***Official Political Discussion Thread***


peep the papers heqdline. :nerd: :lol:


the 'but her emails" is a nice cute refrain but no one who thought the email thing was a thing was likely to vote for her...to whatever extent those people thought is was an issue it just reinforced what they already thought of her

That is why they need to be mocked with this meme, because they couldn't express, or were unwilling to express, their real objections they had about her. So they used her emails as an excuse.

There are people on both sides of the isle that have a irrational level of hate for Hillary Clinton. Not saying there are not things not to like about her, but there are many who have twisted themselves in knots to convinced themselves she is way worst than she actually is.
I agree, they were going to vote against her regardless. The frustration is that we engaged them under the assumption that they wanted to have an honest discourse.

We did our due diligence.

Now it's time to mock them.
As far as online Bernie Bro, no compromise spaces go, it's secular talk and the Jimmy Dore show that tell everyone that there is not even a potentially satisfactory arrangement with the Democratic Party. The Young Turks is not really crazy or hard-line (unless Jimmy Dore is on a segment). Ideologically they are about where I am. They know that the future of progressivism is with the Democratic Party but they are wary of the plutocratic elements that are present within the Democratic Party.

My problem with TYT's is that they are just so basic. They are surface level all of the time. There is no political philosophy like on Chris hayes' show. There is no gritty, on the ground journalism like there is on Democracy Now and not nearly as much humor as the there is on the Majority Report.

Speaking of which, it's never a bad time to post this video...

or this one...

Have a good weekend NT famb and keep away from the xenoestrogens.
TYT is a joke fellas. They couldn't care less about the impact Da Don's policies would have on vulnerable groups in this country. They spent coverage up until the election covering wikileaks and claiming Bernie got robbed. The choice between the two candidates was clear as day but they just wanted to be "pure" progressives while the country burns. Pure scumbags.
I probably agree with 95% of the positions the main TYT pundits take, but they went over the deep end with Bernie, constantly relitigating it, and they seemingly have not recovered yet. Their dedicated politics site is even worst. It is the Progressive Purity Test Network basically.

They are extremely intellectually lazy.

Secular Talk and Aggressive Progressive are on another level buffoonery.
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I will say this about purity tests, the DEmocratic Party already has purity tests on certain issues, they just don't call them purity tests.

See how far you'll go as a candidate for a Democratic nomination if you say "eh, I'm kind of a moderate on LGBTQ rights. They really should have stopped at civil unions, we need to be realistic and besides gay marriage would never pass through a republican Congress any way. If someone's bashing gays, we will deal with it but we need to break down all the barriers" or "access to bathrooms is a niche issue, it's a single issue and most of this trans stuff is a white person thing" or "on racial issues, I'm about center left to center right, some times I think that people of color need to stop complaining."

You'd get shot down really quick and rightfully so (see Warner, Mark). We need to be how we are on social issues when it comes to economic issues and foreign policy. We need to apply the same standards. I also do not think it is unfair or inaccurate that the Democratic Party economic moderation is done as result of pressure put on by its donors.

I'm with you on these symbolic purity tests and life time purity tests. If you think that Elizabeth warren is a neoliberal traitor, you've gone too far. If you are willing to never ever vote for the Democratic Party because Tom Perez is the DNC chair, you've gone too far. If you think that Tulsi Gabbard is perfect simply because she endorsed Bernie, you've gone too far.
It's just astounding to me that we're even having this discussion when trump has enabled every natural enemy not just of the left but of America and progress.

The victims so far:

- free press
- separation of church and state
- gun violence
- immigrants
- education
- the environment
- foreign relations
- health care
- the balance of the court
- autonomy of our nation
- not doing treason

I could go on and on. These constitute 99% of what every liberal, progressive, or democrat stands for. The remaining 1% may be an area of disagreement, but it's disheartening that some have decided that their pet 1% of progressive issues is worth jeopardizing the other 99%.
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How much news and politics do you guys read a day?  I used to read alot but found so much of it exhausting. I've reduced my consumption to a few outlets and monthly subscriptions.

peep the papers heqdline. :nerd: :lol:


to be fair...

there is a difference between "personal email address" and "personal email servers"

The email servers allow you to control everything and delete everything.

But, even if that's the case, I saw some of the reports on the Hillary / server controversy. Much ado about nothing, especially since there were other politicians that did the same thing.

plus there wasn't any incriminating evidence.

