***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Even my mom has always liked Snoop :lol:
I'd say he's arguably the most universally liked rapper. Even people who are strongly against weed or rap like my mom used to seem to respect him.
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So Florida decriminalized small amounts of MJ? Never thought I'd say it but way to go Florida.
did that awhile ago. we got medical going into effect now
Why was this posted yesterday then?

Two state lawmakers have filed bills to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana statewide.
  • Decriminalizes 1 ounce (roughly 28 grams) or less of marijuana
  • Penalties include $100, community service
  • Several cities, counties have decriminalized small amounts
  • CAPITOL CONNECTION: Latest News | Contact your Florida legislators
FL Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith, D-Orlando, and FL Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth, have filed HB 1403 and SB 1662. The two bills reduce penalties for small amounts of recreational cannabis to a civil violation. 

Under current state law, those convicted for posessing small amounts of marijuana face a year in jail or a fine of $1,000.

Under the new bill, the penalty for possession of 1 ounce (roughly 28 grams)  or less of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia is a $100 fine. If you can't afford to pay it, you can instead do 15 hours of community service. 
Even my mom has always liked Snoop :lol:
I'd say he's arguably the most universally liked rapper. Even people who are strongly against weed or rap like my mom used to seem to respect him.

In terms of celebrity you can argue hes the most famous rapper in the world over the last 20 years

These dudes aren't even in the loop :lol:, word to Rexxon apparently having little no real influence on FP decisions and him having to talk to Kushner to get an idea of what's actually going on/the official WH line :rofl:

Like how nuts is that, the secretary of state (not even getting into his qualifications for the job) has no actual bearing whatsoever on foreign policy decision making because the president's son in law is acting as the de-facto SOS :lol:

Also Il Douche stays saying one thing while his cabinet members say the opposite and more conventional thing
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Can Drumpf dismiss/fire Comey? :nerd: I know Comey was instrumental in swinging the election, but Drumpf has no loyalty to others.

:rofl: :smh:

I was a Snowden supporter for a minute but man his shilling for wikileaks has kinda turned me off. I also miss the OG wikileaks who had no clear agenda outside of just spreading awareness about government misdeeds from all over the world, instead of just conveniantly picking and choosing what to shed light on.

Goldman Sachs is basically in charge of US fiscal policy right now btw :lol:
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Hehehe....oh god...whos in charge of this...? GOP is having a survey of Cheetos first 50 days...

go ahead brethren....let 'em know how you feel....

I filled it out. Put "disapprove" on nearly everything and put an explanation under each. Asked for jail time and treason charges for everyone caught colluding with Russia. Also asked for his taxes and for a task force to target homegrown white terrorists.

Signed my name as Ninja Hood.
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