***Official Political Discussion Thread***

DA Rust BELT video was hard to watch. Too much of the good old line that they were hurting SOOOOOOOOOOO BADLY that they didn't have a choice. Da Don is against everything these people need.
Surprise, *******, Surprise.



Trump used these dudes for PR, his executive order does nothing. These people should have known better.

Obama actually tried to help HBCUs, he actually tried to get them more funding, make them a priority, and have Pell Grants popping. He just didn't scream it from the roof tops, and the GOP fought him however they could.

This dude Trump comes in, says (and is following through with) undoing everything Obama did, and you think your black ***** will be safe. :smh:

And they ain't the only ones.

WHEELING –Almost 23,000 retired coal miners and their dependents on Wednesday received official notification that they could lose their health care benefits by April 30.

“This is causing tremendous mental and in some cases physical trauma to these senior citizens,” United Mine Workers of America President Cecil Roberts said Wednesday. “They will now have to begin contemplating whether to continue to get medicines and treatments they need to live or to buy groceries. They will now have to wonder if they can go see a doctor for chronic conditions like black lung or cancer or pay the mortgage.”

Guess they should've saved 6 months salary before retiring.

Cat really out here thinking dude gon look out for em :lol:

Yes so much yes happening to these people. I'm loving it.

You know, I'm tryna live righteous and enjoying this really is weighing a toll on me, but I'm enjoying it so much :lol:
One of the Dem lawmakers who is standing or applauding for Trump's lines the most is Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a Hawaii Congresswoman
— Tim Mak (@timkmak) March 1, 2017

You'll see why purity test are horrible. Tulsi is a supposed member of the "Bernie Wing", a "progressive", but wanted in on this administration, and is a damb warhawk.

Can you please expand on this? Thanks.

Bernie Bros love them some Tulsi because she endorsed Bernie during the primary and quit the DNC because she felt they were being unfair to Bernie.

If you got to the usual Bernie Bros stomping grounds, the cape for he hard because of this.

She has a very hardline against ISIS and Syria, that borders of Islamophobia at times. She was rumored to be interested in joining the Trump cabinet, and was applauding Trump like crazy during his speech. But somehow let Bernie Bros tell it, she is a progressive hero because she should up to the DNC for Bernie.


Gabbard’s worldview aligns closely with Trump’s stated foreign-policy positions: For instance, she says she believes Assad should remain in power while the U.S. targets ISIS (as does Trump). She has praised Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Egyptian strongman, who has cracked down on Islamist groups in his own country after a military-backed coup ousted the democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood-inspired president (Trump called him “a fantastic guy.”) She has also lauded Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister whose political party draws inspiration from Hindu nationalism and some of whose members have been linked to anti-Muslim violence (Trump called Modi a “great man.”) And, much like Trump and his supporters, she has criticized President Obama over his reluctance to call ISIS an “Islamic” group, saying the president “is completely missing the point of this radical Islamic ideology that’s fueling these people.”

It is for such positions that The Washington Post dubbed Gabbard “The Democrat that Republicans love and the DNC can’t control.” Gabbard is reportedly a favorite of Steve Bannon, the former CEO of Breitbart News who now is the president-elect’s chief strategist. Bannon, who has described Breitbart as a “platform” for alt-right views, which combine white nationalism and economic populism, has praised Gabbard’s views on guns—she supports some gun restrictions, but not others; her alignment with Republican senators on Syrian refugees coming to the U.S.; and, of course, Islamist terrorism. Indeed, Gabbard’s name was not among the 169 Democratic lawmakers who wrote to Trump criticizing his hiring of Bannon.

When Steve Bannon like the way she thinks on foreign Policy, that should give everyone pause. Yet outlets like TYT (the Fox News of the Left) will give his woman a platform, unchecked whenever she wants as long as she criticizes the DNC, Hillary, or Obama.
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Ehh I can appreciate some of their work occasionally.

I like some of the on the ground,investigative stuff on politicians they've been doing since the Democratic primaries last year but in terms of the commentary on stories,yea haven't been checking it out in ages :lol:
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They are ******* horrible. I tell everyone I can to avoid their nonsense.

I used to roll with them back in 08 but I stopped giving them the time of day when after the primary they were still trashing Hills, some clown on there said he was voting third party, and they were more concerned about WikiLeaks than the policies Da DON wanted to implement. Bernie Bros TV.
@politico: Russia's foreign minister calls scandal over alleged Trump ties a 'witch hunt'


Anyone else find it coincidental that the Russians are using the exact same language in defense of the allegations as the Trump admin?

Of course it could just be chance,just like all the Trump associates who have been accidentally caught up or investigated by the FBI for their Russian connections...

Just in case you weren't keeping score,the number of Putin comrades in camp Orange is now 7


Who's next? Rexxon? Miller? :nerd:
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Rexxon is going to be one of the final pieces before Trump I think. Hes too easy of a target to go after right now, so if you get most of da Drumpf's allies out the paint, he'll be an easy check to put Drumpf in the corner even more.
Brah, some of these people have legit concerns about how the economy is structured against them, but they throw in a heavy dose on delusions.

-Trump is for the Unions

-Dude voted for Trump even though his China tariff would sink his business.

-You a damb single mother with 3 kids, and you pick Trump over Hillary.
My god, you're in the only demographic that Hillary has consistently been fighting for :smh: :x

Pandering to their racism comes before everything, b. Getting rid of those damb Mexicans from El Salvador >>>> Having a job to feed your kids.
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Pandering to their racism comes before everything, b.

I mentioned this before, but I travel throughout the Midwest for work. Most of these places where Trump supporters live in practically have ZERO minorities. Mexicans, Middle Easterners, and black people have much better things to do than move to the Dakotas to live in corn fields and ice storms :x :lol:

The racist white people that live there have zero threat from ANY group. ISIS and the Chicago gangs they keep bringing up don't give a @#$@ about them, and the terrible food and weather is enough to keep all minorities away :lol:
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Does this buffoon know that these tweets contradict his previous comments that there is nothing wrong with being cool with Russia.

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When Steve Bannon like the way she thinks on foreign Policy, that should give everyone pause. Yet outlets like TYT (the Fox News of the Left) will give his woman a platform, unchecked whenever she wants as long as she criticizes the DNC, Hillary, or Obama.
:lol: tulsi has verified ties to the krishna cult. the only reason she's sitting in congress is that her opponent was a hated figure in hawaii for bullying the state into adopting rail transit. i guess the situation is akin to the saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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