***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The Associated PressVerified account @AP 23m23 minutes ago

BREAKING: Netherlands’ main exit poll suggests that anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders had unexpectedly poor showing in election.

One thing about this Drumpf presidency is that it might open people's eyes at how incompetent these right wing populists are when it comes to general politics. They're great when it comes to spreading fear and blaming everything on others, but once they actually do get power, they can't do jack ****: See Obamacare versus Drumpfcare.

Maybe the Dutch have seen this incompetence in these couple of months Drumpf was in office.

America was their litmus test.
The Associated PressVerified account @AP 23m23 minutes ago

BREAKING: Netherlands’ main exit poll suggests that anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders had unexpectedly poor showing in election.
It was a resounding L for the Aryan Trump too :pimp: :pimp:

‏ @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Netherlands election, won by PM Mark Rutte, had a record 82% turnout, the highest in three decades

Could you imagine that kind of comparable turnout in the US? Dems would never lose a general :lol:

:rofl: :smh:

I was a Snowden supporter for a minute but man his shilling for wikileaks has kinda turned me off. I also miss the OG wikileaks who had no clear agenda outside of just spreading awareness about government misdeeds from all over the world, instead of just conveniantly picking and choosing what to shed light on.

Goldman Sachs is basically in charge of US fiscal policy right now btw :lol:

Was a huge Snowden supporter. I still support his actions but the man himself has lost me.

These people continuously disappoint me. I think Carl Sagan is the only media figure I like to never get the side eye from me.

I'm under the assumption Julian Assange is dead or imprisoned. I don't think he's really running Wikileaks anymore.

Very patiently waiting for more leaks to come either way, especially verifiable info. Hoping there's more info about Michael Hastings death. With the recent mass publication of the vault 7 stuff from last year, some big disclosures could be around the corner.

I feel you 100%

All of their actions over the last year and a half have gone against their OG mission statement which would lend credence to your assumption tbh. If he's still around, Assange has done a 180 on what he initially set out to do :smh:

Snowden might have his hands tied,probably being under close surveillance in Putin land but yea he's been serously dissapointing recently.

I'll definitely be on the lookout for some Hastings info :nerd:. Dude was probably the most real political journalist around and he was fearless,probably lead to his demise though...

You don't see many Hastings these days,especially when they're needed more than ever.

Repped for the Sagan love :lol: :smokin
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It's funny. The whole narrative behind hackers and the resistance is that DC politics is so entrenched that the two sides are practically the same.

drumpf actually fooled those idiots into thinking that somehow he was not a part of the establishment or that he had the means and the desire to overturn the establishment.

It turns out drumpf is going after the "establishment," but he doesn't mean the elites or the powerful or the rich. He means the little guy who benefits from the good the establishment does. He means the federal employee who is raising a family. He means the immigrant family that is underpaid because they are illegal but work twice as hard as the rest of us. He means the rural American who relies on clean water to keep his crops going so that he can feed his family. He means the blue-collar American who faces health problems and the only way he can afford care is through the ACA.

This is the "establishment" that drumpf has targeted. This is the anti-establishment candidate that people like Snowden and Bernie bros have enabled.

Thanks, guys. Oh, and **** you.


rolaholic rolaholic I definitely think Hastings bravery led to his death. Nothing about his crash makes sense. The leaks showing the CIA has software capable of taking over cars just creates more questions [emoji]128064[/emoji]
I think Julian Assange bussing nuts in Pam Anderson and still running Wikileaks.

Dude has a been about himself, it is just that it is hard to see someone's character flaws when you agree with their actions.

I take everything they post with a huge grain of salt. Even their last leak seemed like people ran with it way further than they should have.
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McCain is not with the ***** and is letting the yoppa fly even on GOP collegaues now :lol: :smokin

'The senator from Kentucky is now working for Putin': John McCain slams Rand Paul for blocking Montenegro from joining NATO


rolaholic rolaholic I definitely think Hastings bravery led to his death. Nothing about his crash makes sense. The leaks showing the CIA has software capable of taking over cars just creates more questions [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Yea it was definitely one of the shadier well known deaths I've seen in a while at the time and it's gotten even shadier with time..:smh:
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build that wall with a swing door so I can vacation when I want to

Right? These dudes literally destroy Mexico every Spring and then complain about Mexicans coming to the US. G.T.F.O.H !!! I saw too many of these types in college, even in liberal California :smh:
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build that wall with a swing door so I can vacation when I want to

Right? These dudes literally destroy Mexico every Spring and then complain about Mexicans coming to the US. *****!!! I saw too many of these types in college, even in liberal California :smh:
The hypocrisy is very real :lol:

Those obnoxious, entitled frat clowns really are the worst though :smh:. Thinking they own the place when they're on vacation
If you're bragging about your wealth and supporting Trump, you are no longer a suspected white supremacists you are now confirmed as one.

You cannot claim economic anxiety when "your daddy's bank account is fatter..."
I am actually kind of glad when AG Sessions equates pot to heroin. It should be message to pot heads that while states have become more lenient when it comes to your drugs of choice, you are still violating Federal law just as much as heroin and opioid users.

The war on drugs must be opposed across the board and pot heads need to stop throwing other illegal drug users under the bus.

As I have said before THE WAR ON DRUGS IS NOT ABOUT DRUGS. It is all about social control and drug warriors do not care about the clinical difference between cannabis and opium and its derivatives whatsoever.
Exactly,it's never been about drugs. If it truly was, they'd crack down on pharmaceutical companies and overprescription as well :lol:

Verified account @ReutersPolitics:
JUST IN: Trump to propose cutting State Department budget by up to 31 percent, foreign aid by 28 percent - congressional aides

Not even surprised, the State department has been marginalized under this new regime. According to admin insiders, Rexxon is only SOS by name. Everyone says the real brain guiding their foreign policy is Kushner :lol:

Don't know if cutting off foreign aid is a smart play though, Trump's already taken a hatchet and started swinging at the US's hard earned soft power around the world. There's gonna be even less incentive to follow their line and support this admin once they start cutting off aid
So this is what passes as "investigative reporting" at Breitbart it seems...

Breitbart editor Pollak on @MSNBC on where he got the Trump wiretap story: "I was washing dishes & listening to Mark Levin."

Obeezy should sue for defamation
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