I will say this about purity tests, the DEmocratic Party already has purity tests on certain issues, they just don't call them purity tests.

See how far you'll go as a candidate for a Democratic nomination if you say "eh, I'm kind of a moderate on LGBTQ rights. They really should have stopped at civil unions, we need to be realistic and besides gay marriage would never pass through a republican Congress any way. If someone's bashing gays, we will deal with it but we need to break down all the barriers" or "access to bathrooms is a niche issue, it's a single issue and most of this trans stuff is a white person thing" or "on racial issues, I'm about center left to center right, some times I think that people of color need to stop complaining."

You'd get shot down really quick and rightfully so (see Warner, Mark). We need to be how we are on social issues when it comes to economic issues and foreign policy. We need to apply the same standards. I also do not think it is unfair or inaccurate that the Democratic Party economic moderation is done as result of pressure put on by its donors.

I'm with you on these symbolic purity tests and life time purity tests. If you think that Elizabeth warren is a neoliberal traitor, you've gone too far. If you are willing to never ever vote for the Democratic Party because Tom Perez is the DNC chair, you've gone too far. If you think that Tulsi Gabbard is perfect simply because she endorsed Bernie, you've gone too far.

I agree that there needs to be economic and foreign policy purity test, but we need to grade them on a continuous scale, not binary pass/fail one.

A lot social moderates within the Democratic Party are become frustrated with the social purity test because now they have the make a choice, be on the right side of history and actually address the entire democratic base. But I tend to like the pass/fail social purity test because half stepping in these areas are generally unnecessary. Jim Webb can miss me with his rustle about the DNC not longer being the party of the white man. If Joe Biden can deal with it with such ease, so can everyone else.

Foreign Policy and especially economics is different. On the Foreign Policy front, I can be disgusted by Obama's use of drone strikes, but I know why that is an appealing option for him. I understand to that geopolitics at times is like playing a game of Jenga with winter gloves on during a wind storm. Someone's overall philosophy is definitely important, I don't want a warhawk, but I realize I have to give everyone some wiggle room.

On the economics front, we can't get into binary purity test on everything. The major issues yes. If your not pro-labor, pro-consumer, and anti-monopoly in all areas you better have a damb good reason why. Saying that credit unions and community banks shouldn't be regulated like the big banks is an excuse I can accept, saying that unions don't allow managers to tailor the needs of their job to their workers is ********. I know what game you're trying to run.

But on some issues I think there need to be more wiggle room. Being in favor for a $12 minimum wage instead of $15, because leading Labor economist recommend 12 should not get you labelled a centrist. Neither should thinking Medicare-for-all single payer is not the only solution to universal healthcare, because maybe the Swiss Model is a better way forward doesn't make you a "corporatist". Saying that subsidizing the education of kids with rich parents might not be the best use of funds shouldn't disqualify you from the education discussion.

I love that so many people, especially young people, have taken an interest is social democracy and progressive economic policies. However, even within the progressive faction of the Democratic party, there are disagreements on how we achieve our policy goals. And we have to separate politics and civics from economics when discussing policy.
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How much news and politics do you guys read a day?  I used to read a lot but found so much of it exhausting. I've reduced my consumption to a few outlets and monthly subscriptions.

If you ain't reading at least 18 hours a day, you ain't doing it right b.
Famb really expect us to believe that 18 hours a day nonsense too.

im at work by 8am, so by 7am commute-Noon it's NPR, morning AM till 9am, BBC hour till 10am Brian Lehrer till noon, Rush from noon to 3pm, Hannity from 3pm-4pm

4pm-5pm it's all things considered NPR

5pm-6pm da FIVE//round da horn pardon da interuption

6pm-7pm Bret Hair

7pm-8pm 1st 100 days

8pm-10pm Anderson Cooper/Bill O'Reilly/Tucker Carson

10pm-11pm Hannity/CNN tonight Don lemon

11pm-midnite Lou Dobbs/Sportcenter@ nite

and do it all over again.

Saturday is my political break and it's all music (I'll catch Greg Gutfeld for a laugh)

Sunday is all da politics shows, Chris Wallace/Chuck Todd/60 minutes/journal report/

I don't watch movies unless it's in da theatres or syndicated shows, it's all politics all da times, and my sports.

thank Barack Obama in 2008..i followed his ENTIRE presidency.

dat schedule b
How much news and politics do you guys read a day?  I used to read alot but found so much of it exhausting. I've reduced my consumption to a few outlets and monthly subscriptions.

