***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Every time I see an international figure with Trump, I'm reminded of the oversized,brainless, and obnoxious jock in school that everyone hated with a passion, but you always had to be civil to his face, because you never knew what kind of crazy violent @#$@ he would do if you called him out in public.

Do tell?
The look the Pope had was utter disgust to be in the presence of a sexual predator whom has married three times and has 5 children with different mothers. And let's not forget the sexual assault/harassment lawsuits pending. What a disgrace to have someone like that meet with the Pope just because he is the POTUS.
Hannity chose that Seth Rich conspiracy as his molehill to die on,man was still spreading it around even after Fox retracted the story and the guys parents came out and released a statement asking people to stop spreading the conspiracy and let them grieve in peace.

Dude has been having a meltdown on twitter ever since
Thanks your boy walking into da interview like Lavar Ball with the Lavar Vince McMahon walk.NEVER LOST!

Da Job is yours 1000% if you do that B. A vague reference to your work on Da COAL TRAIN will also help B.
da jobs are coming back already!

timid probably interviewing for a job in da coal mine. da perfect job. he's gonna earn that black lung B.

but seriously -- good luck, man. :hat
this pope?

Indeed. PBS did a nice Frontline special on the previous pope and this one. He basically looked the other way and signed off on a lot of the moving around of all these pedophile priest. His "cool" attitude is nothing but a PR stunt.
this pope?

Indeed. PBS did a nice Frontline special on the previous pope and this one. He basically looked the other way and signed off on a lot of the moving around of all these pedophile priest. His "cool" attitude is nothing but a PR stunt.
I wouldn't say it's nothing but a PR stunt. Whether he means it or not, what he has said publicly about various social issues, such as homosexuality, while still lagging behind what liberals in the west would want, will be of a huge benefit to the world over the next few decades.

Wrong is wrong and I'm not saying we should give him a pass on any scumbag stuff he has done, but I'm very much a pragmatist so I appreciate some of the progress Pope Francis has been initiating.
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You're right in a way, what he says does carry a lot of weight, but I'm not buying it.
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In the midst of the 2016 presidential primary season, the FBI received a purported Russian intelligence document describing a tacit understanding between the campaign of Hillary Clinton and the Justice Department over the inquiry into whether she intentionally revealed classified information through her use of a private email server.

The Russian document mentioned a supposed email describing how then-Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch had privately assured someone in the Clinton campaign that the email investigation would not push too deeply into the matter — a conversation that if made public would cast doubt on the inquiry’s integrity.

Current and former officials have said that document played a significant role in the July decision by then-FBI Director James B. Comey to announce on his own, without Justice Department involvement, that the investigation was over. That public announcement — in which he criticized Clinton and made extensive comments about the evidence — set in motion a chain of other FBI moves that Democrats now say helped Trump win the presidential election.

But according to the FBI’s own assessment, the document was bad intelligence — and according to people familiar with its contents, possibly even a fake sent to confuse the bureau. The Americans mentioned in the Russian document insist they do not know each other, do not speak to each other and never had any conversations remotely like the ones described in the document. Investigators have long doubted its veracity, and by August the FBI had concluded it was unreliable.

The Russians played Comey like a ******* fiddle too. Geez
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The CBO score is out. Slightly better than last time, still horrible

This new AHCA cost 218 billion more, and only managed to save 1 million people from losing insurance

GOP gonna GOP :{
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So much winning :eek

My head won't stop spinning!

If you can't program robots or maintain them, your expiration date on factory floors is really close. One compelling argument for supporting Hillary's socioeconomic vision was that many of those people who have been working typical factory jobs for decades are essentially untrainable in all things "cyber", and with their skillset becoming obsolete (because of machines), they would require help from society to adjust. Now, they're still going to be replaced, but they will be left to themselves because the GOP would rather create a second civil war than recognize that reality.

The CBO score is out. Slightly better than last time, still horrible

This new AHCA cost 218 billion more, and only managed to save 1 million people from losing insurance

GOP gonna GOP :{

I listened to a talk show on NPR about access to healthcare in rural areas and how the current budget proposal would essentially deepen what some call healthcare deserts (similar to food deserts). One guy called and said that the only thing that keeps the only emergency services of his area open is the ACA, and that if it were to close, he'd have to take a 70-mile flight to the next closest hospital with an emergency room.

As he said that, I facepalmed as I remembered that Trump plans to cut federal funds going to rural airports. Talk about being doubly ******.
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:{^Not just factories. I work with a lot of farmers throughout the country, and the smart ones are switching to automation due to declining cheap labor coming in from Mexico. They are against the nonsense Trump is spewing about walls to keep Mexicans out since they consider it to be a huge waste of taxpayer money (like anyone with logic and without an incestuous lineage should).

What's even funnier about these farming hicks is that they're now worried about Trump messing with the TPP and as a result hurting their livelihoods (for example, Japan is a HUGE consumer of beef from states like Nebraska). A little too late for that...
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In the midst of the 2016 presidential primary season, the FBI received a purported Russian intelligence document describing a tacit understanding between the campaign of Hillary Clinton and the Justice Department over the inquiry into whether she intentionally revealed classified information through her use of a private email server.

The Russian document mentioned a supposed email describing how then-Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch had privately assured someone in the Clinton campaign that the email investigation would not push too deeply into the matter — a conversation that if made public would cast doubt on the inquiry’s integrity.

Current and former officials have said that document played a significant role in the July decision by then-FBI Director James B. Comey to announce on his own, without Justice Department involvement, that the investigation was over. That public announcement — in which he criticized Clinton and made extensive comments about the evidence — set in motion a chain of other FBI moves that Democrats now say helped Trump win the presidential election.

But according to the FBI’s own assessment, the document was bad intelligence — and according to people familiar with its contents, possibly even a fake sent to confuse the bureau. The Americans mentioned in the Russian document insist they do not know each other, do not speak to each other and never had any conversations remotely like the ones described in the document. Investigators have long doubted its veracity, and by August the FBI had concluded it was unreliable.

The Russians played Comey like a ******* fiddle too. Geez


Putin legit won all the way around :x :x :x

All that dezinformatsiya had devastating effects in the States :{
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Why these GOP ***** always gotta frame their argument for cutting federal funds as a way of giving states more choice and independence. **** pisses me off because their voters eat that **** all up and spew that small government ******** while they pray that white Jesus will come save them. Almost all US STATES are not self sufficient save for the few heavy hitters and rely on federal funds to operate. How the hell does cutting a major source of funds give a state more independence and choice?
Why these GOP ***** always gotta frame their argument for cutting federal funds as a way of giving states more choice and independence. **** pisses me off because their voters eat that **** all up and spew that small government ******** while they pray that white Jesus will come save them. Almost all US STATES are not self sufficient save for the few heavy hitters and rely on federal funds to operate. How the hell does cutting a major source of funds give a state more independence and choice?
Welcome to GOP talking points :lol
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