***Official Political Discussion Thread***

These dudes riding for the Bigot King no matter what :lol:

He is playing them for fools and they still down for the squad :rofl:
Youre still riding that intellectual high horse my guy. Keep swallowing media garbage like the good sheep you are [emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji]


Da Don getting his morphin powers along with Da other power rangers B. WHITE RANGER COAL TRAIN POWER, WHITE RANGER COAL TRAIN POWER, COAL TRAIN POWER NOW. Ahh, ahhh, ahhhh, ahhhhh.
These dudes riding for the Bigot King no matter what :lol:

He is playing them for fools and they still down for the squad :rofl:
Youre still riding that intellectual high horse my guy. Keep swallowing media garbage like the good sheep you are [emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji]

You're the dude that let internet poster rustle you so much that it decided your vote. Of course I have the intellectual advantage of someone like you who is only interested in trolling and spewing thinly veiled bigotry

And I'm the sheep yet you support a president that has sold out his supporters constantly. But lets be honest, his policy stances are not why you support him.
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To be fair, David Frum never said he was a liberal. He is a Bush loyalist, he calls out gold coin hucksters and the Trump movement because they are variants of conservatism that are different from Bush's style.

From a purely political standpoint, Bush "compassionate conservatism" was a winner. A sustained national security panic, a few modest concessions for low and middle income households, watered down Keynsian economics and subtle but durable evangelical identity politics was a winner.

George W. Bush was the last Republican to win the popular vote and he increased his party's margins in the 2002 midterm.

I was not implying Frum is a liberal, I know how he rolls. I was making light of him taking issue with the crowd cheering about him voting for Hillary and him trying to make the point that people should be willing to vote for Pence in 2020, I assume he is implying if the left makes the same mistake the right did.

If the 2020 race was between Pence and Sanders, Frum would be out there making moral appeals that if you want to be safe in your homes and protect the working calss from the dangers of socialism that the right thing to do would be voting for Mike Pence. I know the 'it s goes both ways" finesse conservative.

As you can tell I don't give these caring conservative on the margins any breaks. Liberals love to wish that their were more Jon Kaisch, David Frums (he is the worst offender of the bunch, he is much more tolerant of alternative opinions), etc. around but not me. I will take them over the reactionary right, but they are still dangerous in their own way.


As far as progressives, I have given up on many of them, especially the Cornel West types. I don't identify as being a progressive anymore because the loony left has pretty much seized control of that label for the time being. I am tired of having to step into an alternate reality where the policies or Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton are just as bad as Republican policies to talk to some progressives about policy. I am tired of relitigating the damn primary especially on the assumption that Bernie Sanders was robbed. I am tired of being spoken to in buzzwords that people really don't understand. And I am tried of the purity test, and the assumption of everyone being corrupt except the progressive in good standing.

If Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and the Justice Democrats are the future of the progressive movement, and they plan is to kiss the *** of racist white people in the hopes it can swing elections, then I don't want on that train. They can spare me the MLK talk when they need votes too.

I'm fully committed to vote for whatever Dem is on the ballot, because I look forward to the day when the left has control and far left progressives, liberals and moderates that claim they "are down for the brown folk" can get cornered in primaries and made to answer for their half stepping.
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Who do we blame for Trump? Whose fault is it that Trump is our president? Is it Kaep and Tariq Nasheed's fault ? Hillary Clintons fault?? Bernie Bros? Who can we blame for Trunp?
I'm sitting at a bar in the airport(not drinking, eating food and wasting time). Dmx's Ruff Ryder's anthem unedited just came on and these white dudes are signing the song word for word N word included. Should I a)approach dudes and tell them that they shouldn't say the n word even when singing a song b) Put hands on the dudes and get arrested at the airport c) put my headphones on and mind my own business.
I don't care about placing blame anymore

He's the president now so it is what it is

At this point we just gotta focus on weakening him
I'm sitting at a bar in the airport(not drinking, eating food and wasting time). Dmx's Ruff Ryder's anthem unedited just came on and these white dudes are signing the song word for word N word included. Should I a)approach dudes and tell them that they shouldn't say the n word even when singing a song b) Put hands on the dudes and get arrested at the airport c) put my headphones on and mind my own business.
In what way do you see a positive outcome of the options that aren't putting your headdphones on? You're by yourself and the white dudes are in a group. And you're in a crowded airport. Also, it's good that you're managing to avoid drinking alcohol in a tempting place like a bar. Keep it up.

As for the blame question, there's plenty of blame to go around but it is what it is. Rather than figuring out exactly who to point the finger at, focusing on what's happening now and the future would probably be a more efficient use of time. 
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AC summarizes the deplorables that continue defending him and don't see him for da globalist ****servative he is
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AC summarizes the deplorables that continue defending him and don't see him for da globalist ****servative he is
As long as da liberal snowflakes get to smell it, da Don is free to take dumps inappropriate places 
Speaking of special snowflakes, looks like Tillerson is hiding in his safe space from US reporters. Sad!

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held a press conference Sunday without U.S. reporters, according to multiple reports.

Tillerson reportedly held the press conference in Riyadh, but U.S. reporters were not told about it, according to their tweets.

After reports came out about that briefing, the White House announced Tillerson will hold a brief gaggle on Monday on Air Force One, according to pool reports.

The State Department also provided reporters a transcript of the questions and Tillerson's responses, alongside Saudi Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir. 

In the excerpts of Tillerson's comments, he echoed comments made by President Trump in an earlier speech in Saudi Arabia.
"I think what you heard is the expression of this administration’s policy and views not just toward this region, but toward American relationship with the Muslim world here as well as more broadly," he said.

"And I think the President clearly was extending a hand and understanding that only together can we address this threat of terrorism that has befallen all of us, not just in this region but worldwide."

He said the president is convinced when the "three great faiths of this world" and those who practice them come together, the world can "prevail over this — these forces of evil and these forces of terrorism and destabilization."

"It’s these forces that prey on those who are less able to care for themselves," he said. "So I think in our view, and I know the President’s view, defeating these evil forces is the first step on advancing human rights worldwide, and he clearly has that in his mind as well."

Tillerson previously called  himself "not a big media press access person."

"I personally don’t need it. … When we’re ready to talk about what we’re trying to do, I will be available to talk to people. But doing daily availability, I don’t have this appetite or hunger to be that," Tillerson said during a March interview.

He added: “When I have something important and useful to say, I know where everybody is and I know how to go out there and say it.”
I wish I lived in your country.
Honestly if I could hypothetically pick anywhere to live it'd be Canada or Sweden. Not that I don't like it here or that I'm not proud to be Belgian, but there are better countries. Since I was born here I see no reason to leave though. I love my small rural town and wish to remain here for the rest of my life.
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