***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i like my presidents well-endowed.

So is there a reason the white house was only able to release part of trump's 2005 taxes tonight but not at any other point?  I thought he couldn't release them because he was being audited or whatever?  Everything about this smells funny.
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So is there a reason the white house was only able to release part of trump's 2005 taxes tonight but not at any other point?  I thought he couldn't release them because he was being audited or whatever?  Everything about this smells funny.

That's my thoughts as well. However, I did read this on the NYTIMES:
The statement pre-empted a reporter’s highly anticipated reveal on Rachel Maddow’s show on MSNBC.

I didn't watch the Maddow show, so I don't know where she got her info, but its possible the WH found out what exactly she had and then just released only those papers preemptively.
^ what happened is that Maddow tweeted that she would release some of trump's tax returns on her show tonight. Immediately, the white house released a lengthy statement basically confirming that Maddow had trump's tax returns from 2005 (2 pages of it) and explaining details from the returns (awfully odd how quickly their statement came out).

at 9 pm, Maddow showed the 2 pages of returns. She had as a guest the person who received the leaked tax returns. He said he doesn't know who sent him the returns. He speculated that it may have been trump himself who sent him the tax returns.

The returns also have "client copy" stamped onto them, so they would've come from trump's side (not from the IRS or his tax preparer).
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So who is it most likely we are going to war with soon since it seems inevitable.
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I dont know why people wanna see his taxes.
If he doing dirt, he is not going to do it in his name

My millionaire uncle does stuff he cant "legally"( company rules) in my moms name.

"got everything in my mama name"
If you can get someone's full tax returns over several years, you can find serious law breaking therein. Obviously, really foul stuff would probably be done in cash (human trafficking, murders for hire and outright bribes to foreign governments, for instance) but his full tax returns would provide plenty of evidence to prove that he violated the emoluments clause, at the very least.
If you can get someone's full tax returns over several years, you can find serious law breaking therein. Obviously, really foul stuff would probably be done in cash (human trafficking, murders for hire and outright bribes to foreign governments, for instance) but his full tax returns would provide plenty of evidence to prove that he violated the emoluments clause, at the very least.

But if it was done before he was president does it count as a violation?
But if it was done before he was president does it count as a violation?

If we could get his most recent tax returns, we'd know what he owned before he became president. Since he did not liquidate any of his assets, he still owns them and that means that any excessive payment or discounted rent or cost by a foreign government, that happened after January 20th 2017, puts him in violation of the emoluments clause.

Then there would be hard evidence of am impeachable offense. I know that in this community, the irony of Da Donald falling on account of some sort of rent control agreement on one of his hotels would be... well, it would be indescribably satisfying.

Ya know, I think my wife and I will have to break out the McNulty and Pearlman costumes again and do some more role play.

Pearlman: "oh my god Jimmy, this is incredible, how'd you find all of this"

McNulty: "It was mostly Freemon, as usual, but I put together the whole thing by getting the judge to see that Saudi rent control is a form of a bribe so he signed the warrant"

Pearlman: "oh Jimmy, I feel like I'm drunk right now..."

Rexanglorum Jr. finna get conceived to this jam.
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Attacks Mexico and China, but makes deals with them to enrich himself and family. Why isn't this a conflict of interest?
All the attacks are just for show to make his followers think he will be tough on foreign leaders.

Behind closed doors he's using his position as POTUS to make deals to fatten his pockets. :smh:
The 2005 tax return showed really nothing but how people with money can skate tax laws on successs and mostly act as if failures don't exist.

But if Trump or someone is his camp did leak these returns for the positive PR, they picked the best year they had to leak. If every year was like 2005, there likely would have been a massive dump of multiple years. By only giving up 2005, it makes you say "Why only 2005, what's in 2000-2004 and 2006-2016?"
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