Used to read a lot but with work it's hard. If I had my choice then the economist, NYT, Reuters.com, and Bloomberg as most of my primary sources with the WSJ here and there
Whelp my Mom's is a Federal employee and was just told she has a year to find a job in a different city because her facility is closing :smh:
I agree that there needs to be economic and foreign policy purity test, but we need to grade them on a continuous scale, not binary pass/fail one.

A lot social moderate within the Democratic Party are become frustrated with the social purity test because now they have the make a choice, be on the right side of history and actually address the entire democratic base. But I tend to like the pass/fail social purity test because half stepping in these areas are generally unnecessary. Jim Webb can miss me with his rustle about the DNC not longer being the party of the white man. If Joe Biden can deal with it with such ease, so can everyone else.

Foreign Policy and especially economics is different. On the Foreign Policy front, I can be disgusted by Obama's use of drone strikes, but I know why that is an appealing option for him. I understand to that geopolitics at times is like playing a game of Jenga with winter gloves on during a wind storm. Someone's overall philosophy is definitely important, I don't want a warhawk, but I realize I have to give everyone some wiggle room.

On the economics front, we can't get into binary purity test on everything. The major issues yes. If your not pro-labor, pro-consumer, and anti-monopoly in all areas you better have a damb good reason why. Saying that credit unions and community banks shouldn't be regulated like the big banks is an excuse I can accept, saying that unions don't allow managers to tailor the needs of their job to their workers is ********. I know what game you're trying to run.

But on some issues I think there need to be more wiggle room. Being in favor for a $12 minimum wage instead of $15, because leading Labor economist recommend 12 should not get you labelled a centrist. Neither should thinking Medicare-for-all single payer is not the only solution to universal healthcare, because maybe the Swiss Model is a better way forward doesn't make you a "corporatist". Saying that subsidizing the education of kids with rich parents might not be the best use of funds shouldn't disqualify you from the education discussion.

I love that so many people, especially young people, have taken an interest is social democracy and progressive economic policies. However, even within the progressive faction of the Democratic party, there are disagreements on how we achieve our policy goals. And we have to separate politics and civics from economics when discussing policy.

I agree and share your frustration that it is seen as all or nothing. It's especially difficult and annoying when it comes from people who are clearly not very well informed.

It's inaccurate to say that Hillary Clinton wanted a $12 an hour minimum wage across the board, she wanted it as the bare minimum federal floor with States and cities being able to increase it ever moreso.

It is also the height of absurdity when Bernie groups remade themselves into green party groups and then retained all the Bernie Sanders imaginary and quotes. He endorsed Hillary Clinton. If you say you love Bernie Sanders, follow his endorsement and his advice.

BTW, I did get my Virginia Politicos mixed up, I did mean Jim Webb.

It is amazing, Joe Biden's experience because his political career went from 1973 to 2017. That is a testament to longevity and adaptability. Forty-four years is a long time in any era but his career started when the Democratic Party was still a very Southern and socially conservative Party. He leaves politics having adjusted very well to the era of #BLM and #intersectionality and he navigated it very dexterously. Folks castigate politicians for changing their views but if you can evolve with the times, that is something to be celebrated rather than scorned.
to be fair...

there is a difference between "personal email address" and "personal email servers"

The email servers allow you to control everything and delete everything.

But, even if that's the case, I saw some of the reports on the Hillary / server controversy. Much ado about nothing, especially since there were other politicians that did the same thing.

plus there wasn't any incriminating evidence.


1. stop ruining the jokes. ie the primary purpose of that post. :lol:

2. I'm aware of the difference, both nothing burger scandals, but I sure you can see the hilarity in the difference in coverage, and I sure you that difference cannot be accounted for by republicans knowlege of the nuances of government IT protocols. :lol:
the 'but her emails" is a nice cute refrain but no one who thought the email thing was a thing was likely to vote for her...to whatever extent those people thought is was an issue it just reinforced what they already thought of her

nah, the impact of the comey letter was a pretty discrite measurable impact on her poll numbers. .

also that's the definition of damaging political scandals.

The worst kind of scandal is one that feeds a already preconceived notion people have of a candidate, so even if you didn't necessarily belive that the emails were a big deal, if you thought clinton was even slightly untrustworthy it feeds into a negative perception of her.
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