***Official Political Discussion Thread***

yeah, this was a flop.
I expected it to be. Still doesn't make sense why Trump is so scared to not release his tax returns. It's not like it would be incriminating or anything since it's just a bunch of numbers on what assets, expenses, income, etc. that you claimed during the year.
word on the street is trump released it himself.

i'm putting my money on that theory. makes too much sense.

yeah, this was a flop.
I expected it to be. Still doesn't make sense why Trump is so scared to not release his tax returns. It's not like it would be incriminating or anything since it's just a bunch of numbers on what assets, expenses, income, etc. that you claimed during the year.
He's either hiding something or he's embarrassed because it'll show he's not as wealthy as he wants us to think.

He probably chose to leak the 2005 returns because it was a good year for himself. It also lacks the details that would allow us to uncover how exactly he made his money.
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So if trump released this, how is he going to be able to say now that the audit prohibits himself from doing it?
For such a smart woman, this was pretty dumb by Maddow

she got finessed by trump.

in fact i can't imagine any other scenario right now that this.

trump trying to distract us from tomorrow's fireworks. he's a clever dog!

remember, this is the guy who did this:


In 1991, a reporter for People attempted to interview Trump about the end of his marriage to Ivana and his rumored association with other women. She was called back by a publicist named "John Miller", who gave her a long interview about Trump's marital affairs ("He's a good guy, and he's not going to hurt anybody. . . . He treated his wife well and . . . he will treat Marla well."), his attractiveness to women, and his wealth. The reporter thought at the time that "Miller" sounded remarkably like Trump, and played the tape to several people who knew Trump and agreed it was Trump.[8] She says Trump later told her it was a "joke gone awry".[2] In 2016, The Washington Post obtained a copy of the tape and reported that it was Trump using a pseudonym. Trump denied it, saying "It was not me on the phone." Later, when a reporter asked Trump if he had ever employed a spokesperson named John Miller, he hung up on them.[1]
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Maddow had us thinking she was gonna bring the hammer on Trump...


Dems / libs took an L tonight...

Repubs / right still leading in the L column by a wide margin, doe.
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Senate Intelligence chairman plans public hearing on Russia

The chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday he plans to hold public hearings on possible links between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia, although he did not say when they would take place.

"It will happen," Republican Senator Richard Burr told reporters after a closed committee meeting. Asked if he knew when, he said, "I don't yet, but soon."

The House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, which, like the Senate panel, is conducting its own investigation of the possible Russia ties, will hold its first public hearing on Monday.

Congressional Democrats have called for a special prosecutor or non-partisan select committee to investigate the matter. But Trump's fellow Republicans, who control majorities in both the Senate and House, say the various probes by congressional committees are sufficient.

U.S. intelligence agencies said in January that Russia had conducted cyber attacks on Democrats in an effort to influence the 2016 U.S. election on Trump's behalf. Russia has denied this.

Burr also said he did not now plan to follow the lead of other congressional committees that have requested any warrant applications or court documents related to Trump's assertion that former President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower.

Trump gave no evidence to support his charge, which former Obama administration officials have denied.

When asked to explain why he had not asked for such evidence, Burr said he felt it was unnecessary.

"We've had sufficient conversations and gotten answers that we find to be satisfactory from the appropriate folks," Burr said, when asked to explain why he would not request.

The leaders of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism have requested evidence about the alleged wiretapping. The Justice Department has asked for more time to respond.

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters after leaving the closed committee meeting on Tuesday that he had still not seen any evidence to back up Trump's wiretapping claim.

Burr declined comment on whether he had seen any evidence.
Let me get this straight though
NBC leaks his tax return back at 05 and Trump immediately responds

Yet regarding to healthcare and Russia, dude takes his time

whywesteppin whywesteppin yeah trump leaked it himself
To distract from what?
Comey gonna announce tomorrow the scope of FBI investigation into Russia. http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/14/politics/wiretapping-congressional-investigation/

also health care bill sucks balls.

To distract from what?

Wiretap allegations (Comey testifying on it tomorrow), the Healthcare bill that has been getting terrible press, ongoing Russian ties allegations, etc.

He should try harder then. Maybe drop the returns from the last five years?

Also, I thought Comey would be testifying on Russia on the 20th.
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i think he needs to drop them nudes.

America needs to know once and for all the size of his junk.
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