to be worth something while it was still popular but eventually the security got so bad that everyone just kept taking eachother's accounts so people stopped using it. [email protected] for example was repeatedly stolen by dozens of different people.

There was also a "cookie method", which to my knowledge still works, which allows anyone who knows the cookies of an AOL account to access it again at any later point. If whoever hacked Pence's AOL is smart, he will have inspected the AOL code and saved the cookies. This will allow him to access the AOL again whenever he pleases as it does not require knowing the password or anything.

If Pence and his team is smart, they permanently deactivated that email address immediately.
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The Trump administration says Attorney General Jeff Sessions was acting as a then-U.S. senator when he talked to Russia’s ambassador at an event during last year’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, but Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records.

Sessions made comments related to Trump’s presidential campaign at a Heritage Foundation event during the Republican convention in July, when he met with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, according to a person at the event in Cleveland.

Sessions on Thursday said he would recuse himself from involvement in any probe related to the 2016 presidential campaign, following disclosures that he met with the Russian ambassador during the convention, and later in his Senate office in Washington.

Representatives for the White House and Sessions have defended his failure to disclose his contacts with the Russian ambassador by arguing that the exchanges occurred in his capacity as a U.S. senator, rather than as a campaign official.

Expanded article on WSJ:


But her emails 

New EPA head told Congress he never used personal email for government business. But it turns out he did.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions isn’t the only Trump Cabinet official being pressed to explain omissions in congressional testimony at his confirmation hearing.

An environmental group and several Democratic senators are demanding a review of the personal email account of Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, after he said during confirmation hearings that he never used that account for official business as Oklahoma state attorney general.

When asked whether he had ever used a private email account while on the job, Pruitt told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee: “I use only my official OAG [office of the attorney general] email address and government-issued phone to conduct official business.”

Yet several of Pruitt’s official emails, released in a lawsuit in Oklahoma, were copied to his personal email — an Apple account that was partially blacked out before being released.

“Lo and behold, the documents Scott Pruitt wanted to keep hidden have confirmed our suspicion that he used his personal email address to conduct official state business and that he was not honest with the Senate about this during his confirmation process,” said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.).

Whitehouse, who has championed the need to address climate change, called Pruitt “the polluters’ tool.”

The emails copied to Pruitt’s personal account included ones from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a corporate-backed group that focuses on state legislatures; the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, which has substantial interests in EPA issues; and members of Pruitt’s staff.

The Pruitt email flap dates back to a request on Jan. 5, 2015, by the Center for Media and Democracy, a watchdog group, for access to then-Oklahoma Attorney General Pruitt’s email official records under the state’s Open Records Act. An Oklahoma county judge, Aletia Timmons, ordered the release of the emails two years later, criticizing “an abject failure to provide prompt and reasonable access to documents.”

The Center for Media and Democracy raised the issue Feb. 13 when it looked at the initial bunch of 411 emails released by the state attorney general’s office. Since then, more documents have been released showing other examples of Pruitt being copied on his personal email.

In one, Sarah K. Magruder Lyle, then vice president of strategic initiatives at the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, urges Pruitt to side with her group’s oil refiners against the EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standard, a rule which requires blending renewable fuels into gasoline. After describing and enclosing her group’s petition that the EPA waive certain requirements, Lyle says “AFPM remains very interested in the prospect of your state filing a similar waiver request highlighting the environmental harm caused by the RFS mandate which we discussed previously.”

A note from an ALEC official dealt with arrangements for Pruitt to speak at an ALEC convention.

A spokesman for the Oklahoma attorney general’s office, Lincoln Ferguson, did not reply to a request for comment Thursday. But he told Oklahoma’s Fox News affiliate earlier that attorneys within the office conducted a search of Pruitt’s personal email account and did not find any relevant documents that had not been produced in the search of his official email accounts.

The CMD initially filed nine requests for documents. In response to the first request, it received about 8,700 pages; about 1,600 more pages are being held back by the attorney general’s office and probably will be reviewed by the county judge. The judge had also ordered the release of documents related to five of the requests by March 3, but the state Supreme Court has issued a temporary stay. The county judge is weighing three more requests.

“Pruitt has been caught misleading the Senate about his use of personal email for state business,” Nick Surgey, the Center for Media and Democracy’s research director, said in a statement. “The public has a right to know what else Pruitt is trying to hide, and the Center for Media and Democracy will keep fighting for the whole truth to be brought into the light.”

In an interview, Surgey added that “Pruitt refused to answer a lot of the questions put to him. This was a question he did answer and it looks as though he may have misled the Senate about the use of his personal email.”
Random but man Dubya was hilarious on Kimmel last night :lol:. Said everyone at the WH used to yell out "Duck!" whenever Darth Cheney walked into the room :rofl:

Dude is self-aware and knows that his goofiness is a big part of his charm so he know's how to use it well.

Seriously living in some strange times when dude has become more endearing than Hillary's husband :lol:

Mr 306 might've been the best thing to happen to Dubya's and Obama's legacies man

Da Rust belt is byke

Make Toxic Waste Great Again :pimp:

Heard he was slashing the EPA budget by 70% :x :x :x
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Who needs Clean Water and Clean Air when Rosie Da Riviter bringing back da jobs to da rust belt B
Orange clown supporters won't care until it's their water and then it will be too late.
Who needs Clean Water and Clean Air when Rosie Da Riviter bringing back da jobs to da rust belt B


Beyond the immediate concerns of air and water, killing off the regulatory agencies tasked with making sure that our environment and our health are protected will only force other countries to further restrict the movement of Americans. Say Hi to new visa fees, vaccination and routine medical exams before you can travel abroad because nobody will know what kind of diseases you may carry and transmit into their countries. Americans will be treated like the third worlders they are so afraid of...
Does anyone worry there's gunna be a cycle of the GOP ******* things up, dems getting voted in to fix their mess, and then dems get blamed for things that happened mostly due to the GOP because people are ****** stupid
Does anyone worry there's gunna be a cycle of the GOP ******* things up, dems getting voted in to fix their mess, and then dems get blamed for things that happened mostly due to the GOP because people are ****** stupid

Nah, that's usually par for the course.
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